Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Zionist Jewish Terrorist Settlers Carry out Pogrom in Palestine

Even the president of the Jewish American Settler Colony in Palestine has condemned what his people - whom he himself has encouraged in their murderous attacks and land theft - did yesterday in Palestine, saying it was a 'pogrom". As usual, there will be no accountability because the settlers, albeit radical extremist ultra-religious barbarians, had ancestors who were once poor victims of the German and European Holocaust. I fail to see the connection between the Holocaust and its as an excuse to commit genocide against a people that had nothing to do with the genocide.

The toilet roll the Torah said some 3,000 years ago that Yahweh, the Jewish god, gave the Hebrews the land and ordered them to massacre every Canaanite man, woman, child and beast. Can anyone challenge the word of a fucking god who, the Jews say, "preferred" them over every other member of the human species? Not the billions of brainwashed idiots who believe the garbage written by smelly old nomads in the deserts of Arabia during the Stone Age. People: we are in the 21st century! We no longer live under tents with goats and camels. We no longer believe myths and farbrications from the time when humans were at the peak of their ignorance and barbarity.

"This is not our way and certainly not the way of Torah and Judaism," "President" Herzog lied on X. IT IS THE WAY OF THE TORAH, say his settler citizens". Can anyone explain the contradiction? These Jewish ultra-religious fanatics are the exact clones of the Muslim ultra-religious fanatics who keep telling us that Islam is a religion of peace while we watch Islam wreak havoc across the world for the past several decades.

So-called "moderate" Jews are no different from the so-called "moderate" Muslims who will publicly disavow the Islamist terrorists and child killers while providing them with a safe environment as they pretend to defend their religion. "Moderate" Herzog says the right things, but everything around him says the exact opposite: The barbarity of the creation of Israel by Europeans colonizing and stealing another people's land, evicting or killing as many of the indigenous Palestinians, and creating an artifical America vassal "state" over the bodies, homes, villages and cities of Palestine was not a "moderate" action. It was barbarity, genocide, dispossession, expulsion, denial of history and human dignity.

Will it be a "moderate" action by Ben-Gvir and Smotrich to want to pray at Al-Aqsa in violation of established agreements? If the Palestinians concede on this one, the next step will be for the rabid Zionist fanatics to want part of the real estate. Then the whole thing, little by little, in installments, just as they vae carried out their ethnic cleansing of Palestine in small doses, so no one notices. At least this is what these idiots think. Will it a "moderate" action to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque and built a Synaguoge on its ruins? Because these criminals declare openly that this is their objective. Will the international community wait until it happens to "denounce" as unhelpful the destruction of what 1.5 billion Muslims believe is a sacred site?

If the European Jews who fled Europe from the European Nazis have a problem, it is not with the Palestinians who had nothing to do with the Holocaust. Their problem is with the Europeans: Let the Europeans, who now say they are no longer Nazis and who love the Jews so much that they let them get away with murder, give them a piece of land somwehere in Europe to build themselves a European Israel. There is no place for Israel in the Near East. Like the Crusades, Zionism will eventually retreat and become unfashionable and Israel will be rejected like the European Christian Kingdom of Heaven did some 800 years ago.

Listen to Herzog's hypocrisy: He urged law enforcement officials to "act immediately against this serious phenomenon and bring the lawbreakers to justice". But 75 years of Jewish abuse of the native Palestinians were never "immediate", nor were the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine judged as "serious".

What happened yesterday was that a gang of terrorist Jewish settlers attacked the peaceful village of Jit in the occupied Palestinian West Bank, killed one Palestinian and wounded another. Mahmoud Abdel Qader Sadda, 23, was killed, and a citizen was critically injured in the chest by settlers’ bullets” in the village of Jit, west of Nablus.

The official Palestinian news agency WAFA said “armed settlers” attacked the western part of the village, “setting several vehicles ablaze.” The Israeli military, which is in collusion with the Jewish terrorists and usually watches without interfering as the violence is inflicted on the Palestinians, said “dozens of Israeli civilians, some of them masked,” entered Jit and “set fire to vehicles and structures in the area, hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails.” Videos posted on social media showed homes burning in the village of Jit, east of Qalqilia in the West Bank.

The Jesuitic Jewish numskull Herzog said his heart is bleeding sewage at the attack, “I strongly condemn this evening’s pogrom in Samaria,” distorting even the name of North Palestine and using the biblical name preferred by the Jewish terrorist settlers, a name that has not been used in at least 2,000 years.

“This is an extreme minority that harms the law-abiding settler population and the settlement as a whole and the name and position of Israel in the world during a particularly sensitive and difficult period. This is not our way and certainly not the way of Torah and Judaism. Law enforcement officials must act immediately against this serious phenomenon and bring the lawbreakers to justice," Herzog said.

What extreme minority? The whole people of Israel is an extremist settler population that has been inflicting this sort of savagery on the indigenous Palestinians on the basis of an anachronistic religious argument for the past 100 years. And since the 1970s, after some sort of status quo was reached, it wasn't enough: 700,000 Jewish settler thieves have been buring Palestinian villages, stealing communal lands from around the villages, uprooting and setting olive trees and orchards on fire, expelling Palestinians from their land, poisoning their wells and their sheep.... The construt of the monstrosity of Israel is not the act of a minority; it is the act of a colonial horde of wealthy and sophisticated Europeans who took advantage of a mostly rural and unsophisticated population just emerging from 400 years of another barbaric Ottoman Turkish occupation. The Palestinians had barely awakened from the long nightmare of Turkish occupation that a new equally barbaric and religious horde of European criminals descended on them thanks to the perfidious creepy colonial crooks, the racist ENGLISH.

Jewish Zionist settlements are considered illegal under international law, but nothing has ever been done to stop them and stop the ethnic cleansing. The international community has been condemning the settlements, referring to them as "unhelpful" to a non-existent peace process. When will the international community and the Zionists' dogs the Americans do something about it? When it is too late?

The Zionists claim that the Palestinians have violated every ceasefire agreement reached with the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. As a result, says Rahm Emmanuel, the once Jewish mayor of Chicago and now the US ambassador to Japan, Israel has every right to commite genocide in Gaza. But why did the Palestinians violate the agreements? Because the Israelis violate every agreement and every internationnal law by continuoulsy stealing land and expelling Palestinians from their lands. Don't the Palestinians have a right to defend themselves too?

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