Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Republican Campaign: Sexual Deviancy, Lies, and Incoherent Speech

Two examples of MAGA republicans - One is a public masturbator and prostitute John in West Virgnia, the other a liar, a deadbeat dad, and fiction manufacture. Just like their senile demented boss Donald Dumb. Go ahead, MAGA imbecile morons and vote for their ilk.


In the poorest state of the union, a West Virginia state lawmaker was removed from his committee position after being caught masturbating in public which, in legal terms stands for indecent exposure and disorderly conduct.

The very Republican Senator Mike Maroney, who led the state Senate Health and Human Resources Committee, was arrested Tuesday after an Aug. 4 incident at Gumby’s Cigarette & Beer World in Glen Dale. Employees on surveillance video saw Maroney “committing an act of sexual gratification” about 1 p.m. in the establishment's video lottery room.

Maroney, 56, has only a few months left to serve of his second four-year term as a state senator. He ran for reelection but was defeated in the May primary. In his role on the Senate Health Committee, and to his credit, Maroney opposed a bill pushed by his fellow Republicans that would have allowed students to be exempt from vaccinations typically required for children starting day care or school.

West Virginia is one of only a handful of states in the U.S. that offers only medical exemptions to vaccine requirements. Maroney, a physician from Marshall County, called the bill “an embarrassment” and said he believed lawmakers were harming the state. But his record also includes his arrest in 2019 on the charge of soliciting a prostitute.

Just like Donald Dumb and the stream of sexually depraved Protestant Evangelical Pastors who prey on children in the southern states of the US, Republicans are bigots who claim "family values" and God's guidance, but then turn out to be deviant criminals.


Minnesota Senate candidate Royce White won the state’s Republican primary on Tuesday and will run against Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar in November.

But White, a former NBA player who had been an outspoken advocate for mental health in sports, has fallen victim to Steve Bannon's GOP-MAGA brainwashing. As a result, he became an ardent Trump supporter with an affinity for antisemitic, misogynistic, and homophobic conspiracies.

On Bannon’s War Room show (which a February study crowned as the chief spreader of misinformation and lies among political podcasts), White attacked women, saying that “women have become too mouthy, ... and that women’s schedules were 'yoo busy' ". Just like Donald Dumb, Bannon's insidious influence leads his disciples to concot weird conspiracies worthy of a stupid Hollywood movie than of someone running for public office. White said that World War II came about as a result of an “economic incentive” to introduce women to the workplace and displace men.

The conservative populist has also been caught lying in flagrante delicto. In June, White showed a map of Minneapolis awash in green, yellow, and red dots, claiming that each data point symbolized crime in the City of Lakes. But a fact-check by a reporter for the Minnesota Reformer showed that the map showed the distribution of drinking fountains across the city’s public parks.

That same month, White was the subject of a complaint for illegally spending tens of thousands of dollars from his failed 2022 campaign on luxury dinners, vacations, and other eyebrow-raising expenses, including a $1,200 night at a Miami strip club.

In response to an NBC News report on ignoring his child support obligations, White claimed that “liberals really just want to shame people with kids” because they’re “anti-human as fuck.” But financial statements obtained by The Daily Beast from the mother of one of White’s children indicated that the wannabe MAGA politician owed her at least $100,000 in “child support payments for a daughter with whom he is barely involved.”


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