Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

GOP Neanderthals, including Holy Man Mike Penice, to Endorse Archenemy Harris

It's gotten so bad for the neanderthal Republicans of America with their moron candidate Donald Dumb that they are begging one another to endorse and vote for their arch-enemy, the "colored" and Leftwing "Socialist" Kamala Harris.

The so-called "Republicans for Harris", who obviously could not find a single decent candidate with a spine among their own ranks to run against Donald Dumb, are backing Democrat candidate Kamala Harris. And now, they are appealing to the bigoted Holy Man, the biblical Prophet of Doom, one Mike Penice who, during 4 years as Vice-president, did not have the gonadal integrity to stand up to the demented antics of his own president, the dumb moron, until his own life was in danger. That is, when Donald Dumb's insurrectionists rampaged through the halls of Congress looking for him as he was cowardly hiding from his own party supporters chanting "Hang Mike Penice".

Penice's former national security adviser, Olivia Troye, is calling on Penice to endorse Harris. “... if [Penice] is out there listening right now, I encourage [him] to do the right thing,” Troye said. The desperation in GOP ranks is so hysterical that they are even publicly lamenting Donald Dumb's choice of the juvenile immature imbecile JD Vance (one of his three surnames) and are calling on one another to endorse Harris. 

They might as well leave the party of the neanderthal morons and moonshining inbred bible-thumping, ten-commandements-teaching, southern retards and join the progressive forward-looking Democrat party.


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