Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Trump is Finished. His Demented Antics Show he Does Not Believe he'll Win

The wild unhinged demented antics of Donald Dumb mean two things at the same time:

1- He's old and losing grip on reality. "I'm old", he tells himself, "and I don't care". That is desperation.

2- He knows he'll lose in November. Like in 2016 when he ran "for the fun of it" and didn't believe he'd win and was stunned that he won thanks to the defective Electoral College that distorts the will of the people because of a few unelected delegates. This time, he knows deep down that he'll lose in November to a much better, articulate, steady candidate Kamala Harris, and it irks the world out of him that he will lose not to a white woman (Hillary), not to a white man (Biden, 2020), but to a colored smart woman.

This explains his unhinged sexist attacks on her as "Low IQ", or racist attacks on her as "not really Black", etc. The moron is scared and is on the edge of a mental breakdown precipice and is already regretting choosing an unstable idiot weirdo by the fake name of JD Vance who changes his mind about anything and everything, including about his own opinions of Donald Dumb himself.

I watch D. Dumb on stage, running his inane verbal diahhreas off the carefully scripted mature (though full of falsehoods and lies) language his handlers write for him, making faces like a 3-year old and I fear for the future. Then I wonder who are the jackass republicans who let this Blond Capuchin or Orang-utan monkey out of his cage?

I watch Harris on stage and I feel secure and confident for the future, hearing her words, seeing her demeanor and her uplifting smile. 

What more does any resonable American need to make up their minds between the two? Unless one is an imbecile like Donald Dumb, or unless one believes that the moron is going to save white America from its multi-colored population, or unless one has some other deep-seated pathological hatred... there are no reasons that can convince a moderately reasonable, common sense, person to vote for this convicted felon maniac.

Kamala Harris is the sitting vice president of the United States. She's an educated and formidable prosecutor. She's a former U.S. senator, and this white trash moron calls her “Crazy Kamala”, a “lunatic”, a "low IQ", “a radical left freak”. He insults the popular Republican Georgia governor Brian Kemp, "Little Brian", and launches a vitriolic attack on his wife because the decent man refused to be an accessory to overturning the laws of his state and the country.

All of this, and three more months to go, I predict that Donald Dumb will not be shot in the ear by a republican imbecile like him this time. This time, the coward will have a heart attack or be seized by an episode of "delirium tremens", right on stage, as the adrenaline levels in his blood continue to rise at the rage of having to lose to a woman of immigrant colored background. The coward. The jerk. The feeble man. We thought Biden was an old geezer who refuses to let go, but he did. Now we have to endure the spectacle of this old criminal moron reeking of hatred and rage, dragging the entire country into a psychotic episode of depression and dark negativity. To his followers: What happened to positive thinking? What happened to decency? We always believed in the American Dream, not the American Nightmare this psychotic Leatherface is serving his ever dwindling audiences.

It's clear that Trump is on edge and losing it. Spewing insults no longer works. Even his followers are ditching him. "Republicans for Harris" is the first wagon in a long train of those republicans who are sick and tired of the deranged creep.  For many Americans, Republicans and Democrats, it’s all getting a bit tiresome. We need to remove this miserable angry and criminal old man out of our lives. Right now, in November and forever.

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