Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

New Hampshire Backwoods Nuts: We Need a "Hero" to Kill Kamala Harris

For people in Massachusetts, the backwoods of New Hampshire are a refuge for deranged asocial sociopaths who prefer to live in a cabin in the woods rather than mingle with fellow humans. We call the state "Cow-Hampshire" and its people Cowherders who don't even rise to the level of cowboys.

Many of them are hardcore republicans or libertarians who are basically right-wing anarchists who don't believe in anything, don't believe in government, don't believe in institutions... They just want to live like neanderthals in log cabins like that other criminal loser nut, Ted Kaczynski, who fled humankind to Montana but still used the much-hated government's mail system to send bombs to smart people in universities. They hate everything and everyone, including themselves because they cannot fit in society like normal people. So they hide their sociopathy under the veneer of seeking "liberty".

Why aren't they republicans? Why do they have this idiot Robert Kennedy Jr running for president? Why don't they support Donald Trump straight out, instead of sneaking from behind him as independent "libertarians"? Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr are of the same mould of imbeciles who want to reinvent the world and the human species by taking it back in time to somewhere between the jurassic and the 16th century AD..."Those were the days", they tell themselves, "when we could hunt, kill, raid, kidnap, rape, plunder and pillage without society telling us what we can and cannot do."

And to wit, some of the backwoods libertarians just issued a call to the effect that killing Kamala Harris would be a heroic act, at the same time that the Supreme moron, Donald Dumb, whose entire career has been based on incendiary and foul language, just said that it was the Democrats' attacks against him that are pushing deranged psychopaths to try and assasssinate him. He started taking the country down the path of hatred and racism, and now he's trying to blame those who called him - like Harris and Biden - to wish him well after the second attempt against his life.

There are plenty of nuts out there - and believe me there are many of those among the "free and the brave" in self-loving, self-aggrandizing America, who can't stop patting themselves on the back for coming down from the trees and venturing in the savanah a mere 200 years ago. Idiots like "Leon" Musk, Donald Dumb Trump and RFK, Jr are fanning the flames, with their distorted definition of "liberty", for any cerebrally incontinent nuts out there who own NRA-protected guns to exercise their second amendment right. Very fitting for the cow-hampsherite "libertarian" morons who cannot withstand other people who do not drive around in huge pickup trucks stinking manure and drooling moonshine: To them that is the definition of "free". Their path to extinction is assured; one day their motto will be "RIP-Lived Freaks and Died".

Bottom line: They are all cow-ards (Hahahaa..). They all deleted their cow-ardly tweets inciting the assassination of political leaders not of their liking.

New Hampshire Libertarian Party shares and deletes post that suggests assassinating Harris would be heroic
Katie Hawkinson
Mon, September 16, 2024

The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire said anyone who assassinates Vice President Kamala Harris would be an ‘American hero’ in a since-deleted post on X (AP)

The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire faced immediate backlash after writing in a social media post that anyone who assassinates Vice President Kamala Harris would be an “American hero.”

The party made the post on Sunday before deleting it the same day, according to a screenshot shared by New Hampshire political journalist Colin Booth.

“Anyone who murders Kamala Harris would be an American hero,” the post read. The party then deleted the post and issued a statement.

“We deleted a tweet because we don’t want to break the terms of this website we agreed to,” the party wrote. “It’s a shame that even on a ‘free speech’ website that libertarians cannot speak freely. Libertarians are truly the most oppressed minority.”

Chase Oliver, the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee, condemned the since-deleted post.

“I 100% condemn the statement from LPNH regarding Kamala Harris,” Oliver wrote. “It is abhorrent and should never have been posted.”

“As Libertarians, we condemn the use of force, whether committed by governments, individuals, or other political entities,” he continued. “We are dedicated to the principle of non-aggression and to peaceful solutions to conflict.”

“This is also something we pledge as part of attaining party membership. LPNH’s statement should rightfully be condemned by all people.”

The Libertarian Party of New Hampshire responded to Oliver’s statement, telling him to “FUCK OFF” and “read any book on libertarianism.” They went on to call him a homophobic slur.

The incendiary statement was posted the same day Donald Trump was targeted in a second apparent assassination attempt at his West Palm Beach golf resort.

Suspect Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was arrested on Sunday after Secret Service officers spotted a man aiming a rifle while hiding in the bushes of the golf resort. He is believed to have criticized Trump online and said he is willing to “fight and die” in Ukraine.

He appeared in court on Monday and faces two gun charges.

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk weighed in on the incident with his own inflammatory post, quickly receiving backlash for his comments. “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala,” Musk wrote on X. His statement came in response to a user who asked, “Why they want to kill Donald Trump?”

Musk went on to delete the post.

“Well, one lesson I’ve learned is that just because I say something to a group and they laugh doesn’t mean it’s going to be all that hilarious as a post on X,” Musk wrote. “Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”

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