Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Trump sees he's Losing Women's Vote. Suddenly, he Hails "Reproductive Rights"

The creep moron Donald Dumb was told by his advisors that he's losing women's vote because he's been anti-abortion and supporting backward republican states that have severely restricted access by women to reproductive health care.

Just as easily as he converted from a Democrat to a Republican, the opportunist chameleon who is looking for his own selfish interests suddenly converts from a anti-abortion to a pro-abortion champion. The guy has no principles or convictions; he'll turn whichever way the winds blows. He just as well might re-convert back to a Democrat just so he wins the election.

The dumb creep is now saying he would be “great for women and their reproductive rights”. This immediately raised the ire of his anti-abortionfollowers who are as dumb as he is. They simply miss the fact that the man is a phoney, a fraudster, a cheat... He's a convicted felon, yet they adore him because he tells them - insincerely - everything they want to hear.

In the aftermath of the glowing Democratic National Convention this past week in Chicago, the Donald Dumb campaign has become nearly hysterical to find something to hold against Kamal Harris, the now confirmed candidate for the presidency. But having failed for weeks to diminish her meteoric rise in the polls, the idiot Trump simply changes his position and adopts a Democratic platform of policies to bring back the Independent voters and the moderate Republican voters who have been defecting from the hardcore GOP camp. During his term (2016-2020), Donald Trump stacked the Supreme Court with corrupt judges who would do whatever the Supreme Moron tells them to do in an unprecedented departure from longstanding independence of the American judicial power. On the issue of abortion, the Trump appointees in the Supreme Court overturned decades of judicial precedent by throwing out the Roe v. Wade decision in 2022 under the pretext of granting local state governments the power to legalize or criminalize abortion, as opposed to the federal government.

The phrase “reproductive rights” is a code word in the Democrat dictionary. It encompasses of all situations that involve a woman's reproduction: From abortion to birth control and in vitro fertilization. Democrats want to guarantee access for women to all these medical practices, while primitive-thinking Republicans want to deny them based on so-called religious grounds. It is worth noting that France, with its much wider political diversity than the US from extreme right to extreme left has become a few months ago the first country to enshrine those reproductive rights in its constitution.

Naturally, the anti-abortion people who have been very supportive of the Supreme Moron are now criticizing Trump for ingratiating himself with the pro-abortion Democrats.

Not only is it not principled, it's not going to help the Trump campaign to be trying to sound like a Democrat right now,” one anti-abortion advocate said. An editor of the ultra-conservative National Review wrote, “it increasingly looks like Trump is joining the other side.”

As evidence of Trump's chameleonic posturing on the issue, he has refused to say how he will vote in an upcoming referendum in his home state of Florida that would restore the right to abortion now severely restricted in the deeply conservative backwater state of Florida.


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