Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Racist Trump Republicans are Obsessed with Race

They keep bringing up the "race" issue, trying to define who is white, who is Black, who is half-this and half-that.... I actually prefer to use "beige" instead of white because no one is really color-free or melanin-free. Only albinos are really whitish.

They are obsessed with whether Kamala Harris is half Indian or half Black, and they do this because the MAGA morons are by and large beige-colored ignoramuses from the southern states. As soon as you brandish someone who is not pure beige, they get scared, which is what you'd expect from a primitive society that lives closed on itself and has no idea what goes on around the world. 

Here is Ann Coulter who made her career hurling insults at anyone who doesn't look like her: Blonde, with a man's voice and an ugly horse-face. By using the qualifier "foundational Black" to refer to Harris, she is trying to peel off the African-American support for Kamala Harris by separating "immigrant Black" from "Slave-stock Black".

In other words, this criminal-minded segregationist, who otherwise would love to take us back to slavery days, is now elevating slave-stock African-Americans to the same level as "foundational whites" for no other reason than to diminish the meteoric rise of Kamala Harris in the African-American community at large. 

Coulter is now backing down from her long-held anti-Black racism by pretending to love African-Americans so much while hating only those immigrant African Americans who are not "foundational".

But you'd have to be an idiot MAGA moron to believe this crap. Coulter's injection of poison in the discussion about race will not work. There is not one American living today whose blood has not been mixed by either the normal natural breeding between the many homo sapiens individuals that ended up in this continent, and let fucking Ann Coulter admit it, by the violent rapes and fornications that Beige-colored English crooks and other Europeans inflicted on the native and slave populations. 

Pocahontas was not the "lily" that super-idiotic Disney portrayed her to be. In the early 1600s, she was forced into marrying an English settler who was eyeing stealing Amerindian lands and resources. He took her to England to parade her in front of his crooked king, and she died there of "white" diseases. Every single American carry some trace of this type of civilizational and "foundational" breeding. Slave and Native populations were literally raped beyond recognition, just like the English white settlers tried to do to the Australian Aborigenes. No one can claim to be of a pure "race". 

In fact, the concept of "race" is a fallacy. It is not a scientific one. It was invented by criminal racists back in the 19th century to justify colonialism by whites over all the other peoples. Scientifically speaking, all humans belong to one Kingdon, one Phylum, one Class, one Order, one Family, one Genus, and one Species. As you can see, there is no "race' in the classification of human beings. All human beings belong to one species, Homo Sapiens, that ironically walked out of East Africa some 300,000 years ago to diversify into all the humans we see today. Since all these humans can breed with one another, they all belong to the same species. 

Ann Coulter: You're a filthy dirty racist ignorant bum. Kamala Harris is much smarter, capable and compassionate human being than Donald Dumb can ever be, and that is all that matters.


Ann Coulter attacks Kamala Harris’s racial identity as not ‘foundational Black’
Oliver O'Connell
Tue, August 27, 2024

In a racist tirade on C-SPAN this weekend, conservative columnist Ann Coulter said Kamala Harris was not a “foundational Black” when the commentator addressed Donald Trump’s claim that the vice president “happened to turn Black” while running for office.

Harris is multiracial and has always identified as Black.

Trump bewildered and outraged an audience of Black journalists in Chicago by telling them that the Harris he claims to have known for several years was “Indian all the way” before, “all of a sudden, she made a turn and she went… she became a Black person”.

Speaking during an appearance on Washington Journal, Coulter argued that laws brought in to make up for the legacy of slavery had now been twisted to discriminate against white people in the name of diversity to the advantage of recent immigrants.

“And that is the important point he should have made is that the entire purpose of Affirmative Action, set-asides, civil rights laws, laws that limit constitutional rights to freedom of contract, freedom of association, all of that was to make up for the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow,” Coulter said.

She continued: “So unless these benefits are going to roughly define foundational Black Americans, the descendants of American slaves, you’ve taken away the whole purpose of this. And that is exactly what happened once we got this huge load of immigrants. Now, you know, a Thai who arrived on Wednesday will get an advantage applying for college, applying for corporations over a heterosexual white male in particular.”

Coulter added that all the civil rights and affirmative action laws have been twisted into anti-white hatred and discrimination.

“So to make the point that Kamala isn’t a foundational Black American, I’m always pointing out to Black people, have you noticed Indians are getting all the good diversity jobs?” Coulter continued.

“What did we do to Indians? We didn’t enslave them,” she added, saying that 90 percent of legal immigrants are from the “Third World”.

“They owe us, we don’t owe them,” Coulter continued. “But to switch from the concept of integration and civil rights for Black Americans to this B.S. diversity, it’s nothing but discrimination against white people.”

Coulter also scoffed at the idea that Trump thinks he will win the Black vote by being soft on crime.

Coulter’s comments about Harris’s race were met with anger, confusion and disbelief on social media. (AP)

Her comments were met with anger, confusion and disbelief on social media.

“Foundational Black? Is Blondie kidding me? Marcus Garvey wasn’t ‘foundational Black’ either. Most Black Americans and Black Jamaicans come from the same places in Western Africa,” user Democrat Rick wrote on X

“Often times, families were even separated, with some being put on ships to Jamaica/Caribbean and others to the colonies/America. Same damn family but put on different boats. Her argument is completely wrong, racist and that pasty saltine is NOT the person who should pretend to speak with authority about what makes someone Black or not.”

Fellow X user Jeffrey Gold noted: “You think where the British slave ships dropped off African slaves in their American colonies really matters? Was Alexander Hamilton not a foundational White because he was born in St Kitts in the Caribbean? The lengths they go to to make Kamala an ‘other.’”

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