Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Low-Tech Pager Blues for the Hezbollah Shiite Muslim Neanderthals

When you're hiding in a hole deep down a concrete bunker, your Islamic robe all tangled up around you, your turban forcing you to get a stiff neck, you can still rely on a cell phone or even a landline to connect  to the outside world.

In theory, the fundamentalist Jews down south want your head. They got your predecessor decades ago; they recently got your vizir Fuad Shokr, and they can get you, but it seems they are sparing you for a mysterious reason. You, the prototype of the fundamentalist Muslim Fascist, share so much with them, the fundamentalist Jewish Fascists: You both believe that God chose you as his favorite people and that He, in his ultimate wisdom as the Great Wizzard up in the Sky, hates your enemies. With God on your side, you both believe that slaughtering other people is a fast way to achieve Go'd will on earth.

As he distorts his big trunk to fit in his rabbit hole, Hassan Nasrallah had a eureka moment a couple of months ago: My nemeses the Jews are killing my people by targeting their cell phones. Easy: Just issue a call to his demented fighters, who though desiring to die for God's sake and go to heaven do not wish to die unnecessarily, to abandon their cell phones.

But how can he communicate in this American-made world of technology and gadgets without a cell phone? Hassan cogitated for a while and decided to order a large shipment of pagers, those 1980s-vintage precursors of the cell phone that allow you to receive a simple message (report to duty for example, or call a phone number from another device) but not send one.

The pagers arrive and the trick seemed to work. But the far more sophisticated fundamentalist Jews down south are always ahead of the game. Somewhere in the supply chain between Hassan placing the order and the pagers delivered, the fundamentalist Zionists jumped in and tampered with the pagers, inserting an explosive device in them or altering the batteries to explode or ... the possibilities are many. 

If the pagers, for instance, are made in Taiwan, the Zionists learned from a well-placed agent in the Hezbollah hierarchy of the order and convinced the Taiwanese manufacturer to play into the dirty game, or they could have intercepted the shipment somewhere along the route and made their own modifications one pager at a time. I favor the former hypothesis because it is so much easier to tamper with the equipment upstream during the manufacturing process, than to stop the shipment, open each pager one at a time, tamper with it, then put it back together, for thousands of these pagers.

Now I chose Taiwan simply because the pagers are made there (though the Taiwanese brand owner denies any involvement and says he subcontracted the manufacturing to a firm in Hungary which has retorted that no one in Hungary makes these devices) []. But given that both Taiwan and Israel are dependent on the US and are therefore allies, Taiwan's primacy in electronic manufacturing, and its miseries - shunned by most countries one earth to the benefit of mainland China, which makes it an anomalous rogue state like Israel - a role for Taiwan in the pager story is not that far-fetched.

The bottom line: Charles de Gaulle once said about his political enemies that "they want to fart higher than their assholes". If you know that your enemy is much more powerful and advanced than you, why look for a fight? Why wage a losing war? Why disturb the hornest nest? Hezbollah's problem stems from a generalized eastern tradition of using one's emotion before using one's brain. And that is why most eastern peoples are ultra-religious. Emotion leads to religious faith, while brain and reason lead away from religion. 

Fundamentally, Hassan Nasrallah is convinced that testosterone and big balls somehow override a reasoned search for reality. He, as a Lebanese Muslim Shiite radical, still holds a grudge for a political assassination that took place 1,300 years ago. Backed by Iran, he has been destroying Lebanon since the early 1980s. Before him, it was the Muslim Sunni Lebanese (backed by Saudi Arabia, Libya, Egypt, Syria and others) who began the destruction of Lebanon since the 1960s. Both Muslim communities, though, had made a deal in the 1940s with their fellow Christian compatriots in tiny and heterogeneous Lebanon to keep the country out of regional conflicts and ideological camps. It worked between the 1940s and the 1960s when the Christians had the ascendancy: Lebanon was a prosperous, open, liberal, democratic, and free country that stayed out of regional conflicts.

But alas, testosterone and big balls got in the way. Lebanon's Muslims began reneging on the deal - the National Pact - when Nasser of Egypt, Assad of Syria, Arafat of Palestine, and lately Khomeini of Iran tickled their Islamic supremacy or their fetid Arab nationalism bone. Ever since, Lebanon has been inexorably descending into the abyss for decades, receiving superficial and fake assistance from a "civilized" world that cares more for Muslim Arab and Persian oil and gas than for human rights and self-determination for small nations. 

In their 50-year long despair, the Lebanese are praying for a huge war, a massive war of destruction and mayhem, an upheaval that would reduce their green highlands to bare hillocks by the Mediterranean.... anything that would reset the clock back 50 years. They are willing to pay an exorbitant price, if in exchange they can live normal lives in a normal country. But no one is listening. Everyone is listening to the radical ultra-religious fanatics in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Israel.... because these people have power, they have money, and they have blackmail leverage over the decision-makers. 

We truly live in a dog-eat-dog (not Hatitian-eat-dog!) Darwinian world. You gotta be a criminal asshole to survive. But you gotta be a smart asshole, not a demented psychopath driven by emotion. I suggest that some people need to stop, take a break, improve their lives, build up their economies, preserve their environments, educate their people and give them self-respect and dignity... and only then go chase after your windmill enemies. As long as you live deep down in a bunker, crippled like an icon that is only paraded on large screens, with your people decimated by anachronistic traditions and primitive beliefs and impoversihed by a defunct economy... you will never defeat an enemy who has savantly blended primitive ultra-religious fanaticism with modernity.

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