Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Evangelical Franklin Billy Graham Wants "Messiah" Trump as President

The "Reverend" Franklin Graham, who inherited his "holiness" from his father, is now attacking the more sober evangelicals who see Donald Trump for the real present and imminent danger he represents for America. Whereas Evangelicals used to be one of the many inocuous Protestant cults that dot the backward American religious landscape, they have mobilized for the past several decades to become a political machine with two objectives:

1- Regress the United States back to a time when religion ruled the world, including here in the US, in an attempt to erase the advances made during the second half of the 20th century of shunning exclusivist racist primitive hateful religions from the public sphere. In so doing, the Evangelicals are violating the US Constitution's ground rule of separating religion from state. When given the reins of power, every religion has had its share of savagery and barbarity: Islam (and its violent conquest of the world back in the 7th century), Catholicism (with the ravages of the Church of the Latin American continent and its brutal rule over Europe during the Inquisition), Protestantism (and the barbarity of Anglo-Saxon colonialism led by the English crown), Hinduism (today under India's Modi) and Judaism (as we see today with the Zionists in Israel)... Just like the resurgence of Judaism and Hinduism, the American Evangelicals want to turn the US back into a one-religion country with all the ravages this could have on all the achievements of modern democracy.

2- Second, the Evangelicals have been the hidden arm of modern American colonialism around the world. They have been converting mostly ignorant rural populations from entrenched colonial Catholicism of Central and Southern America, succeeding in many places (e.g. Brazil) in bringing right-wing dictators to power. They have also taken hostage several African countries like Uganda, Kenya and others where they impose their US-Republican policies like banning abortions, criminalizing same sex unions, etc.

One instance of the regressive Evangelicals is their interference in US elections and their imposition of the Bible and the Ten Commandments (as teaching tools in schools, as judicial instruments in courts, and representations in public buildings). Thanks to the Evangelicals, the US stands to slide into an Afghanistan or Iran where religious pretexts are used to further control people into submission to their brand of social life. These are the same people who tried to teach the charlatan pseudo-science of "Creationism" but were defeated by the courts in the Edwards v. Aguillard case (1987) where the US Supreme Court saw as unconstitutional Lousiana's forced teaching of creationism alongside evolutionary science in public schools. As you can see, one does not need to go back to the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trials in which a high school teacher, John T. Scopes, was accused of violating a law of another backward state, Tennessee, which had made it illegal for teachers to teach human evolution in any state-funded school.

And now with their new Messiah, the moron jackass by the name of Donald Trump, the Evangelicals are trying to turn the US into a backward country where religion serves to keep people chained by primitive voodoo beliefs.

Fucking "reverend" Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham - as you can see, he even dons the looks of his father with his grey long hair worthy of a modern-day prophet - is criticizing the sober and smart 'Evangelicals for Harris'. 

The "Prophet" Franklin Graham is backing the "Messiah" Donald Dumb

Mr. Graham claimed ownership of his father's religious estate and rejected the use by "Evangelicals for Harris" organization of footage of his late father Billy in an attack ad against former President Trump.

Graham is president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, which is a full-fledged corporation - but untaxed because supposedly non-profit religious - founded by his father, the late Billy Graham. Just like the Haredim orthodox Jews who milk the state of Israel buit refuse to serve in its armed forces, the Evangelicals want the cake of the US and eat it too.

The 'Evangelicals for Harris' posted a new ad against Trump in which footage of the late Billy Graham talking about confessing one’s sins is shown alongside with an interview of Trump saying he wasn’t sure whether he had ever asked God for forgiveness.

Franklin Graham responded by saying that if his father were alive, he would support Trump. Of course, Evangelicals would never, God forbid, back a woman of color. Only "whiteness" is considered godly and worthy.

Graham's post further said, "The liberals are using anything and everything they can to promote candidate Harris ... They are trying to mislead people. Maybe they don’t know that my father appreciated the conservative values and policies of President Donald Trump in 2016, and if he were alive today, my father’s views and opinions would not have changed."

The official 'Evangelicals for Harris' replied by stating the obvious: Graham and his ilk of bigoted racist Evangelicals have "forsaken the gospel...We are voting for Harris but we only worship Jesus," not Trump. 

At the Republican National Convention in July, Franklin Graham said of Trump, "I am grateful and thankful for what he did as the 45th President of the United States. And I know that as the 47th President he will keep his word to the American people to Make America Great Once Again." He thanked God for saving Trump’s life and implored God, "We ask that if it be thy will that you would Make America Great Again."

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