Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Pro-Palestine Demonstrations on US Campuses Surge Back on Return to Classes

Peaceful pro-Palestine demonstrators showed up on Tuesday outside of one of the entrances to Columbia University, chanting, "Free Palestine!" and holding signs urging the Ivy League school to "divest from death" [i.e. from Israel].

The demonstrations come after a series of massive protests rocked the New York City-based university this past spring, which generated worldwide media attention and more than 100 arrests. The pro-Palestine activity also comes just days after Jewish forces continue their indiscriminate killing of hundreds of innocent Palestinian civilians; the death toll is not 41,000 killed, and 30,000 still under the rubble, not to mention the hundreds of journalists, reporters, UN workers and aid workers, hospitall staff and teachers deliberately targeted by the Israeli Death Forces. Per the ICC and the UN and every other country that is free to oppose the official US stance, this is the worst genocide to be perpetrated against an indigenous population by a foreign occupation army since World War II.

The demonstrations were peaceful, with protesters walking around in a circle on a sidewalk near one of Columbia’s entrances in Upper Manhattan. But Police have orders to attack anyone protesting the Zionist entreprise in Palestine. So scuffles erupted when Police tried to disrupt the peaceful demonstrations. What the establishment fears is not the protesters, it fears the message that the Zionist lobby and those it holds hostage are trying hard to repress and silence. There is an ongoing genocide in Palestine, and people have the right to be informed of what the fanatic Jewish foreign settlers are doing to the native indigenous population of Palestine.

"We refuse to live in a world where the mass murder of Palestinians is normal, acceptable, and profitable. Columbia University is complicit in genocide," the group Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine wrote on X. "Their investments in weapons manufacturers & defense contractors, companies such as Lockheed Martin, are fueling the genocide."

"As we begin our new semester, students in Gaza have no universities to return to. Instead of listening to the student body, Columbia University is doubling down. We will not stop and we will not rest until Columbia divests from apartheid and genocide," it added. "This is just the beginning."

One protester was seen carrying a sign that said "Long live Hind's Hall." In late April, a peo-Palestine group broke into and occupied Hamilton Hall on Columbia University's campus. The group then placed a banner over the facility, renaming it "Hind’s Hall," apparently after Hind Rajab, a 6-year-old who was deliberately killed by an Israeli soldier.

One student said, "we are here because there is still an ongoing genocide that the United States is materially and politically responsible for."

When asked if he thought protests would start emerging at Columbia University this semester, the student said, "We have been very clear that will not stop until Columbia has divested from its complicity in Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people."

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