Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Hear the Racist Truth from their Own Mouth: "White" Jews vs. "Dark" Palestinians

Republicans support Israel because ‘Jews are whiter than Palestinians’

Democratic strategist James Carville believes that racism is what’s really behind the Republican Party’s strong support for Israel over the Palestinians.

During a podcast of "Politics War Room", Carville and co-host Al Hunt discussed why there is a disparity in support for Israel between the Republican and Democratic Parties, stating that the Republicans are much more unified in their support for the country because its citizens are "whiter."

"And the reason I suspect that most of these people describe themselves as pro-Israel is because the Jews are whiter than the Palestinians," he told Hunt.

The topic came up during a question-and-answer segment where Hunt read a guest question asking how a party that has "openly embraced" the "alt-right" and "neo-Nazis" can present itself as the "most pro-Israel party." That is one of the most blatant hypocrisy of Trump and the racist pro-KKK Republicans of this country: They claim to love Israel but are the most devious anti-semites around.

Carville replied, stating that the racism of the party drives it to support Israel.

"It’s really about the misogyny and the racism that drives the thing, and we got to recognize that. It’s not about any policy prescription," he said, adding that the GOP supports the "whiter" Jews over Palestinians.

As to why pro-Palestinian protesters choose to focus on disrupting Democratic Party events, when the GOP is far more supportive of Israel, a pro-Palestinian activist explained this dynamic by saying, "So, the reason that they say we’re targeting Democrats is because, well, we think they would be more open-minded about this. But we’re not going to do anything to the Republicans because we’re not gonna have any influence."

The strategist expressed frustration that the Democratic Party has to deal with this, while the GOP doesn’t. "Well, that’s just some dumb--- political s---."

"So, you’re going to hurt the person that actually has the best chance of resolving this issue in a satisfactory way cause you can’t influence the other person," he said. "I don’t get the logic, I don’t get the logic at all. I just don’t."

What Carville is missing is that the Democrats too are hypocritical on the Palestine issue. They claim to be more open on the flagrantly pro-Zionist position of the US, but have done less and less since Bill Clinton sponsored the Oslo Accords in the early 1990s. Since then, Israel has violated all the provisions of these accords and the Democratic party, including the Obama and Biden administrations, did not make a single serious attempt to address the increasingly volatile situtation that is caused by the extreme right wing ultra-religious Zionist settler barbarians and their continued land theft and aggression against the indigenous Palestinian population. 

All US administrations - both Democrat and Republican - have blocked every single United Nations Security Resolution, including during the last four years under Democract Biden, to try and rein in the savagery of the US-armed Zionists. Biden just pledged $20 billion to the Israelis as they continue to murder entire families and children in Gaza and the West Bank.

The "uncommitted" vote (those Democrats who say they will not vote for Harris unless she commits to addressing the Palestine tragedy fairly and treat Israel as a rogue genocidal state) will have a major impact on the elections. Anti-Zionist demonstrations and protests are planned during the Democratic Convention that begins today in Chicago.

Zionist propaganda in the US continues to portray Israelis as "white westerners" and Palestinians as "dark middle easterners", thus exploiting the American ignorance in matters of race. Supreme terrorist settler Netanyahu himself continues to claim that Israel's war against the indigenous Palestinians is the western world's war against darkness and "human animals". 

The unspoken words here are that Judaism is a "white" religion, while Islam is a "dark" religion. Zionist propaganda continues to claim that there is a Judeo-Christian world that is at war against a Muslim world, when the fact is that Islam for centuries had thrived in accommodation with its Jewish populations - they were both subjected to the Inquisition and were expelled from Spain in 1492, while the Christian West invented Anti-Semitism and practiced it in the most savage ways possible. It is only after the creation of the Jewish colony in Palestine that Zionism started a program of enticing Jews from around the Arab world into migrating to Israel for no other reason than to increase the number of Jews, then claiming that those Jews were expelled from their native Arab countries.

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