Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Israeli Hostages Found Dead in Gaza: Suprised? Shocked? You Shouldn't Be

Why is everyone acting surprised at the discovery that Israeli hostages are found dead in Gaza? Just the random probability of anyone getting killed in Gaza is enough to explain it, but it's even more unsurprising that hostages will be found dead: Israel is supposedly targeting the "terrorists" who probably have tied the hostages to their own bodies like Siamese twins. Every time Israel kills a "terrorist", it kills at least one hostage. It's even more macabre than that: How about if the Hamas fighters know their end is near; they are not going to reward Israel by dying and releasing the hostages. They will kill the hostages along with their own demise.

I wouldn't be surprised if all the remaining hostages aren't dead by now, and just like Netanyahu but for different reasons, Hamas is negotiating without an end in sight because it has no live hostages left to trade for concessions.

Then Hamas knows that the perfidious Israel might still hope to find live hostages and will pretend to negotiate until it determines how many, if any, hostages are left alive. If they end up agreeing to a deal or as they prolong the negotiations, the goal of the Israelis is to gain time as necessary to make that determination. Everyone knows that once Israel determines there are no live hostages left - even as it concludes a pause in the fighting - it will unleash back its US-enabled savagery, without restraints this time, regardless of whether or not it signed a deal to stop the killing.

Hamas too understands that dynamic and has no interest in a deal that does not somehow guarantee its survival in one form or another. Since Hamas does not trust that Israel will keep its word in any agreement, it has nothing left to lose; its population in Gaza is dying anyway and will continue to die regardless of any agreement. Israel does not want peace. Israel is ethnically cleansing Palestine, beginning with Gaza. Peace means Israel will have to concede to Palestinian sovereignty over some part of what remains of historic Palestine. And since Israel wants ALL of Palestine, it will not sign any peace deal, and even if pressured to do so (like in Oslo) it will immediately renege on it and violate it. Only idiots or colluders refuse to see the trajectory of Israel's conception, birth and evolution: Get rid of the Palestinians, perhaps keep a tiny minority to work in construction and clean toilets, expel them to Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, and have its pure supremacist Jewish paradise on the Mediterranean with a new Temple built atop the demolished Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Everyone acts surprised and saddened by the discovery that one of the hostages is dead. The Western press indulges itself in endless coverage, interviews with the family, melodramatic tales of the hostage's life and promise as a young man, etc... But 41,000 innocent Palestinian civilians deliberately killed by Israeli State terrorism under the lie of self-defense apparently does not stir any sadness or pity or compassion. Why? 

Because Palestinian women are veiled, they're Muslim, and are always wailing over the bodies of their children. Because Palestinian men are always shown yelling and screaming over the bodies of their loved ones. For a westerner, wailing and screaming over a dead relative's bloodied body is demeaning, almost animalistic, primitive. These Muslim women do not have the same "dignity" that a western mother shows on television when her child is killed. A western mother does not throw herself on the ground clutching her child's dead body, she does not raise her arms to the sky invoking God's help. A western mother cries in silence, standing up, without gesturing, without expressing her feelings to the public of the emotionally-constipated culture that produced her. Palestinian Arab mothers are by definition subhuman in the minds of westerners; "these people" are used to violence; they're terrorists anyway. So when violence is visited upon them by the "western" Israelis, other westerners subliminally accept it as normal that a super-human Judeo-Christian Jew kills a subhuman Muslim Arab. The act does not stir compassion or a call to action to put an end to the barbarity. Their killing is irrelevant from a western viewpoint. It might even be desirable because it accelerates the rape of Palestine, the completion of the Crusades, the ultimate victory of the Cross and the Star of David over the Crescent.

Remember Sabra-Shatila, when in 1982 Lebanese nationalist militias entered a Palestinian refugee camp and massacred 2,000 Palestinian refugees as Israeli invading forces looked on? For the Westerners, it did not matter that so many people were killed in cold blood (just as it doesn't matter these days that 41,000 people have been killed in cold blood by Israelis in Gaza); there was no interest in those who were killed, and there was no interest in those who killed - no one asked why the nationalist militias did this, no one looked closely to find out that the nationalists did this in revenge for a similar massacre perpetrated by the Palestinians a few years earlier in the isolated town of Damour. 

The killed and the killers were of no interest; what mattered was only: how could the "western" Israeli implants watch this horror unfolding without doing anything to stop it? Inquiries were conducted, academics wrote books about it, films were made about it, and every year it is commemorated the world over. Why is that? The killers and the killed are both Arabs, and violent Arab killing violent Arab is normal and accepted. It's in their nature as "human animals". It does not shock. You see, killing with a knife is barbaric, but killing with a fighter jet or a drone is civilized and humane. The western Israeli who did not do the killing and was not the victim, but who observed the killing, is of interest. Isn't that colonial racism in its most abject form? To deny the killed and the killer any humanity and any sense of moral responsibility as to their fate or actions, while agonizing over the observers' moral responsibility in the event, reveals a self-centered immorality that essentially relativizes moral judgment and truncates the supposed universality enshrined in all human rights charters.

In Gaza, we are witnessing this very same immorality slap us in the face every day. It is not shocking , indeed it is normal, that Western Israelis (by definition moral and civilized) should kill thousands of subhuman Arabs (by definition savage uncivilized terrorists) in revenge for a previous attack by Palestinians fed up by 75 years of dispossession and dehumanization. But it is not acceptable that Lebanese nationalist militiamen seek revenge for the extermination of the population of a Lebanese town by the Palestinian refugees that Israel ethnically cleansed and expelled into Lebanon.

One Israeli hostage found dead in Gaza is huge news, but 41,000 Palestinians killed in cold blood is not news anymore. Nor is the unprovoked sacking, plunder and pillaging of the West Bank by foreign occupiers. The ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of what remains of Palestine has become a footnote in every newscast: They cite the numbers of Palestinians killed, underline that these numbers are suspect because it is the Hamas government that tallies them (message: don't believe them), quote the endless "concerning", "troubling" and "unacceptable" expressions of hypocritical disapproval which for several prior decades was never accompanied by any action to deter and prevent such barbarity, and move on to the excruciating details of the drowning of a fine white wealthy billionnaire mongrel in his super luxury yacht because of a storm. 

If you wish that 41,000 dead Palestinians should rot in peace under the sands of Gaza, while another 30,000 lie under the rubble of their shelters and buildings, then may I join you in wishing that all the dead Israeli hostages also rot in peace? After all, for these barbarian ultra-religious criminals, it must be the Jewish and Muslim God's will.

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