Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sweden: Enter Illegally and We'll Pay you $34,000 To Leave... and Try Again

The Swedes are very inventive in dealing with illegal migration. They're paying $34,000 to each migrant who agrees to go back home.

I wish the Lebanese had that kind of creativity and money: with 2.5 million illegal Syrians, it would cost the Lebanese government 2.5 million x 34,000 USD = 85 billion USD to entice them back to Syria. Unfortunately, the Lebanese Central Bank has only 10 billion USD left in the treasury after the politicians pilfered all the savings that the Lebanese had managed to save with sweat, blood and tears over a lifetime of wars, killings, massacres, foreign occupations, displacement, bombings and other refined standard operating procedures of vintage Middle Eastern traditions of violence. 

To be fair, the former central bank governor is being prosecuted for having "eased" the pilfering, even if it took the "diligent" Lebanese judiciary decades to go after him. Now he is probably the scapegoat on which the tribal religious Mafia leaders plan to dump their sins then drive him into the desert to die and take their sins away; like Jesus. 

It's just that the World Bank and the IMF have been demanding "reforms", and one second before the midnight hour when the international financial watchdogs are about to place Lebanon on a "grey list" of countries under special scrutiny, the highly (in)competent and (in)corrupt Lebanese judiciary officials felt a burning onion in their bottoms and decided to act.

Being added to the Financial Action Task Force's grey list would be another major blow to a country in financial tailspin since 2019, with depositors still locked out of most of their pre-crisis savings and many foreign corresponding banks shunning Lebanon's financial system.

Everyone is waiting for the former governor to either commit suicide in his cell, or to spill the beans (and be killed by the Mafiosi politicians) by disclosing the names of the corrupt politician thieves for whom he did the "easing". 

Meanwhile Sweden, having failed at "integrating" the illegals pouring into the country, has decided to radically change its migrant policies, in what the government is calling a "paradigm shift." The Minister of Migration announced it would pay $34,000 to migrants to return to their home country.

Migration Minister Johan Forssell announced the policy as the new right-wing government  has promised to act given the failure of integration policies for migrants from countries such as the former Yugoslavia, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Iran and Iraq.

"Sweden’s migration policy is undergoing a paradigm shift," the country's official website said, while promising to deport those who are there without authorization. "The Government is intensifying its efforts to reduce… the number of migrants coming irregularly to Sweden."

However, a government-backed report showed that the effect of the new policy would not justify the steep costs. Further, this policy sounds like a call to people from countries where earning $1 a day is a great day to pack up and sneak into Sweden and hit the $34,000 jackpot. Better yet, the real entrepreneurial illegals could cash in the $34,000, go home, then do it again! Like Vegas. I would swim across the freezing Baltic Sea for a chance at $34,000.

The moves come as a right-wing bloc, which includes a nationalist anti-immigration party, won a narrow majority in Sweden’s parliament last week. It was a major political shift in the Scandinavian country that had a decades-long history of welcoming refugees, but is grappling with a crime wave linked with immigration.

"Now we will get Sweden in order," said Ulf Kristersson, the leader of Sweden’s Moderates, who’s considered to be the leading figure in the right-wing bloc and a possible prime minister.

Populist leader Jimmie Akesson said, "It is time to start rebuilding security, welfare and cohesion. It is time to put Sweden first. The Sweden Democrats will be a constructive and driving force in this work."


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