Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

You say Israel is not a colonial project. It's Worse, Much Worse

We are witnessing the final chapter in the ethnic cleansing of historic Palestine by the US and Israel - and with the tacit approval of the Europeans - in completion of the Evangelical Christian Zionist mission of bringing the Messiah back to earth.


06-December-2017: Then-US president Donald Trump took the decision of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

100 years earlier to the day - No coincidence:

06-December-1917: British colonial forces led by General Edmund Allenby seized Palestinian Jerusalem from the Ottoman Turks. Allenby declared, "the wars of the Crusades are now complete".

By signing his executive order on 06-December 2017, Trump deliberately acknowledged that his action is a continuation of the British colonial collusion with the Zionists to deny the Palestinian people their independence and instead begin the Zionist rape of Palestine. He signed his decree after one year of being in office. He could have done that as soon as he took office, but he waited for the exact 100-year anniversary of the British takeover of Palestine to make his annoucement and enact his action. This is clearly a message addressed by Trump and his Zionist handlers to the Arabs: Palestine is no more. 

Soon after Allenby's statement upon entering Jerusalem, the French General Henri Gouraud was himself entering Damascus. The French and the English had secretly agreed (Sykes-Picot agreement) to divvy up the Near East into two zones under their respective occupations following the dismantling of the Ottoman Empire. 

The first thing that Gouraud did was to go to the Mausoleum of Saladin (Salah ad-Din Al-Ayyubi), the Arab leader who defeated and chased the Crusaders out of Palestine after he captured Jerusalem in 1187 and allowed the remaining Crusaders and European settlers to leave the city unharmed. Gouraud's visit to Saladin's mausoleum was not out of respect; he in fact kicked Saladin's tomb with his military boot and declared, "Awake Saladin, we have returned. My presence here consecrates the victory of the Cross over the Crescent."

What is behind this unending grudge between east and west? Why has Trump, an otherwise moron ignoramus of history, decided to take the step of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital and moving his embassy to it?

The US, as backward a religious country as Afghanistan or Iran is, has about 70 million of its population who say they are Evangelical Christians. This mass of ultra-religious fanatics is shepherded by a movement known as "Christian Zionism" whose adherents literally believe in the second coming of the Christ. This return of the Messiah has requirements for it to come to pass: The first is that Zion must exist, and second, that a Jewish temple must exist there. The Christ will not come back, say these morons, unless he is able to reveal himself and his return to the world like he did the first time: in the Jewish temple in Jerusalem.

As corollaries to this barbaric insanity, these Zionist Christians believe in the necessity of the establishment of the state of Israel, the gathering of the Jews there, and the rebuilding of the Jewish temple in order for Christ, the Messiah, returns.

Among the Christian Zionists are most idiotic Republican presidents like Ronald Reagan and George W Bush who cite "biblical prophecies" by Prophet Ezechiel that say that this project would be opposed by "infidels". Who do you think these "infidels" are? 

The opposition to this project would lead to terrible bloody wars, inluding their favorite Battle of Armageddon. There is a plain between Jerusalem and Ashkelon, near Haifa, known as the plain of Meggido, and this is where the criminal idiots believe that the final battle leading to their favorite "End of Times" stupidity will take place in which millions of people will die. I can imagine a nuclear war capable of killing so many people, but this is more of a Hollywoodian piece of fictional garbage than reality. Apparently during this battle, the Christ will appear hovering on a cloud over the battle site. And when all the infidels are annihilated, Christ will descend to earth and will rule for a thousand years.

There are 70 million moronic Americans who literally believe this crap, and these are the same people who vote for Donald Trump. Ronald Reagan, whose friend was the Evangelical fanatic pastor Billy Graham, is said to have made a statement upon receiving the suitcase and the keys to the nuclear button which can be paraphrased like this, "I hope God would honor me by making push the nuclear button so that the Battle of Armageddon takes place and I would thus contribute to the return of the Messiah". For more on Reagan's Evangelical proclivities, See: 



Donald Trump is a disciple (steeped in ignorance) of the Evangelical school and the Christian Zionism movement.

The head of Israel's first government, David Ben Gourion, famously said, "there is no Israel without Jerusalem, and there is no Jerusalem without the Temple." In 1948, Israel was created. In 1967, Jerusalem was taken. In 2017, Jersualem was made the capital of Israel. The only item still missing is the Temple. 

To achieve the "Temple", the Zionists and their American Evangelical backers want to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque which sits atop the hill where the Temple once was. The Christian Crusaders did not demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque; they just converted it into a church. But the Zionists want to actually wipe the Al-Aqsa Mosque out of existence in order to rebuild the Temple on the site.

The Zionists have designed miniature models for the Temple. They have specifically trained "servants" for the Temple who are not your typical rabbis; they have their own uniforms and rituals. The funds needed for this project are ready: Not suprisingly, one of the major donors to the Temple project is a Jewish-American casino owner, Sheldon Adelson, who is a close friend of Donald Trump, himself a casino owner, and donated $200 million to Trump's election campaign back in 2016.

Trump has kept his word with the Zionists and the Evangelicals. He has rallied the Arabs in a shameful herd under his protection, he took their money and installed military bases in their countries, he set up the Iranian boogeyman to scare them, he sold Jerusalem to Israel and is pulling Palestine from under their feet.

As we write these lines, Gaza is completeled sealed off, its people are starving, and is constantly harassed by the US-armed Zionist militia to move and evacuate to places where they are bombed and killed. Meanwhile, Israeli bulldozers are digging up the pavement of major West Bank cities while attacking these cities from the air, a first in the history of Israel's rape of the West Bank. Foreign Jewish settlers are killing indigenous Palestinians and expelling them from their villages and homes.

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