Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Jewish Settler Terrorists Routinely Rape Indigenous Palestinian Detainees

In a remote desert military prison in the Naqab region of Palestine, holy Jewish soldiers routinely abuse and rape human animal Palestinian detainees. A new video has been published that shows one example of the sexual assault of a Palestinian detainee by holy Jewish settler soldiers.

Both released detainees and whistleblowers have confirmed the authenticity of the events. A physician reported the attack and said that the detainee appeared to have been seriously sexually abused.

Jewish fanatics on the outside of the prison have declared that the rape of enemies is a kosher traditional practice allowed by the Torah, and are demanding that no further inquiries be conducted. Hard-line radical terrorists serving in War Criminal Benjamin Netanyahu’s government advocate even harsher Torah-prescribed treatment of Palestinians, like stoning to death or sequestering Palestinians in deep wells until they die.

The alleged attack involved performing sodomy on the detainee, i.e. penetrating the anus of the Palestinian prisoner with an erect Jewish penis or a hard object. Sodomy and bestiality were common practices across the Arabian peninsula, including in biblical Palestine, among the Arab Jewish nomads who were also known to sodomize their animals, something that Hebrew prophets kept remind them not to do, to no avail.  For example, in [ ] rabbi Jack Abramowitz cites Leviticus 20:15, and says , "we see that if a person does engage in bestiality, both he and the animal are executed. The obvious question is why the animal should be executed – if anything, it was a victim in the act! The Talmud in Sanhedrin (54a) explains that it is out of respect for the person. It would be a source of derision that people would inevitably refer to the animal by saying things like “Look! There’s the dog that Mr. Jones married!” or similar such phrases. Even though the person committed an unnatural act, he still deserves human dignity." This sort of Bronze Age trash is very much like what you hear from Muslim clergy in their fatwas about the "proper Islamic" way of doing everything, including sex: Rather than vaginally penetrate a 9-year old, Allah tells the male faithful that it is Halal to masturbate between the legs of a 9-year old girl, a practive known as "thighing" (تفخيذ). The organic, historical, and cultural continuity between Judaism and Islam are incontrovertible: Mohammad grew up in a "Hebraic" environment where what we now know as Jewish traditions were common to all tribes, Jewish, animists or even recently converted Christian tribes. The religion he founded was essentially a reformist "back-to-the-roots" rebellion against the new religion, Christianity, whose "polytheism" (شراكة) (God having a son and a mother, etc.) he saw as a sinful departure form the strict Jewish-Hebraic traditions of his upbringing. [For more on the identity between Islam and Judaism, see:]

Back to the video from the Jewish settler concentration camp in the Naqa desert, in which we see a group of masked soldiers wrest a detainee from the ground, where he is lying face down in a fenced-in cage with his arms cuffed above his head. Then eight soldiers, accompanied by a dog, take the Palestinian prisoner to an area of the cage that is shielded from view. No pronographic scenes appear in the video. Non-Israeli observers say that the evidence suggests a reasonable suspicion of the commission of the sexual acts. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller, whose government continues to send weapons and supports the Jewish settler Nazi occupation regime in Palestine said he saw the video and described it as “horrific". 

Such practices have triggered condemnations and sanctions by human-rights-abiding civilized countries against countries like Afghanistan, but Israel is treated like a criminal above the law and human norms of decency. Why? Because the German Nazis once did this to the parents of today's settler Jews in Palestine, and it appears that if you were once victim of abuse and genocide, you can launch an unhindered carefree career in abusing other people. Indigenous Palestinian detainees in Jewish settler prisons are routinely treated with extreme violence, which include unleashing attack dogs on handcuffed detainees and sexual assault. The detainees are made forced to crouch on the ground blindfolded and cuffed for days at a time and are not allowed to move or speak.

The Israeli physician at the Naqab concentration camp for Palestinian detainees reported the case to the Zionist authorities. He said the detainee's life was in danger and that he was in need of emergency surgery. He also confirmed information that the detainee had fractured ribs, showed signs of beating, and bore evidence of being sodomized, leading to a tear in the lower part of the intestines.

This is, of course, the tip of the iceberg. Had this physician not reported the case, no one would have even known about it. Just imagine what goes on in Israeli prisons at the hands of fanatic Jews who see themselves as Yahweh's favorite pet people.

Under Israeli colonial settler law, indigenous Palestinians can be held without an order, trial or charge for several months or even years.


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