Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Congratulations to Bisan Owda. F - - - You Zionist Terrorists

The US and its poodles one day decide that the PFLP is a terrorist organization. That by itself does not make it an absolute fact. It is a relative fact because:

- the US and its poodles are biased for Israel and against Palestine. 

- The actions of the PFLP that are used to list it as a terrorist organization have also been perpetrated by foreign invading Zionists against the native indigenous Palestinian population since the 1920s and 1940s, climaxing into the largest ethnic cleansing of an indigenous population by a foreign colonial invader of the 20th century in 1948. Those acts are still being perpetrated at this very moment.

- Objectively, therefore, the US and its poodles should list the Zionist movement as a terrorist organization. Ever since the foreign invasion of Palestine began, European Zionist settlers have been terrorizing the indigenous Palestinians, killing, raping, erasing entire villages, deporting, displacing millions of people, stealing land... All of these are acts of terrorism.

The Creative Community for Peace organization is a fake seeker of peace. Its members know that they are playing the hypocritical role of the "good Zionist cop" to cover up the crimes of the "bad Zionist cops". All Israeli organizations claiming to work for peace play this insidious role of covering up for the genocidal colonial state they represent. It is not surprising that they'd be offended that a Palestinian like Owda is nominated for the Emmy, pretexting that she is a member of the PFLP.  So what if she is a memmber of the PFLP? They used to label Arafat and the PLO as "terrorists", then they signed a peace treaty with them. Zionist duplicity and lies no longer work as they used to. The world is watching as we write these lines and finally realizing who the real terrorist is.

Is it really a crime to honor Palestinians who were injured or killed in violent confrontations with Israeli settlers? Who is the victim here? Who is the criminal?

And despite their pathetic protests at anything that promotes a Palestinian idendity, Television Academy told the Creative Community for Peace organization to go fuck themselves. Slandering Palestinians who fight for their identity and their land against a savage occupier does not work anymore. None of the Israelis alive today suffered during the Holocaust and they should no longer exploit this sad episode of European brutality against Jews as a pretext to brutalize another people who have nothing to do with the Holocaust. 

People should read in detail ....

[] or


... the crimes committed by the French colonials against the Algerian "terrorists" of the Front de Libération Nationale: Brutal shelling by fighter jets and tanks, destruction of entire villages, rapes, raids and summary mass killings of people fighting back with rocks, hunting rifles, and yes later on, with explosive devices against both French settler civilian and military targets. Sounds like Israel is doing the same thing in Palestine.

The Palestinian liberation movement looks like an exact identical clone of the whole episode of the Algerian liberation movement. The invading foreign barbarian settlers claim to be defending themselves against their own brutalized indigenous victims. 

Genocide Joe Biden said yesterday (Sept. 26) that he's a Zionist and that Zionism means "there has to be an Israel". Fine, but why does Israel have to be created out of nothing at the expense of an innocent land and people like Palestine? Why not create an Israel in Europe where all the Zionists come from?

Bravo for Bisan for her bravery and her competence at reporting on the Zionist savagery in her homeland of Gaza.

Palestinian Journalist Bisan Owda Wins News Emmy After [Failed Zionist] Campaign to Get Nomination Rescinded
Ross A. Lincoln
Thu, September 26, 2024

"It’s Bisan from Gaza and I’m Still Alive," via Peabody Awards

Palestinian journalist Bisan Atef Owda has won the Emmy for Outstanding Hard News Feature: Short Form for her ongoing project “It’s Bisan From Gaza and I’m Still Alive.” The win comes 5 days after a campaign to get her nomination at the 2024 News and Documentary Emmy Awards rescinded was rejected by the Television Academy.

The project documents Owda’s daily life in Gaza amid the ongoing Israel-Hamas war that has devastated the region since the Hamas attack on Oct. 7 of last year. She previously won a Peabody Award for “It’s Bisan From Gaza and I’m Still Alive” earlier this year.

At the News & Documentary Emmys, Owda was nominated alongside media outlet AJ+. But soon after it was announced, her nomination drew outrage from Jewish nonprofit Creative Community for Peace, which accused her of being a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a United States-designated terrorist organization.

As evidence, CCFP cited speeches she purportedly gave at PFLP rallies, and events she hosted to honor Palestinians injured or killed in violent confrontations with Israeli soldiers. The PFLP also referred to her as a member of the Progressive Youth Union of the organization in 2018.

5 days ago, the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences said it wouldn’t rescind her nomination, noting that all documented ties between her and PFLP occurred “between six and nine years ago,” when Owda was still a teenager. NATAS added that it “unable to corroborate” reports of other ties, and that it wasn’t able “to date, to surface any evidence of more contemporary or active involvement by Owda with the PFLP organization.”

“The content submitted for award consideration was consistent with competition rules and NATAS policies. Accordingly, NATAS has found no grounds, to date, upon which to overturn the editorial judgment of the independent journalists who reviewed the material,” the group also said.

Owda is an activist and filmmaker best known through Instagram (4.7 million followers) and TikTok (191,500 followers), where she documents her experience during the ongoing Israel-Hamas War in Gaza.

Other winners from the News category ceremony included ABC and CNN, both with multiple wins, among others. You can read the complete list of winners here.

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