Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Civil War if Trump Loses...And He Will

Kamala Harris is certain to win this upcoming election. Besides her positive and optimistic composure, her experience, the upside down turnaround from a boring depressing re-match between two aging and frankly senile (Biden) and demented (Trump) candidates have catapulted her high enough that Trump doesn't even know where to hit her. He's shooting in the dark like a loser without a target. She even has garnered support from many Republicans, not to mention the generally reasonable Independents.

If Trump loses and it looks like he will, will he try a repeat of the "steal" uprising and insurrection of 2020? Given his history and the backing of the largely white disgruntled followers of the midwest and the south, who see America's demographic color turning ever so slowly darker, the country is facing a wall: Will White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) accept a second "colored" American, and a woman to boot, at the helm? 

I remember when Obama was elected, all the white republican politicians swore in public that they will do everything they possibly can to make him fail. They fought tooth and nail to deny him a victory on a major overhaul of the healthcare system, but he managed to squeeze a small victory. But nothing else. With Donald Trump having exploited - and deepened - this hatred of an African-American president, it does look like the WASPs will again challenge a victory by Kamala Harris.

I think this time it will go beyond challenging election results in courts based on fake arguments like faulty machines that were tampered with, dead people voting, illegal migrants voting, mail-in ballots etc. Just as is happening in Britain, where Rishi Sunak, an Indian stock Englishman who failed in managing the many crises of the country, will be replaced by another Indian-stock leader of the Conservative Party, one Priti Patel, angry white mobs descended on the streets of many cities of Great Britain less than a month ago, attacking dark skinned people perceived as illegals and as Muslims because a Catholic young man, Axel Rudakubana, a 17-year-old British citizen born in Cardiff to parents from Rwanda  and who killed three people, was thought to be a Muslim and an asylum seeker.

Just like the UK's white English radical right-wing base of the Conservative party, the American base of the Republicans and Evangelicals is all radical right-wing. All it would take for these losers to descend into mobs on the streets is for Kamala Harris to win the election and for Donald Trump to call it a "Steal" again. Some traditional un-Trump neanderthal Republicans might try to oppose Trump, but it is too late. They have enabled him for far too long, enthroning him as the sole leader of the GOP. He controls the White street. He poses a threat to the country as much as to the GOP itself.

Since the GOP has become a one-man party with only fearful opposing shadows far behind him, the conservative establishment will be unable to hold back the White Christian street from the violence for which it has been preparing for decades, you know, with the NRA type of cover and other militias of White Christian America.

Brace yourselves. Not only is Trump detached from reality because of his gigantic narcissistic ego, but he is now senile and demented. It is unlikely he will vanish silently into Mar-a-Lago to grow old and die in peace. When he loses, he's taking the country down with him.


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