Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dumb Appalachian Lindsey Graham is Disheartened at Trump's Disastrous Debate

But that is exactly what happens when you play sycophant for years to a jackass moron.

For the sweet (and secretely gay) Lindsey, from the backward state of South carolina, there was only one word for Donald Trump’s performance against Kamala Harris: “DISASTER.”

Marko Djurica/Reuters

But why does the inbred Appalachian act surprised? Didn't he know he was cheering an idiot, an uncontrolable jerk who is famous for self-destruction, no matter how much preparing, training and handling he gets? For sweet Lindsey, himself a dumb leader of the stupid conservatives, Donald Trump was "unprepared, and his debate team should be fired".  Scintillating! Blame the handlers, not the star jackass.

Too late crying over spilled milk, sweeet Lindsey! Your visionary conservatism should have cast the light of the uncomfortable truth inside your numb skull. But there is so much 19th-century density inside that foggy box that nothing actually moves or functions in there except some residual KKK and cotton-picking nostalgia.

Other right-winger morons tried to lay the blame for the ineptitude of their demented senile horse on the debate anchors. Even the dumb supreme moron himself, knowing that he failed lamentably, immediately rushed after the debate inside the "spin room" (a rare move) where journalists and surrogates gather after the debate, despetrate to try and limit the damage. Among some of his inane arguments was that his disastrous performance was due to a consipracy between Harris and the two anchors - a “three-on-one attack” he said. He is obviously so terrified at sinking even lower into his own cesspool in the face of an effective, masterful Harris that he is refusing a second debate. 

He does better in front of his moronic Applachian crowds where no one asks him a question, where he can raise his thumb against the background music of "born [dumb] in the USA," and where people start fleeing the bleachers after 45 minutes of his rambling incoherent bullshit. I wonder if these people were paid to attend, or perhaps if they are like these devout but bigoted Catholics who leave mass right after communion because "they've had enough religion for the day already".

The escapist idea of blaming the moderators was adopted by all the rightwinging lying morons, including that Fox idiot, Sean Hannity, who said that ABC News was “the biggest loser in the debate.” He said the network didn’t press hard enough on Harris’ past policies and that he still didn’t know much about her. He doesn't need to know. His brain cannot process serious information; he's used to the numskulling ramblings of Trump.

Right-wing politicians, pundits, and journalists chimed in to attack ABC News. Throughout Tuesday night, a consortium of conservatives claimed moderators David Muir and Linsey Davis had conspired with Harris—while all of America saw Trump flailing and quivering throughout the debate. He didn't need ABC News to expose his ignorance and incoherence to the American people.

All these conservative neanderthals were foaming at the mouth and looking for the vomit bucket. They are incapable of honestly facing the truth - Donald Dumb is a disaster of a candidate. He's a demented criminal who is going senile. Megyn Kelly, for example, literally blamed the debate moderators without acknowledging any responsibility on the part of Trump himself. She said, “These moderators are a disgraceful failure and this is one of the most biased, unfair debates I have ever seen...Shame on you @ABC.”

It was clear to viewers, however, that the moderators, Muir and Davis, consistently fact-checked the former president as he spouted the falsehoods that Fox News religiously elevate to the level of "alternative facts". For example, Donald Dumb claimed that parents in liberal states can choose to kill their own baby after it is born, or - that is the funniest of all - that illegal immigrants are eating the pets of America, to which Harris burst out laughing like any normal sane person would.  [For more on the pet-eating immigrants, see:]

But a rare decent Fox News commentator, Brit Hume, acknowledged the truth: "Harris was composed, she was prepared, she kept her cool,” he said. “She saw advantages, she took them. She baited him successfully, which is the story of the debate.” Thank you, Brit. ABC News should make you an offer to ditch the Jurassic Fox swamp.

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