Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Tristin Wright & Marcus Jenkins Are Not Migrants. Yet they Robbed and Tried to Kill

Despite what the moron jackass Donald Dumb tells his racist followers about migrants being rapists and criminals, US-born white men in hispanic Florida with perfectly English-sounding names are proving him wrong every day. [Read sample stories below about crimes committed by fine US-born white gentlemen].

Despite the violence-steeped history of this country (genocide of native Americans, three-centuries long torment of African slaves, the Wild West and its free-wheeling violence, and the Italian Mafia that found the US to be a fertile terrain for crime, police violence against African-Americans....) Donald Dumb tells his white trash gun-toting racist followers that only the migrants are causing the violence. This is a man who mobilized a crowd of armed white racists to attack the Capitol and overturn the government. His own words (notice he never cites any statistics... his mouth just spouts hateful diahrrea to rile up his crowd and stir racial violence against migrants and immigrants):

"Under the Biden-Harris administration, a new category of crime involving migrants has developed, and is beyond control."

"No country could sustain what is happening in the U.S. at this time, when millions of illegal aliens pour into the country from unknown countries." [Only an ignorant idiot like Donald Dumb would talk of "unknown" countries].

"migrant crime is a lot worse than epidemic proportions. It’s beyond control. We have a new category of crime. It’s called migrant crime, and I think it’s gonna end up being the worst category of all."

"Nothing good is going to happen from this," Trump said. "And now it’s getting more and more violent."

"If Kamala wins, you will have mass amnesty and citizenship for all the Biden-Harris illegals that poured into our country," he said. "If I win, you will have the largest deportation operation in American history starting at noon on Inauguration Day 2025."


A Florida couple won $3,300 at the casino. Two men then followed them home and shot them.

A Florida couple is grateful to be alive after two masked men attacked, robbed and shot them as they returned home from a date night at a casino, according to authorities.

The ambush happened at 5 a.m. on Aug. 2 outside a home in Riverview, Florida after the couple spent the evening at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Tampa, a Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office spokesperson told USA TODAY on Friday. Two people were taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening gunshot wounds that morning.

Tristin Wright, 36, and Marcus Jenkins, 34, have been arrested in connection with the shooting, according to the department. Jenkins has been charged with attempted murder, but both men face several robbery, firearm and battery charges, the spokesperson said. Police are also currently looking for a third suspect.

USA TODAY was working to track down the men's attorneys, if they have them. None are listed for them in court records.

Kim Chambliss and her boyfriend, Val Delacruz, spoke to WTVT about the attack and how they are recovering from the shooting.

"I hear another gunshot and my first thought was 'They've killed him.' I was hysterical, I screamed and cried," Chambliss told the TV station about what she thought when the robbers shot Delacruz.

She talked about how shocking the attack was, saying "we're just average people who are out having a good time, who love each other."

"And to know that we didn't even realize that people were following us every step of the way − it's scary. It's scary," she told the station.

Five gunshots were fired during the robbery, the Miami Herald reported, citing Hillsborough County sheriff's deputies.

Chambliss said the two men surrounded her and Delacruz's car and demanded money, WTVT reported.

"I ran and I fell in the door and the other guy came out and shot me again for the third time in my left leg," Delacruz told the TV station.

Ring camera footage captured the entire situation, even showing Delacruz being shot in both legs before pleading to the masked men who were standing over him, according to WTVT. The men drove away once the couple's neighbors walked outside.

The couple stayed at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino for several hours and left after Delacruz won $3,300 on a slot machine and cashed out, the Miami Herald reported, citing the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office.

Investigators arrested Jenkins and Wright after surveillance video showed them watching the couple at the casino in Tampa, Florida for two hours before following them home, WTVT reported.

The attack happened on the one night a month the couple makes time for a date. "We don't get to do it often just because we both work extremely hard," Chambliss told the station.

Delacruz said he is "normally aware" of his surroundings or "would notice if someone was following" him, the TV station reported.

"We've always felt safe in our home. Safe in the neighborhood," Chambliss said. "To have that taken away (is) to have just such an insecure feeling."


White Ohio woman killed by white man at Taco Bell

Jason Williams drove his vehicle into the back of Megan Keleman's car - both white US-born Americans - in the drive-thru line of a Taco bell in Stow, Ohio, far from anywhere where migrants could be. 

Fine white gentleman Jason Williams - NOT MIGRANT

Williams then exited his vehicle, approached the car in front of him, and shot the driver.

Williams' motivation is unknown, but detectives are continuing to gather evidence to figure out why he shot Keleman.

Witnesses said that Williams began blowing his horn at Keleman when she pulled in front of him in the drive-thru line, the chief said. Williams then struck the rear of Keleman's vehicle, prompting her to use the drive-thru speaker to ask the employee to call 911. Moments later, Williams shot Keleman.

The city of Stow "does not have that many homicides," which is why the department contacted the Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) to assist in the investigation, according to Film. 


A white man sexually assaults a child and slashed her throat throat in the laundry room of an apartment complex in California. 

Hard as the Police tried to find a migrant to blame for the crime, they were disappointed to find that the criminal rapist an killer was a fine white US-born gentleman.

Fine white man Arthur Dean Knapp raped and tried to kill a child. How come he's not a dark-skinned migrant?

Arthur Dean Knapp, 40, is being held at the Madera County jail on a slew of charges, including rape and attempted murder.

The brutal attack took place in a laundry room shared by residents of an apartment complex in Chowchilla.

After the sexual assault, Knapp is accused of slitting the juvenile's throat and leaving the youth for dead. But once the victim regained consciousness, the child was able to alert authorities before receiving treatment and surgery at a nearby children's hospital, Palmer said.

Investigators relied on witness statements and DNA evidence from a rape kit provided to the U.S. Department of Justice to link Knapp to the crime. Had this crime taken place in the 1950s or 1960s, a Black African-American or a Hispanic would have framed as the criminal by the Police in order to save Knapp. That was an American tradition before DNA testing was made available thanks to the research carried out by immigrant scientists who sequenced the human genome.

In addition to rape and attempted murder, Knapp is charged with parole violations and assault with a deadly weapon. Apparently, Mr. Knapp has a rich resume in a variety of crimes. How lovely.



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