Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Netanyahu is Dragging the US into a War it Doesn't Want to Fight

Because of the Zionist lobby's stranglehold on every aspect of its life, the US is like a bonded servant who will never challenge his boss and will automatically do what is asked of it.

The Republican - and Oh so patriotic - Ronald Reagan was selling weapons to Iran back in the 1980s to buy back his hostages that Iran's Hezbollah was holding captive in Lebanon. This republican criminal was paying off his enemies in secret, and bying back his citizens held hostage by Iran, behind the back of the American people, using Bud McFarlane and Ollie North as his intermediates with the Iranian arms dealer and double agent for both Iran and Israel, Manucher Gorbanifar.

Remember: this Republican traitor Reagan won his own election in 1980 by denigrating his Democrat predecessor Jimmy Carter who did in fact negotiate the release of the US Embassy hostages seize in Iran in 1979 without paying anything to Iran. When it was his turn to deal with US hostages held by Iran, the Republican Ronald Reagan was supplying American-made advanced missiles to the worst enemy the US has ever had as a payola to get US hostages released. Iran would demand weapons with a promise to ask Hezbollah in Beirut to release a hostage. But when the weapons were delivered, no hostages would be released. This went on for years, as Iran kept lying and rubbing the nose of Ronald Reagan in the dirt.

Worse yet, the arms shipments to Iran during several years went through Israel which is really a forward colonial American base in the Near East. Israeli planes were "sanitized" by removing every star of David and every Hebrew writing in orderto be allowed to land in Tehran airport.

Which goes to show that all three protagonists - the US, Iran and Israel - would deal with one another when it was convenient, but to their respective audiences and peoples they demonize one another as the enemy.

Right now, the American-dog-on-the-leash of its Zionist Israel master is being dragged into war by the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu for one simple reason: his own political survival.

Stopping the Gaza war would be Netanyahu's death toll. But the more innocent Palestinians Netanyahu kills every day in Gaza, the more Israel is losing international support and sympathy; it has already lost the PR war (with long term deleterious consequences) with its pathetic savagery, in exchange for not even a victory in Gaza. It is now obligated to negotiate with Hamas's new leader Yahya Sinwar, Israel's declared worst enemy.

Therefore, as he sees the war in Gaza come to an end under severe international pressure, Netanyahu has found a way out of his predicament: trigger another war, a regional one, that would not only make the Gaza war disappear from public view, but that would also drag the US into it. He has attacked Iran and Hezbollah frontally by assassinating their leaders, knowing that these two parties will respond in retaliation and Israel would then have to respond to the Iranian response. This is called out-of-control escalation. And America, as a slave to its master, feels it has to bark and bite to scare off the Iranians.

But America has other cats to skin. Israel and Palestine are not priorities. The Middle East is pretty much an American terrain with virtually all Arab countries in the American camp. The US has several military bases across the Arab world: Jordan, Syria, Bahrain, the UAE, Qatar, etc... Its only problem in the Middle East is really Israeli belligerence. Iran is not really a threat: it has yet to make a nuclear bomb, and it has in the past negotitated with the West to put an end to its nuclear program (The JCPOA), and as we saw in the 1980s, Iran is amenable to negotiate terms with the US. But Israel fears a reintegration of Iran into the international community because it would represent a major challenge to the desired Zionist hegemony. Israel has every interest in keeping Iran in a hostile posture vis-a-vis the West. Evidence of that is that Israel has given everything to Iran and Hezbollah in Lebanon to allow them to maintain their grip on the country, and thus perpetuate the pretexts for war that Israel needs to maintain its own challenge to Iran. A pacified Iran would be much stronger and influential than Israel, and Israel would become an irrelevant patch of radical ultra-religious Jewish terrorists living side-by-side with their "partners", the other irrelevant ultra-religious Muslim terrorists of Hamas.

The other cats that the Americans have to skin around the world, and from which Netanyahu's barbarity is distracting them, are two:

- a hegemonic reassertive Russia that wants to restore its influence in Eastern europe, hence the Ukraine war that threatens every day to become a major ware englufing all of Europe.

- China, also on a hegemonic expansionist drive across the southeast Asia and the Pacific. 

The US has no time for the radical ultra-religious Jewish barbarians of Israel and their pathetic claims to self-defense, behind which hides a colonial enterprise that could threaten safe US interests in the Arab world. Yet, the sentimental blackmail over the over-abused Holocaust guilt and the Zionist military and cultural stranglehold on American life keep pushing the US into adopting postures that are counter to its interests.

If wars erupt simultaneously in Europe (expansion of the Ukraine war and the involvement of NATO), in the Asia-Pacific perimeter (an invasion of Taiwan by China), and in the Middle East (outbreak of direct violence between Iran and Israel which would drag Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, as well as Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt), would the US be able to handle these three simultaneous wars?

The US must suppress the Israeli hubris and cockiness and not fall for Netanyahu's games. US interests in the Middle East are by far much more valuable than the interests it thinks it has in Israel. 400 million Arabs vs. 10 million Jews: Take a pick America. Do you want to continue alienating 400 million Arabs and 1.5 billion Muslims to protect 10 million demented Jews? Do you want to risk making enemies around the world in order to save the hide of a war criminal like Netanyahu and his Nazi ministers Ben-Gvir and Smotrich?

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