Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Western Stance for Palestine Denies Israel's Genocidal Expansionist Objectives

‘Father, I killed 10 Palestinians! I killed 10 Palestinians with my bare hands. Check your WhatsApp. Father, be proud of me!”

These words from a terrorist Jewish IDF soldier to his father reflect the underlying monstrosity beneath the construct of Israel.

As we watched the British ambassador to the UN raise her hand at the Security Council meeting this week to vote for a ceasefire, alongside the Chinese, the Russians and the entire international community, leaving the barbarian US in the cold as the only member abstaining, we finally feel a breeze of fresh air, a tenuous sense of justice, or at least a lack of bias. There is so much fight ahead to get full justice for Palestine, but a first step has been taken. No longer will bias for Israel be automatic, reflexive, irrational or blind.

I feel pride that the latest resolution is no longer designed to protect Israel from accountability. For Israel’s “right to self-defense” is utter nonsense when its forces are murdering - with glee and fanfare as the Jewish terrorists of the IDF keep showing us on Whatsapp - tens of thousands of Palestinian children and starving them to death.

The problem for Israel is that it holds the exact same political posture as Hamas. They both are religiously motivated. Israel does not want an independent Islamic Palestine, just as Hamas does not want an independent Jewish Israel. Each side wants to annihilate the other, so neither one of them deserves to stand on a higher moral ground. They both claim that God-Yahweh-Allah is on their side and that he gave them the land for their exclusive use. Barbarism is equally shared by the two sides.

Having dehumanized Palestinians after decades of officially-sanctioned Zionist anti-Palestinian propaganda, Israel has visited displacement, uprooting, dispossession and death upon them in more vile, sadistic and depraved ways than can possibly be imagined. “Men, women, and children are shot, blown up, hunted, tortured, burned, imprisoned, murdered, their homes demolished, their villages destroyed, their olive groves burned and cut down”, the great Palestinian-American philosopher Edward Saiid might have written once. The Zionists did not invent barbarity and savagery: They learned their colonial trade as victims of Nazi Germany and brought their methods to Palestine.

For far too long - six months already - we gave Israel a free ticket to the orgy of killing and starvation of innocent Palestinians. No one dared question the dubious pretext of self-defense. But Israel has gone too far, especially since its foundational argument, long buried under the Holocaust guilt, was exposed for the Fascist colonialist enterprise that it has always been. A genocidal supremacist Jewish project that decided to decimate the indigenous population to make way for its foreign imported settlers from every far corner of the world. 

Israel was given a lifeline for far too long. Its barbarity against the Palestinians was excused because the European Nazis pretended to feel guilty at having killed 6 million Jews. I often wonder what would have happened to the remaining Jews of Europe had the monstrosity of Israel not been created. Some could have gone to the Americas, but most would have stayed home after the defeat of the Nazis and become regular citizens of their European countries that are now democratic, non-Fascist, tolerant, multi-cultural and mutli-ethnic. I hope "Israelis" see that and begin the process of returning to Europe and to wherever they might have been imported from.

The whole idea of creating an exclusive country for the Jews is so absurd by today's standards. The "Jews" are not one people, neither culturally nor genetically. Judaism is a religion. There is no such thing as a "Jewish people" just as there is no such thing as a "Christian people" or a "Muslim people". There are Jews everywhere on the planet, just as there are Christians and Muslims everywhere. There are black African Jews, Chinese Jews, Indian Jews, Arab Jews, Iranian Jews, European Jews, spanish Jews,.... the only common thread to all these communities in countries far and wide is ther very tenuous criterion of religion. Tenuous, because religions too evolve and adapt to their environment. There is nothing substantially common between an Ethiopian Jew and a New York Jew except the Torah, just as there is substantially nothing common between a Muslim Nigerian and a Muslim Bosnian except the Quran.

Yet, Jews from around the world were conned by the Zionist movement to pack up and leave their homelands in order to populate the newly- and violently-born Zionist colony with Jews, any Jews, as if the Zionist settlers of Palestine were importing cattle to grow their ranch, and as long as they have enough cattle heads to overcome the native indigenous Palestinian population. But to destroy one Muslim-Christian nation like Palestine and create a Jewish country in its place is absolutely beyond the pale in our world today. So the only reason why the West went ahead endorsing this bizzare and monumental crime is colonialism. The mindset at the turn of the 19th-20th century was still one of superior white European empires lording it over dark third-world primitive nations that needed to be civilized. And that is the only lens through which one must understand the European Jews' desire to have their own "me-too" colony in Palestine.

Since Israel ejected the Palestinians from their native lands in 1948 in a bloody campaing of rape, destruction and killing, it has run a theological dictatorship disguised under the pretense of a democracy. Trillions of dollars have been wasted by Western aid to Israel so it can build its illegal settlements and expel Palestinians into a stateless refugee population. Israel - and the crooks of the British Empire behind it - has viciously crushed the hopes of the Palestinians in 1920 of finally building their country after 400 years of Turkish Ottoman occupation. Israel brought unprecedented violence to bear for fanatical ideological religious reasons utterly opposed to the simplest of human rights. Just as ordinary Germans ultimately benefited from the death of Adolf Hitler in the ruins of Berlin, so would ordinary Israelis benefit from the death of the likes of Benjamin Netanyahu and his ultra-fundamentalist Torah-thumping, head-bobbing settler lieutenants bobbing their heads at the nagging wall. 

The only way for Israel to survive - and most Palestinians have agreed to coexist with their rapist - is to shed its religious barbarity and become a normal secular country living either together with the Palestinians in one country, or separate from the Palestinians by allowing the latter to build their country along the 1967 terms, and this Palestine should be fully and completely free from the Zionists' sticky colonialist tentacles. The bantustans created in Palestine in the Oslo Agreement have utterly failed, because the Zionists lied when they signed the agreement. They never wanted a Palestine free of Zionist settlers.

As long as Israel conducts itself the way it has for decades, Israelis will continue to live on the edge of the abyss, on a war footing, sending their children to die at the hands of the Palestinian resistance fighters. Palestinians will never give up. They will fight by all means necessary to preserve their identity and their land. It's too bad for those European Jews who decided to colonize Palestine; they should have seen it coming. They thought the Palestinians were a bunch of riff-raff peasants who had no chance of repelling the Zionist invasion, just like the French colonists in Algeria who thought they could forever dominate the Algerian population and impose their will on it. But peasants and poor uneducated villagers, just like everyone else, have a deep sense of their humanity and their freedom, and they can always be counted on to fight for them.

War is hell, and every civilian death is a tragedy, but it is important to accept that Zionists have brought this calamity on themselves, and the most honorable thing to do is for them to emigrate back to Europe or wherever they might have been dragged from by the Jewish Agency and other Zionist outfits. This is what French president Charles De Gaulle realized in the late 1950s: He made a 180-degree turn in his initial declaration to the Pieds-noirs of "L'Algerie Francaise" and granted Algeria its independence, forcing more than 2 million French settlers of Algeria to return to France.

Colonialism is over and done with. The world has radically changed from 1920. Time for the Zionist saga and its crimes to close the book and let Palestine breathe freely.


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