Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Fireworks erupt Between Muslim and Jewish Terrorists in Lebanon

On this Sunday morning when Lebanon's Christians prepare to go to church, Muslim and Jewish terrorists began exchanging firepower at a level not seen in years.

Since October 8, 2023, the Shiite Muslim terror groups operating on behalf of the Iranian Theobarbarity in Tehran have been exchanging limited firepower with the Jewish-American colonial terror army in Palestine operating on behalf of the American democracy that is supposed to be an advocate for self-determination of nations over their native lands. 

It's been like this for more than 50 years. From a prosperous country that decided to adopt civilized accommodations and division of power between its communities, Muslim and Jewish fanaticism and violence from neighboring states dragged Lebanon into a spiral of violence from which it never really recovered. 

It all began when the foreign Jewish settlers of Palestine evicted hundreds of thousands of indigenous Palestinians from their native lands who gradually ended up in a liberal and tolerant Lebanon. Taking advantage of the country's tolerance, the Palestinian refugees created murderous violent groups that claimed to want to liberate their lost Palestine by destroying Lebanon and turning it into a substitute Palestine. That didn't work, because the Jewish settlers were much better armed by their American colonial nanny.

When the Palestinians relented on their claim to want to liberate "all" of Palestine, they went back to their refugee camps in Lebanon, and struck a deal with their Jewish tormentors. The deal (Oslo Accords) was so bad and biased in favor of the Jewish settler maniacs that it all went downhill pretty fast in Palestine.

Meanwhile, the theobarbarian Shiite Muslims of Iran seized power in Tehran in 1979. They immediately replaced the defeated Palestinians in Lebanon with their own Shiite Muslim militia known as Hezbollah. The Palestinians at least had a justifiable pretext to wreak havoc in Lebanon: they wanted to liberate their own land. But the Hezbollah proxies of Iran wanted to liberate someone else's land: Palestine does not belong to Iran any more than Istanbul belongs to Saudi Arabia for example. But Muslim rage is sufficient to make them angry at everyone, especially the Shiites who can't seem to be able to forget a couple of political assassinations in the 600s. 

So Hezbollah in Lebanon undertook the task of liberating Palestine and throwing the Jewish settlers into the sea whence they came. But again, the Shiite numskulls are trying to bite more than they can chew - or as Charles de Gaulle once said of his enemies, "they are trying to fart higher than their assholes". The incessant back and forth violence between Muslim terrorists in Lebanon and Jewish terrorists in Palestine has been ongoing now for several decades. Neither Palestine has been liberated, nor has the Jewish colony in Palestine known peace and tranquility. 

But it is the model country of Lebanon that prospered up until the late 1960s which paid the ultimate price for the religious fanaticism of the Jews and the Muslims around them. Today, Lebanon is a cadaver that refuses to decompose. Its Christians, who were the vanguards of its identity for the past 200 years after having snatched its independence from the Turkish Ottoman occupation then from the French Mandatory occupation after World War I, are now on their last leg of resistance to the destruction of the country they built despite the massacres and the wars perpetrated in the name of Jewish ultra-religious colonial barbarity and Islamic and Arab nationalist radicalism.

Unlike their Christian brethren of Iraq, Israel and Syria who have largely disappeared from existence, Lebanon's Christians are the only remaining free Christians in the Middle East. Even the Egyptian Coptic Christians with their larger numbers live like a domesticated enslaved community constantly harassed and discriminated by a conservative Muslim Egyptian ruling community. 

The Christians of Lebanon are threatening to secede from a united Lebanon and re-create their older but smaller Mount Lebanon Governorate that was 80% Christian and free from Turkish Ottoman occupation between 1840 and 1918. The reason? The Muslims of Lebanon continue to jeopardize the delicate balance between the communities by dragging the country into wars it cannot, and should not, fight - the Abdel Nasser Arab union idiocy of the 1950s, the Syrian-attempted coup d'etat in the early 1960s, then Yasser Arafat PLO's attempt to topple the country in the 1960s and 1970s, the Syrian-Iranian dual occupation beginning in the 1980s and continuing up to this Sunday morning of August 24, 2024. 

No other Arab or Muslim country says it wants to liberate Palestine anymore. Lebanon has been the only open war front with Israel since 1973. Yet two thirds of its population does not adhere to the violence imposed on it by Syria and Iran. 

Flanked by Muslim and Jewish terror, Lebanon might descend into civil war. If this were to happen, let no one blame the Lebanese Christians for doing whatever is necessary for their survival. They've been in these impenetrable mountains for millennia, back when they were the famed Phoenicians who became Christians along with the Roman empire that occupied their land. The Islamic conquest of the 600s forcibly converted the brand new Phoenician Christians into Muslims whose allegiance turned to the Arabs of the Peninsula and to Iran rather than to their own country.

Only fools wage losing battles. The wise would wait until favorable cicrumstances.

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