Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Tiny Useless Lebanon Would be Boring Without Lovely Israel, Brotherly Arabs, Cordial Iran

The Lebanese have endured nearly 50 years of entertainment whose stars are the Zionist monstrosity south of the border (1948-present time), the Arab skullduggery (~1960s - 1980s) all around it, and the Iranian infatuation (1980s - present time). What would we have done without all these lovely ultra-religious barbarians, some worshipping good old ghastly biblical Iron Age Yahweh, others the equally terrifying Bronze Age Allah and their human manifestations in the form of prophets, presidents, prime ministers, monarchs, dictators? It's been 5 decades of displacement, moving, traveling, hiding in basements, going to endlesss funerals, exiles, family gatherings every 5 years or so, destruction of infrastructure....

Thank you Israel, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Emirates and others who start by funding and inciting the war then come back (except destitute Syria and stingy Israel) with money to rebuild what you destroyed and also to reconstitute your terror subsidiaries for another round of enterntainment. Thanks to y'all, we have discovered zen living from one's suitcase, we fengshui'ed our lives down to their most basic necessities (like the people of Gaza right now) and we explored the world with its so many countries, some just as lovely and barbaric as you, others not.

Two reassuring headlines, toe to toe:


Israeli minister says time running out for diplomatic solution with Hezbollah in Lebanon


Hezbollah [i.e. Iran] warns Israel against Lebanon border flare-up

The lovely Hebrew prophet Yoav Gallant who never smiles. I think the man is suicidal given the tens of thousands of children he has killed...

...and the even lovelier Shiite prophet of doom, bunker-bound cell-phone-free Hassan Nasrallah who is always yelling. His parents may have constantly shushed him as a young boy

Both men are physically, if not mentally, circumcized, to say the least.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Monday that there will be no diplomatic solution to the standoff with the Iranian-backed Hezbollah movement in southern Lebanon. US Special envoy Amos Hochstein, a cool world-trotter who can sell death to death itself, is trying to sell fake gold to the two dudes portrayed above. 

He is visiting the lovely Gallant to discuss the ongoing entertainment along the border between Israel and Lebanon, which has displaced 100,000 people on each side of the border, the Zionist settlers further south, and the Shiite crazies further north. He should visit Gallant's alter ego Nasrallah in Lebanon, but Nasrallah is like a virgin bride: She doesn't meet men in her underground bunker. Instead, she has castrati slaves (i.e. the Lebanese so-called "government") who do the talking with the matchmaker Hochstein.

The chorus of the Israeli media and radical ultra-religious barbarian recent Jewish converts from Eastern Europe is chanting tunes like "rapid border operation" (kind of like Putin's special operation in Ukraine) or "massive invasion", all aimed at creating yet another (I believe this would be the fifteenth in 50 years) buffer zone in southern Lebanon. Meanwhile, the dirgey laments of the eternally victimized Shiites - something they share with their Jewish brethren - look up to the sky and scream to Allah to descend fire and brimstone upon the Jews who want to steal Al-Aqsa Mosque and transform it into a third Jewish temple. Bottom line: The Shiite Iranian crazies want to liberate Palestine and Jerusalem-Al-Quds when they can barely dare crawl out of their bunkers and tunnels.

The Jewish-Muslim entertainement consists of exchanging missiles, rockets, shells and fancy drones, against the background of the exclusive melody of Israeli jets striking deep into Lebanese territory at Mach 2 or 3. Hezbollah has already shown some of its equipment but has reserved mysterious prototypes of the deadly entertainment for the real show, again, if forced to do so. Israel too appears reluctant to start the show, but is edging closer to doing so. For the Lebanese, the suspense is more killing than a bomb from the sky.

An example of a theater stage on which Orthodox Jews and Shiite Muslims perform

Despite its reluctance to join the Jewish-led entertainment, Hezbollah said that, if necessary, it was ready to displace more Zionist settlers if Israel insists, according to Naim Qassem, another turbaned representative of the Iranian theobarbarity in Beirut. He too leads a lavish life underground without a cell phone and has promised, if compelled, to ensure "large losses of life on both sides."

From the vantage point of the Lebanese living relatively far from the entertainment theater, they are stocking up on whiskey and junk food to watch the fireworks. Lebanon is tiny (some 4,000 square miles) but it is all rugged mountains. So you could be 10 miles away from the theater as the crow flies  but still feel safe. Back in the 1970s, Lebanese people would be seen setting up picnic tables with food, drinks and hookahs along the high mountain ridges to watch the fighting in Beirut.

Preparations for the Grand Flare-up Party are ongoing. Both performers are testing their equipment with controlled strikes by each side against the other side.

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