Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Alain Aoun, Abi-Ramia, and soon Kanaan: Ex-FPM Political Refugees

Moronic Disintegration of the FPM: Bassil's Free unPatriotic Bowel Movement

One more is about to slam the door on his way out, and that is FPM's Ibrahim Kanaan, a well-respected and hard-working MP. Pretty soon, only the lousy scum servants of Dear Leader Bassil will be left in the Flatulent Prostitute Movement. The string of dismissals and resignations continues unabated from the ranks of a party, once a promising candidate for a modern democratic party, that has become a typical feudal, dictatorial, tribal, familial Christian Lebanese party. It is so pathetic and so disappointing that Michel Aoun's legacy ends in such a putrid disarray, thanks to his bazaar haggler son-in-law Gebran Bassil. 

Instead of the promises made to his followers during his time in exile, Michel Aoun has failed to deliver on establishing a party along a modern model of political parties: No inheritance, no cronyism, based on democratic practices, reliance on merit and a secular foundation.... What happened? Aoun was seduced by his son-in-law whose ambition was to seize power and never relinquish it, just like with the other Lebanese Christian political parties. Aoun was also seduced by the siren song of becoming a president, if only he betrayed his principles and switched his political discourse upside down: Bassil made the old man sign a toilet paper "memorandum of 'disgraceful' understanding" with the foreign-made radical Shiite fundamentalist terrorist organization of Hezbollah that has been destroying Lebanon ever since it erupted on the scene in 1981 right after the Islamic Theocracy took power in Iran in 1979 and proceeded to implant itself in the Bekaa Valley where it created Hezbollah. 

No one suspected that a man like Aoun whose career prior to 2006 was one of a rebel hero who opposed all the enemies, domestic or foreign, of the Lebanese state, an army general who battled the Syrians and their criminal allies to protect the presidential palace in 1984, who fought against all the puppet leaders that Syria imposed on Lebanon during its occupation... No one suspected that he would become a slave, a traitor, a puppet to his former enemies, just so he becomes president.

And president he became thanks to the scuttling of the constitutional process by his ally Hezbollah during two and a half years. And the irony is that Hezbollah is doing the exact same thing now by scuttling the constitutional process again to force the election of its new puppet Sleiman Frangiyeh.

Bassil is like Iznogoud l'Infame. He is a lowly vizir who wants to become Caliph in lieu of the Caliph (i.e. president of Lebanon), just like his father-in-law did, by violating the rules. And he has so far dragged Aoun's followers along with him. But the dissonance between what these followers stood for since 1988 and where Bassil has taken them is now too unbearable that many are abandoning the sinking FPM ship.

Not only does Bassil demand blind allegiance of his imbecile acerebral followers - as if he was Amin Gemayel or Samir Geagea or Sleiman Frangiyeh, all well-steeped feudal tribal leaders - but he cracks the whip when they dare dissent. BAsed on how he runs his desintegrating party, I dare not imagine what he'll do if he becomes president of this miserablre country.

Let's see, ever since Bassil hijacked Michel Aoun's party by signing his sanitary pad with Hezbollah, they have been dumping the party. From the early ones to the latest ones, with Kanaan soon to become the very latest.

The early ones did not have sufficient political ambition to sacrifice their principles and betray their conscience. Then there were the weak greedy ones whose political ambition overrode their principles, so they sold the latter and followed like miserable pawns their new leader, the DEAR LEADER GEBRAN BASSIL, صلى الله عليه وسلّم, SON-IN-LAW OF THE SUPREME LEADER MICHEL AOUN,,سيد التصديق وأفضل البشر رضي الله تعالى عنهما  . Supreme Leader Aoun, of course, made them ambassadors, MPs and ministers. One in particular, Toby Herdane, got nothing even as he kept licking the raspy behinds of both Aoun and Bassil in the hope of squeezing some oily or gassy benefits; but alas, Dear Leader banished him. But the hemorroids in the conscience of those who stayed put as slaves to the Dear and Supreme Leaders kept itching, and now they have to scratch. They can't take it anymore. 

Alain Aoun, who ought to be the Crown Prince (he's a nephew, with 1/4 of the Supreme Leader's genome, since he traveled down the vas deferens from the left testicle of the Supreme Leader's brother) was dismissed from the party by Dear Leader Gebran Bassil last week. Bassil's claims to the throne rest entirely on his regularly consummation of his marriage with the Supreme Leader's daughter. How dare the non-spermatic intruder into the Supreme Leader's divine circle - Bassil -  evict a 25% spermatic heir - Alain? Unheard of in the political inbred family farms of Christian Lebanon.

This booting of Alain Aoun prompted another politically ambitious numskull traitor to his own conscience to resign. What an act of courage after 18 years of kissing the ring of Bassil to become MP and minister. But I'm being generous calling Simon Abi-Ramia's resignation an act of courage. What it is in fact is that Abi-Ramia sees Hezbollah's end coming soon, what with the war drums beating all over the place. By resigning NOW from the party that provided Hezbollah with a Christian fig leaf to continue its undermining and destruction of Lebanon on behalf of Iran, a party that has enabled Hezbollah to become the existential threat it represents today to Lebanon, Abi-Ramia has in fact acted in pure cowardice."Let me get the hell out from under Hassan Nasrallah's abaya while there's still time," Abi-Ramia must have told himself during many long sleepless nights.

But MP Ibrahim Kanaan might be given the benefit of the doubt, even though he too betrayed his conscience for 18 years. At least, he's a hard-working, well-informed MP. So he retains respect with many of his enemies. But he has now announced that we will seek to revive dialogue between the insiders of the party and those who have either left or been excluded from it. Kanaan's initiative, presented during a press conference at his office in Jdeideh (Metn district) and streamed live on his Facebook page, included five main demands:

1- Reverse the recent exclusions and resignations. 

2- End the ongoing media conflict between those he described as members of the "same house" 

3- Set a one-week deadline to resolve disputes. 

4- Enact reforms to the party's decision-making process to enhance member participation, and

5- Reprioritize the objectives of the parliamentary bloc of the FPM. 

Bassil is a stubborn donkey. He is unlikely to agree to these demands. Therefore, expect Kanaan to resign early next week as I had predicted a couple of weeks ago [].

==================== update late August 2024 ===================

Kanaan has resigned from the Fornicating Prostitute Movement (FPM) party of Dear Leader Bassil. Along with Alain Aoun, Simon Abi-Ramia, Elias Abou-Saab, Kanaan now is part of the Four Horsemen of  the Apocalypse of Aoun's legacy. Shorty Bassil has none of the aura that Michel Aoun had. Neither he nor his party will last much longer. His "bloc" in parlaiment has shruken down from 23 to 15, with the remaining MPs having been elected only because they were listed on Hezbollah's electoral lists. It is unlikely that BAssil will be able to make such deals at the next elections; Hezbollah is upset with him and doesn't see him as the useful idiot it once did. That is why Hezbollah's candidate to the presidency is Sleiman Frangiyeh, not Gebran Bassil.


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