Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Simon Abi-Ramia: Walked in Shame for 20+Years. Now Walks Out When it's Too Late

Like the idiot Alain Aoun who last week was booted out like a leper from the Bassil Dictatorial Kingdom, [ ], Simon Abi-Ramia the other village idiot of the FPM has resigned. Not on principle, but in loyalty to Alain. Loyalty and arrivism are more important for these sycophants than principles, for if they had any principles they would have walked out of the Bassil shitbath in 2006 when Bassil dived into the Hezbollah cesspool and dragged everyone behind him, including his father-in-law Michel Aoun. 

Everyone, except some principled men and women who marched with Michel Aoun during his exile and upon his triumphant return to Lebanon, but ditched him like a bag of dirt when Zibran Basij convinced him to strike an alliance with the devil in order to become president, as if becoming president was the objective of the 17-year long campaign of "liberation" from Syria and its proxies. But such is the political scumpond of Lebanon: every time you think you've seen the bottom, shiny objects embedded in the scum like Alain Aoun and Simon Abi-Ramia prove you wrong.

Those unprincipled idiots followed Basij because he made them MPs and Ministers, without any consideration for the foundational principles of the FPM.  Treason, mercantilism, cronyism, ... all were fine as long as they "arrived" at political power. But now, when the two village idiots woke up to their principles, they found themselves sniffing scum out in the wilderness. 

They should have known - and I know that they knew very well - that an arrangement with the domestic enemy of the Lebanese State, namely the criminal Iranian enterprise of Hezbollah, would lead to disaster. How could they have not known when they spent much of the previous 17 years (1989-2006) labeling Hezbollah a traitor, Shebaa a lie, Syria as the enemy, etc?. 

Now that Lebanon is facing the disaster that we all warned them about, the two cowards are walking out of the arrangement. They can say later, after Lebanon is destroyed by Hezbollah, that they walked out of the FPM. But 18 years (2006-2024) of treason cannot be erased with 20 days of escapism. At the very least, they should explain and apologize to the Lebanese people for having screwed Lebanon for pathetic political power.

We are witnessing the obvious disintegration of the Free Petulant Movement (FPM) of Zebran Basij. Michel Aoun's original promises could have made transformative miracles in the incestuous rotten political system in Lebanon, had Aoun had the integrity to abide by them. But he succumbed to the siren song of Basij: Marry Hassan Nasrallah and he will make you president. And he did. But to what purpose? None. Michel Aoun became the worst emasculated president in the history of the country, playing the poodle in the lap of Hassan Nasrallah, smearing his own country's army as incapable, and turning all his principles upside down. He oversaw the disintegration of the economy and the collapse of the State, the Beirut Harbor explosion, and the takeover of the country by a treasonous agent of the Iranian regime. Well done, Michel Aoun.

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