Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Redneck Hillbilly Assassins and Rapists are NO Migrants or Immigrants

White North Carolina Man kills Wife with Eye Drops and Poisons his own Daughter. Not a Migrant of Immigrant

Not a migrant or immigrant, declare investigators. Rather, he is the descendant of illegal white trash migrants from England, to where he should be deported. Contrary to what Donald Trump and his baby poodle JD Vance keep saying, the vast majority of crimes committed in the US are by white redneck inbred imbeciles in the southern states.

Here he is, Joshua Lee Hunsucker, a proud white criminal let loose by officials of the pro-slavery secessiopnist state of North Carolina. Guess what would be his fate if he was not white?

Not only did this white redneck criminal with a sleepy right eye kill his wife and poison his own daughter, he is now facing four new counts of intimidating witnesses and four counts of obstructing justice. He has continued to harass and intimidate his in-laws. He is believed to have killed his wife to collect the $250,000 of her life insurance.

In North Carolina, a former slavery racist segregationsit state, a white criminal like him has been let out on bond since 2018 even though he stands accused of killing his wife. The reason? He's white with an anglo-saxon name. Hunsucker was a Gaston County, NC, paramedic. He used his access to medical paraphernalia to poison his wife with eyedrops that he made her ingest and that contained very high levels of a noxious chemical. He was supposedly "caring" for his wife who had heart problems.

North Carolina officials were stunned that a decent God-loving Christian white anglo-saxon man from the honest-to-God south would commit such a crime. They expected a black african, a hispanic or some other lower forms of humans to commit such heinous acts.

Because the asshole was white, he was charged for his wife's death but was let out of custody on a $1.5 million bond. So he proceeded to commit other crimes: He intentionally started a fire inside a paramedic helicopter during a flight. He invented a story about his in-laws who he says kidnapped him and tried to poison him. He then gave his daughter a drink laced with the same poison that killed his wife. But the daughter didn't die. He stalked his in-laws (Robinsons) by routinely taking video or pictures of them, making obscene gestures at them in public places, sending them mail demanding that the case be dismissed, following them in his vehicle, and routinely driving by the their residence.

Why hasn't this criminal jackass not been tried and jailed yet? Because he's white. He is the kind of Americans that demented Donald Trump and weirdo JD Vance (not his real surname) want to protect from migrants seeking to enter the US to work, harvest the vegetables and fruits that we all consume, and clean the toilets and offices of all corporate offices in every city of the US.

What fine country with justice for all!


Wisconsin Cheesehead Drunkard Scott Farmer Murders Four bystanders. He is not a Migrant or Immigrant

Then there is this numskull from cheese country Wisconsin who killed four siblings from Waupaca County, Wisconsin becaue he had too much to drunk. He couldn't help it. He's a fine white inbred Wisconsinite after all. He is NOT a filthy migrant or immigrant.

Scott Farmer - what a fine anglo-saxon name - was found guilty in court of one count of operating while intoxicated and four counts of homicide by the use of a vehicle.

And strange enough, when everyone thought he'd be a darkey immigrant or illegal migrant, he turned out to be pure God-mad white Christian man who, by accident and meaning no harm, had an open bottle of vodka beside him when he crashed his vehicle into another and killed four siblings, Daniel (25), Fabian (23), Lilian (14), and Daniela (9) Gonzalez. Oh Oh, a suspicious Hispanic last name. Maybe they're illegals? The white officials should look into it. After all if the Gonzaleses are illegal migrants, they got what they deserved. What business is it of theirs to illegally come all the way from Mexico or some other of these Latin American states and drive around Wisconsin and get killed by an otherwise decent white Christian mann who happened to be drunk  while driving?


White Man from Wako, TX, Sentenced for Rape and Abuse of Young Girl. Not a Migrant or Immigrant.
William Douglas Odell is neither a migrant nor an immigrant, but the typical white garbage of the American southern states. He probably is a Donald Trump adorer. He's from Wako, Texas, where decades ago in 1993, another wacko from Waco, the self declared prophet of the Branch Davidians, David Koresh, killed himself and 75 of his imbecile religious Texan followers by engulfing his compound in fire.  
Odell was accused of aggravated sexual assault he committed in 2019 on an 11-year old young girl. He was arrested in 2023, and recently received a guilty verdict on a sexual assault charge and an indecency with a child by contact charge, for which he earned a life sentence and a 20-year sentence, respectively.

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