Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Zionist Lies Exposed by Scandal at Jewish Chronicle

The Jewish Chronicle is a British dirt rag as old as the Balfour Declaration, steeped in disseminating Zionist fake  news and lies to justify the English-Jewish rape of Palestine.

Once in a while, someone with a conscience within the organization - whistleblower of sorts - can no longer sustain the outrage they feel at the endless stream of Zionist lies that are propagated as tested, verified, reliable, fact-checked information. This causes a scandal, a stir, for a while then fades away. But this tiny tip of an iceberg hides an entire mountain of sordid fabrications disguised as serious reporting, all aimed at justifying atrocities carried out by the Zionist colony in Palestine.

This is the operational mode of the Zionist propaganda, ever since its nascent beginnings in the late 1890s and well into the present time, with its 1947 climax persisting to our time with the continued assassination of Palestine to justify the creation of the colonial Anglo-Saxon footprint in the Near East, artificial state of Israel. All the ideas that became commonplace about Israel being a "democratic" refuge for persecuted Jews, or about how the Palestinians fled of their own will their homes and villages after the 1947 founding of Israel (when in fact they were expelled, killed, raped, and their villages demolished and replaced by new Hebrew-named "Settlements"), or about how super-armed nuclear Israel needs protection against its own rock-throwing colonized Palestinian victims, or how this poor victim of Arab antisemitic hatred cannot accept an independent Palestine next to it because it would an existential threat to it. 

Throughout the colonial centuries, we heard the same stories, lies and fabrications about the uncivilized native indigenous people needing to be colonized and civilized because they live traditional lives, and how the advanced civilized colonizer will make the desert bloom and feed the uncouth native barbarians... "Why would the Palestinians not want to live under the Israeli colonizer boot that will feed them and improve their lot?", they ask with the audacity and arrogance of a self-declared superior species that didn't have the mojo to defend itself against their brethren the Nazi Germans, but are now unleashing the same Nazi barbarity on their Palestinian victims?

A handful of journalists has resigned from Britain’s Jewish Chronicle because one of its reporters, Elon perry, has been fabricating stories about the Gaza war. This otherwise common occurrence, a storm in a  Jewish teapot, becomes itself the news, instead of the genocide perpetrated against an innocent population. Elon Perry, parading as a “British-based Israeli journalist,” once served in the Israel Death Forces (IDF), and has been contributing to the Jewish Chronicle. 

A typical Zionist, Perry beegan magnifying everything that serves Israel's devastation of Palestine and degrading everything that served Palestine. According to the British Guardian, “highly sensational, the articles [by Perry] purported to describe blow-by-blow Israeli operations – including what would be regarded as sensitive details – and intelligence purportedly gathered by Israel on the fugitive Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and his plans.” 

According to Perry's "reporting", Yahya Sinwar was preparing to flee Gaza, taking Israeli hostages with him, via tunnels dug under the Philadelphi corridor. Since the pretext objectives of Benjamin Netanyahu include killing Sinwar and rescuing the hostages, what better "news" could Netanyahu hope for than Sinwar escaping through Rafah and Philadelphi to justify his insistence on retaining control of Rafah and the Philadelphi corridor? 

That is how Zionist propaganda operates: Make up stories in favor of the Zionist business plan (of genocide and dispossession of Palestine), disseminate them as "serious" reporting to a brainwashed world audience, then turn around and use the lies, now transformed into "facts", as justifications and pretexts to continue with the criminal activity embedded inside the Zionist business plan.

In fact, Netanyahu apparently is relying on such fabricated reporting to harden his position of wanting to remain in control of Rafah and Philadelphi so that he can capture Sinwar and rescue the hostages. The dumb American lackeys of the Zionists, of course, lap up the bullshit news and give Netanyahu a break.

The 100-year old Zionist colonial rape of Palestine has been conducted with this mode of propaganda operation. Everything you were told growing up about the good and poor victim Israel fighting the bad terrorist Palestinians is based on lies and fabrications like this.


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