Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Kicked in the Stomach, Iran Plays Kittie with US and Abandons Lebanon

Even the Ayatollah wants to make peace with the Great Satan. After years of fomenting and inciting and threatening and funding terror across the region and in Lebanon in particular, now that Israel is mopping the floor with Iran's proxies, the Iranians no longer want to destroy Israel and throw the Jews into the sea and are making overtures to the West. They don't want war. They want to re-negotiate the nuclear agreement. They want to be friends with the US. Which means they are throwing the idiot criminals of Hezbollah under the bus.

And as has always been the case in Lebanon, the stupid Lebanese end up being the village idiots of the region. Before the Hezbollah maniacs, the Lebanese put up with Yasser Arafat and the PLO's Saudi- and Kuwaiti-funded, Egyptian-backed and Syrian-armed rampage of twenty years. Even the West, always at the feet of the Saudis and their Emirati poodles for their oil, tolerated the rape of Lebanon by Arabs and Israelis. Then everyone made peace, Arafat was no longer a terrorist but a partner in a bullshit peace, and Lebanon was left to reel under a brutal Syrian occupation.

We are at the same game again. After allowing Hezbollah to grow in strength for three decades after it massacred western soldiers, bombed embassies, assassinated journalists and politicians, and kidnapped scores of westerners from the streets of Beirut, everyone is "concerned" that a major war has broken out - yet again only on Lebanese soil - between the fanatic criminals of Netanyahu and the fanatic criminals of Iran. Ronald Reagan could have killed Hezbollah in the womb in 1983 when he had his sad marines deployed in Beirut, but he chose to run away after Hezbollah bombed his marines. Why? He did not want to upset Iran (to whom he was secretly selling weapons) and the Arabs (for the Americans had come to Beirut in the first place to save the hide of Arafat and his PLO).

Why don't these nations fight these wars somewhere else? What is it about Lebanon that makes it a magnet for all the criminal and barbarian countries to come settle their scores in Lebanon? 

Imagine if European countries were still fighting their endless wars (as they used to do), but only inside tiny Luxembourg, each having a proxy terror group representing it there? Syria is a great place for wars: It is large, with vast expanses of desert interspersed by cities. In addition, it has US troops, Russian troops, Syrian troops, Free Syrian Army troops, Kurdish troops, Turkish troops, Iranian troops and a host of criminal and religious enterprises like Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, ISIS etc..... one big family of warring criminals, some in ties and suits, some in robes and turbans, whose common interest is in killing innocent civilians.

The Iranian overtures toward the US augur ill for Lebanon. Iran is dangling the revival of the nuclear agreement negotiations before the Americans, in exchange of which the US might accept that the Hezbollah cancer not only remains, but metastasizes into the ascendant dominant group of the country, as long as it stops bothering genocidal Israel after the ongoing carnage and destruction by Israel is completed. This time, the US will sell Lebanon to Iran, and of course, again, to Syria, Iran's ally. Rebuilding Lebanon is cheap; it's a tiny country, and it doesn't take much to rebuild it. Afterwards, another two decades of a fake peace will go by during which Iran and Syria fuck the Lebanese domestically without the international community noticing because it does not involve the venerated icon, Israel.

During the US-sponsored 30-year long rape of Lebanon by Stalinist Syria, the only news that was worthwhile was when Israel got involved sporadically which threatened to destabilize the US-Syrian agreement over Lebanon. Otherwise, killings, disappearances, assassinations, installing puppet governments against the wishes of the Lebanese... were of no interest or concern. Even as Syria was the inaugural member of the US State Dept list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, State Department officials kept telling them the Lebanese that "Syria was a factor of stability" and that they should just adjust to Syria's criminal behavior.

Of course the Lebanese themselves are also to blame: The Muslims love the Arab puppets of America and forgive them their rape of Lebanon over decades, and the foolish Christians have this stockholm syndrome with the US and the West: They think that the West likes them because they are Christians, even as the West is no longer Christian and has not stopped using, abusing, backstabbing and betraying them throughout the second half of the 20th century and into our present time. And they adore Donald Dumb, the idiots!

The new Iranian president is in new York playing cuddly with the West. He wants peace. He does not want war. Yet, he doesn't cut off his rabid pit bulls and tell them to pack it up and go home. Now he's new on the job and we should give him a grace period. But his likely superficial change of heart may be too little too late. Iran has given the Zionist colony in Palestine enough ammunition and pretexts (self-defense!) to keep tormenting the Palestinians and expel them from Palestine, and enough pretexts to annex the south of Lebanon under the guise of a "buffer zone".

Israel did occupy the Lebanese south in the 1980s but it never annexed it. In fact, it withdrew in 2000 without making any effort to prevent its "enemy" Hezbollah from returning there. It could have handed the area to the Lebanese Army and to the existing UN force (UNIFIL) there, but it preferred that Hezbollah controls the area because Hezbollah is a very valuable pretext with which Israel can continue claim self-defense and vitimhood and harass and torment Lebanon. Which means that this time Israel will not only occupy, BUT IT WILL ANNEX southern Lebanon, just as it has done with the Golan Heights, achieving its expansionist colonial-biblical Greater Israel monstrosity.


Iran’s President Says He’s Prepared to Ease Tensions With Israel
Augusta Saraiva and Arsalan Shahla
Mon, September 23, 2024

Iran’s President Says He’s Prepared to Ease Tensions With Israel

(Bloomberg) -- Iran is prepared to de-escalate tensions with Israel as long as it sees the same level of commitment on the other side, President Masoud Pezeshkian said.

“We’re willing to put all our weapons aside so long as Israel is willing to do the same,” Pezeshkian told reporters Monday ahead of the UN General Assembly in New York. “We’re not seeking to destabilize the region.”

Pezeshkian is in the US for his first appearance at the UN’s annual gathering, where he’s scheduled to speak on Tuesday. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to address the same summit two days later, though his travel itinerary hasn’t been finalized.

The Iranian president commented as tensions between Iran and Israel reach new heights after Tehran blamed Israel for being behind a large-scale explosion of pagers and walkie talkies that saw several killed and thousands of people injured in Lebanon — including Iran’s ambassador to Beirut. Iran has threatened to retaliate.

The attack — for which Israel has not confirmed or denied responsibility — was aimed at members of the Hezbollah militant group, which is backed by Iran. The Islamic Republic also sponsors Hamas, which is fighting Israel in Gaza. Both are considered terrorist organizations by the US. In Yemen, Houthi rebels, also backed by Tehran, have been carrying out attacks against commercial ships in the Red Sea since last year.

Israel and Hezbollah are involved in an ongoing exchange of rocket fire. If that escalates into a full-blown regional war, the US and Iran — which sees Hezbollah as the most important of its allied militant groups in the Middle East — would likely be dragged in.

Pezeshkian said Iran wants to see peace but will stand up in the face of injustices against its allies, who make their own decisions on military action. “They don’t take orders from anyone,” he said. “It’s not like Yemenis are waiting for us to tell them what to do or what not to do.”

“If a war erupts in the region, it would serve no one’s interest,” he said. “We don’t want to fight. It’s Israel that wants to drag everyone into war and destabilize the region.”

Pezeshkian reiterated that Iran didn’t know in advance about Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks on Israel, which triggered the war in Gaza, and said both the US and Israel are aware. The militant group killed some 1,200 people and abducted about 250 more. Israel’s retaliatory campaign has killed about 41,000 Palestinians, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, which doesn’t distinguish between civilians and combatants.

Nuclear Accord

Deemed a reformer within the narrow range of Iranian politics, Pezeshkian has expressed his willingness to rekindle talks about Tehran’s broken nuclear deal with the West and will push for the US to remove economic sanctions. He said Iran is willing to go back to the original accord, and said Tehran continues to moves toward the goals set in that agreement.

Pezeshkian, who took office in July after his hard-line predecessor died in a helicopter crash, also denied that Iran has provided Russia with weapons to support its war against Ukraine, contrary to US assertions.

“We do not approve of Russian aggression against Ukraine,” he said. “We have not and we will not supply them with any ballistic missiles.”

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