Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Christian Palestinian Victims of Zionist Settlers: The West Won't Classify Settlers as Terrorists

They kill, they terrorize, shoot, bomb, burn, rampage against innocent civilians in Palestine which they illegally occupy by sheer force and violence.

Why doesn't the West classify them as terorrists? Because of the double standard: Jews are "White Europeans and Americans", criminal colonizer land thieves as they may be, while Palestinians are "Dark" Arabs, though victims of the white colonialism. Why did this work in South Africa? Why doesn't it work in Palestine?

More violence and heartache, more blood and more wars...before the West wakes up to the injustice it is meting out on the indigenous population of Palestine with its blind support of the Jewish settlers. The West knows that it itself, and not the Palestinians, killed 6 millions Jews during World War II. 

Why should the Palestinians pay the price for the criminality of the West against the Jews? 


West Bank eviction by Terrorist Jews of Christian Palestinians Rallies Crowds

Indigenous activists confront a foreign armed settler (left) near the occupied West Bank village of Beit Jala (HAZEM BADER)

Flanked by smartphone-wielding peace activists, members of an evicted Palestinian Christian family marched onto land seized by armed foreign Jewish settlers, shouting "Out! Out!" as they livestreamed the confrontation on Instagram.

After Israeli security forces turned them away, they retreated to their makeshift base: a fast-growing tent encampment for supporters of the family -– the Kisiyas -– that has spotlighted their plight amid widening settler attacks in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Violence in the West Bank has surged alongside the war in Gaza, with at least 640 Palestinians killed by Israeli troops and settlers since Hamas's October 7 attack, according to an AFP tally based on Palestinian health ministry figures.

Weeks of demonstrations at the tent near the Kisiyas' home in Beit Jala, south of Jerusalem, have made their story stand out, attracting anti-settlement activists, lawmakers and Palestinians from other communities facing similar incursions.

The daily gatherings feature meals, prayer, singalongs and lessons on non-violent resistance, usually followed by a caravan to the site to demand that the settlers leave.

During one such encounter on Thursday, Kisiya family members grabbed whatever they could -– mattresses, electrical cables, fruit from a pomegranate tree – while activists tried to tear down settler-erected fences.

"We will stay here until we get back our land," 30-year-old Alice Kisiya said. The settlers "took advantage of the war. They thought it would end in silence, but it didn't." Some details of the Kisiyas' story have helped turn it into a rallying cry.

They are one of the area's Palestinian Christian families, and the land's stepped agricultural terraces sit in one of its few accessible green spaces. Yet Knesset member Aida Touma-Suleiman said that while the mobilization around their struggle might be unusual, the challenges the Kisiyas face are common.

"I wish we can be able to stand near each family like this, but maybe this can be an example to show the world what is happening," she said. Earlier this month, Israel's far-right Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich announced the approval of a new settlement in the same area of the Kisiya encampment. The useless United Nations says this would encroach on the UNESCO World Heritage site of Battir, as if the harm of dispossessing indigenous people of their lands is of lesser importance than a world heritage site.

The news drew international outcry, with Washington and the United Nations saying only that the settlement known as Nahal Heletz and other settlements would jeopardize the viability of a Palestinian state, completely ignoring the illegality and the violence that these foreign settlements inflict on the indigenous population. Decades-long similar outcries have done nothing to deter the fanatic terrorist Jews, which suggests an insidious collusion of the West with the colonial settler state of Israel in the slow, gradual, and (in the mind of its perpetrators) imperceptible ethnic cleansing that is going on. 

Israel is nothing more than a western military base in the heart of the Near East in which the West has dumped those of its own Jews it failed to annihilate during the first half of the 20th century to serve as a forward beachhead for colonial Western forces for control of the entire Middle East. No wonder the US has diverted major components of its fleet and army from where they are most needed (Black Sea for Ukraine war; Pacific for China's bullying of its neighbors) to the shores of its Jewish colony in Palestine.

All of Israel's settlements in the West Bank, occupied since 1967, are considered illegal under international law, regardless of whether they have Israeli planning permission. But the West has, again and again, failed to take any concrete action to stem the ongoing rape of Palestine. It could in the least, just as it does against Palestinian terrorism, label and classify the
Jewish settler murderers and land thieves as terrorists.

The Kisiyas have for years been threatened by settlement activity, and in 2019 the civil administration demolished the family's home and restaurant.  The latest run-in occurred on July 31, when settlers from a nearby outpost accompanied by soldiers raided the land, assaulted members of the Kisiya family and activists, and tried to force them to leave the area.

The Kisiyas joined with activists to form the encampment just over a week later, although it got off to a slow start. "I wish there was a camera when we first started. We were just sitting with chairs, had nothing in here. And we were discussing, like, 'What are we doing?'" said Palestinian activist Mai Shahin of Combatants for Peace.

"The first week was really hard," she said, with people, initially hesitant to join the encampment, calling to ask her: "Is it dangerous?" As it has grown in size, Palestinians from elsewhere have come to see the encampment as a safe space.

In the encampment "we were able to actually be ourselves, wear our keffiyehs, sing our songs in our language with our Israeli counterparts" said one Palestinian activist. But some activists point out that despite the energy in the encampment, the current Israeli government appears set on expanding settlement activity.

"No anti-Israeli and anti-Zionist decision will stop the development of settlements," Smotrich, who himself lives in a settlement, posted on X this month. "We will continue to fight against the dangerous project of creating a Palestinian state by creating facts on the ground." This kind of discourse can only have one source in the minds of its holders: Its logical conclusion is that the colonial Jewish settlers of Palestine want to cleanse Palestine of its indigenous population, which means that at some point it will expel the Palestinians from the entire land of historic Palestine. 

The West is fully responsible for the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

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