Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

God Talks to "Son of God" Philipino Religious Cult Sex-maniac in a Bunker

Update, September 9, 2024:

Apollo Quiboloy, the Philipino "Son of God" televangelist and former advisor to Duterte the former dictator of the Philippines, has been arrested. This “owner of the universe” and “appointed son of god” is accused of sex trafficking inside his "Kingdom of Jesus Christ", whereby he apparently forced his divine sexual charms on women and underage girls by threatening them with “eternal damnation” if they refused.

To embellish his credentials as a messenger and Son of God, Mr Quiboloy claims to have set up the Kingdom of Jesus Christ after hearing God whisper to him “I will use you” while attending an event led by Billy Graham, the American pastor, in 1973.


Original post August 29, 2024:

For background info, see:

I don't know what or which "God" is speaking to this idiot. But we tend to believe that God is a White Christian of European Stock. It would be unbecoming if he were Black or Chinese. Of course, he fornicated with a Jewish virgin in Bronze Age Palestine and knocked her up, but his son Jesus is considered a white Jewish Palestinian through and through. So what mad notion did Apollo Quiboloy, the Philipino sex olympian and record-breaker, have to think he is Jesus's half-brother? It's not enough that we had to put up with Jesus being half-Jewish, half-Divine, and no drop of white semen in him unless we accept that God is a white bearded wizard - like Gandalf - sitting up in the clouds playing dirty games with us? Because of globalization, supply-chain rationalization and Internet and Artifical Intelligence leveraging, we now have to deal with a surge of new religions daring to produce inferior "Sons of God" like this one of barbarian Asian stock.

It is interesting that Apollo Quiboloy got his inspiration to claim divine genetic heritage from none other than the American barbarian Evangelical hoodlum, the late Billy Graham who now serves as national security advisor to none other than Jesus G. Christ overhead above the clouds. Billy's earthly son Franklin, who took over the religious business from his father, recently declared that Donald Trump is the new Messiah and that his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital means that the Jewish Temple will soon be rebuilt atop the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which would have to be demolished. 

In his Christian humility and modesty, Franklin and his other Evangelical peabrain capitalists will of course issue an apology to the billion and a half Muslims around the world, explaining the necessity of demolishing Al-Aqsa Mosque and hoping that they would understand. There is an imperative, all written in holy texts written by smelly old Arabian nomads thousands of years ago: Jesus will not return to earth of his own volition; he's having a good time up in the Heavens sorting good from bad dead Christians, Jews and Muslims. He has to be nudged by white protestant ultra-capitalist radicals to come back, and the only way to make him get off his lazy bum and return to earth is to exterminate the Palestinians, demolish Al-Aqsa, build a new temple and wage the Final Battle of all times, Armageddon, so he can accomplish his second return. 

Religion is becoming boring: There hasn't been a new revelation since the mid-600s, and this fantastic plan by the Evangelicals is raising the religious stocks in the market and recruiting new herds of idiots believers. Sounds like a huge undertaking, but "blind faith" is behind the business plan and drives the devout numskulls. It seems that the Evangelical bug is spreading like Covid-19 among vulnerable, ignorant, albeit criminal-minded people who were not immunized by reason, education and scientific literacy.

I think the UN and all white European parliaments should pass laws criminalizing any pretense to having contact with the divine, including divine conception inside virgins and virgin births. Several centuries ago, we reluctantly put up with a Saudi Arabian Arab, Mohammad, saying he's God's last prophet (by which he pre-emptively castrated and denied any future would-be prophets, sons of God, and other religious charlatans). But more keep propping up, though most of them fail. But, like terrorists, all it takes is one victory and its mayhem and plunder. 

Remember Reverend Moon? He was a Korean religious leader, a business entrepreneur (you need money to fool so many people) and supporter of conservative political ideologies. He claimed to be "a", not "the", Messiah, so as not to displease the Jews who have registered "The Messiah" as intellectual property. Moon founded the Unification Church, whose members consider him and his wife to be their "True Parents", just like Christians consider God as their father and Mary as their mother. Moon's venture succeeded and "Moonism" is now a new well-established religion.

But enough is enough. On the positive side of things, we've had a pretty good run since Mohammad. It's been 1,400 years that no "prophet" or "son of God" or "Messiah" or some other charlatan has come forward, which has left us with only three barbaric montheistic cults and their endless wars to deal with. We do not need another.

Preacher accused of sex crimes ‘hiding in underground bunker’
Nicola Smith
Tue, August 27, 2024

Police were unable to find "Son of God" Apollo Quiboloy when 2,000 officers stormed the religious sect's headquarters in Davao City

A preacher accused of sexual abuse and human trafficking is believed to be hiding from police in a secret underground bunker. Drilling equipment has been brought in by police in the southern Philippines trying to arrest Apollo Quiboloy, the leader of a religious sect called Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC). Around 2,000 officers stormed the KOJC headquarters in Davao City on Saturday but were unable to find Mr Quiboloy, 74.

The preacher, who is on the FBI’s most-wanted list, is still believed to be at the 75-acre complex, hiding with a gang of supporters in a subterranean chamber, 30 metres down. The raid also sparked days-long clashes between Mr Quiboloy’s supporters and police in riot gear outside the compound.

The authorities have so far been unable to locate the entrance to the bunker so they have turned to digging equipment in a bid to unearth it. Radar equipment used to detect heartbeats behind walls appears to show the presence of 20 to 30 people around 30 metres below the ground.

Police Brig Gen Nicolas Torre III, who led the raid, said: “We won’t leave here until we get him.” The sprawling compound was reported to house a labyrinthine network of underground tunnels and passages.

It also has a hangar with a taxiway leading to the neighbouring Davao international airport.

Towering over the compound is the 75,000-capacity KJC King Dome. Built as a cathedral for the sect, it also hosts sports events and concerts.

Police Colonel Jean Fajardo, a spokesman for the Philippine national police, said: “The search is still ongoing. We are having a few difficulties because the signal we are monitoring using the ground-penetrating radar is moving. “We are following the signal and we’re still confident that we will find the source.

“There are many secret passages and routes that lead to hallways. These are the challenges we are facing, and one or two days are not enough to complete the search.”

During the search, two people, who police believe to be human-trafficking victims, were rescued.

Pastor Apollo Quiboloy outside the 75,000-capacity KJC King Dome in Davao City - Facebook

Mr Quiboloy, who calls himself the “appointed son of God”, is subject to arrest warrants from courts in both the Philippines and the US. Law enforcement agencies have been hunting for him for months.

In 2021, the US department of justice charged him with sexual trafficking of children and other serious crimes including fraud and coercion, money laundering and bulk cash smuggling. Prosecutors alleged he had sex with women and underage girls who faced threats of abuse and “eternal damnation” if they refused.

Mr Quiboloy and his lawyer have denied the criminal allegations against him and his religious group, saying they were fabricated by critics and disaffected former members. He has accused the US authorities of prejudging his case.

Anti-riot police rest outside the Kingdom of Jesus Christ compound in Davao city - Shutterstock

His supporters have been involved in violent confrontations with the police since the weekend and have blocked major roads to the compound with cranes and a fire truck. Some have been filming police actions on their phones and yelling at officers. Others were reported to have flung chairs and bottles at police.

Authorities said 18 people were arrested for obstruction of justice, while one person died of a heart attack. Six police officers were injured in the clashes. The KOJC purports to have seven million followers.

Hearing God whisper to him

Mr Quiboloy claims to have set up the group in Davao after hearing God whisper to him “I will use you” while attending an event by Billy Graham, the American pastor, in South Korea in 1973.

He grew his following through radio, televangelism and social media. When he is not in Davao, he has been seen travelling on his private jet.

He was reportedly a spiritual adviser to Rodrigo Duterte, [just like Billy Graham was a spiritual advisor to every Republican president since Nixon] the former president of the Philippines, who has criticised previous arrest attempts [against Quiboloy] by large numbers of officers as overkill.

Ferdinand Marcos Jr, the current president, has urged Mr Quiboloy to surrender and assured him of fair treatment by authorities.

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