Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Half-White, Half-Indian, Half-Black= Half-ass American Ignorance on "Race"

A people of averred mixed race bastards is wondering about Kamala Harris's "racial" background.

In the science of genetics, there is no such thing as a race. The concept of race, as ignorant people commonly use it, is an idiotic social concept developed by supremacist white men of the 19th century as they tried to justify their "civilizational" role in colonizing other countries and exploit them. In scientific terminology, every human being is a race on its own. As a white man from the boonies of Appalachia, you could be genetically closer to an African from Zimbabwe than to your moonshining one-toothed neighbor. Just have your genome sequenced and find out.

As the dicussion heats up about Kamala Harris's dual "race", let me say this: Throughout my life in the US, I never checked the appropriate "race" box that the US government requires you to check every time you fill a form. This is such an offensive and ignorant way of asking people about their origins in a country of fornicating bastards from all over the world. Oftentimes, I would mess with them by checking "other" and writing "Poompanooda" or "Semitic" or "Mixed Aryan Caucasian/Semitic Jewish/Pacific Islander" or "Martian/Samba-dancing Brazilian of African and Portuguese descent". Imagine the endless possibilities.

The other thing I discovered in the US is that not one "American" I met claimed to be of a "pure racial descent" like pure Russian or pure Bantu. They all pride themselves on being bastards of some sort, like "I am German-Irish-Greek with a touch of Turkish". Or for those who wanted to demonstrate their tolerance of African-Americans, they'd throw in "Ghanean" in the mix. Better yet, those who wanted to claim authentic aboriginal lineage that spares them the shame of their ancestors' genocide of the native indigenous Amerindians, they'd throw in "Wampanoag" or "Cherokee". And then there are the high-browed English-stock creeps who claim that one of their ancestors arrived on board the Mayflower.

Now all those blessed mixed backgrounds that make up the melting pot did not, in all likelihood, come about from formal marriages and holy unions. The vast majority of them are probably the result of rapes and forced fornication by superior English and other white european peasant settlers with their subordinate slaves or captive Indians. Nothing to really be proud about. But we tend to look positively at who we are today and forget the torments of the past. 

Except, however, when depressingly negative racist losers like Donald Dumb intervene and awaken the long forgotten ghosts of our past. He's got nothing positive to propose, so he digs deep into the American cesspool of dirt and filth. He's been talking about whether Kamala Harris is Black and or subcontinental Indian, and about "Black jobs" or "Hispanic jobs". As the imbecile "white" moron of English-German stock that he is, he thinks that a Black person should outwardly and stereotypically look "Black", just as he thinks that Blacks have only certain jobs, i.e. "menial" jobs. But Harris has a Jamaican father and an Indian (from India) mother. Most Jamaicans being former African slaves, Kamala's father must definitely have some African genes in him, probably mixed with European and other genes.


Kamala Harris's parents









The other ignorant American concept that really peeves me is that the categories of white versus black are based on the superficial look of a person, not on innate embedded genetic characters. A half-white, half-black person is 99% of the time classified as Black, when they could rightfully and objectively be classified as White. Why are half-white, half-black people not deemed white? Because the overwhelmingly ignorant and racist Americans believe that any hint of "blackness" sullies the whiteness and must therefore be downgraded to the category of "black". I have seen many individuals in the US who are indistinguishable from your average white person, but yet are perceived as "Black" because their whiteness is be tainted with a shade of black. 

Your skin color has nothing to do with "race": It is determined by your set of genes that manufacture melanin. A white person can become black by sitting in the sun long enough. Also, we now know that all humans are descendants of a small band of East Africans that migrated out of Africa some 200,000- 400,000 years ago and diversified into the "races" we falsely think we are. Fact is: some of these Africans became "white Caucasian", others became "Asian", etc. Out of the millions of invisible genetic differences that exist between any two human beings, the pathetically stupid, because visible, skin color difference has become the basis for all the racism in human society. 

What a lamentable way for averred bastards to look at people. The moron Donald Dumb has no intelligence or education to speak about the "race" issue in America. Kick him out of our American life. Do not vote for him in November.

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