Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

White Drug Dealers Arrested in Fairmont, West Virginia: Strange, they're not Migrants

Jessica Eagle and Damion McGinley are two "normal-looking" white folks from Fairmont, West Virginia in the poorest state of the Union. She is a dumb blonde and he is an ugly southern bastard. They didn't look like migrants or even immigrants. They have "western-sounding" names. Yet, they were found to be stashing drugs like fentanyl and meth in their home, along with weapons, with the purpose of distribution and dissemination.

Jessica Eagle

Damion McGinley

The news was devastating to MAGA morons. Donald Dumb keeps telling them that dark-skinned migrants and "garbage" immigrants are rapists and drug dealers. Yet every time Police make a discovery of a rape crime or a drug crime, the suspects are almost always white "normal-looking" Christian Americans who love Trump and God and all that stuff.

Whereas migrants and immigrants come to this country to do the hard jobs that white bastards like Eagle and McGinley refuse to do - ranging from cleaning toilets and janitorial work and harvesting fruits and vegetables all the way to sending rockets into space, sequencing the human genome, and starting new ventures in AI and the Internet - white folks like Eagle and McGinley are busy getting high on drugs and selling drugs in the streets of America. I wonder what Evangelical church they attend, and what the Evangelical Prophet Franklin Graham thinks about faithful Christians like these.

The drug problem in America is simple: The demand for illicit drugs from white-collar middle class white Americans drives the drug trade. If white middle class Americans did not do drugs - like Matthew Perry whose death by overdose is not blamed on him, but on his suppliers because he is a fucking "star" - then the cartels would not be sending drugs across the border. Basic supply and demand.

Instead of blaming ALL migrants and immigrants, who come to this country to serve this country and make a living, for the action of a few organized crime syndicates outside the US in cahoots with organized crime syndicates inside the US, white America should look itself in the mirror and admit that it is equally criminal in the drug trade, and tell the Supreme Moron Donald Dumb to stop lying by blaming poor migrants and immigrants.

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