Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Zionists, Again, Equate Palestinian National Resistance with Defunct Antisemitism

If there is antisemitism in the world today, it is in places like Germany, Great Britain, Italy and other European countries where hatred of Jews was born out of an extremist Christian ideology that lasted from the Middle Ages and well into the 20th century.

Muslim and Jews in fact have always lived together for centuries and millennia in the Arab world as well as in Andalusia and Moorish Spain from which the Christians expelled them both, forced them to convert or subject them to the Inquisition. Why did this change in the 20th century? Because the European Jews decided to have their own little me-too colony, just like King Leopold of Belgium in the Congo and every other barbarian European monarchy with their "empires" in which they decimated entire indigenous populations or turned them into free labor slaves and pilfered their wealth.

Perfidious Zionist propaganda continues brainwashing the West by equating Palestinian national resistance against the one-hundred-year long colonial dispossession and genocide by foreign Zionists with antisemitism.

If European lemurs had invaded Palestine in the 1920s, bedecked with weapons and money, and dispossessed the native indigenous population with untold violence - rapes, home demolitions, exterminating entire villages, bombings, expulsions into refugee camps and other refined European civilizing methods - the Palestinians would still be fighting, like any other indigenous people would do if attacked with such virulence by foreign invading forces. And the Zionists would call these lemurs antisemites.

But anachronistic lies persist. To wit, the following opinion below in which the author ponders, "Hamas murders 6 more hostages, and have 'we' learned anything from history about antisemitism." I wonder whom the "we" represents? Zionists? or plain brainswashed non-Jews? Let me help him:

Hamas is an Islamic terror organization, just as Israel is a Jewish terror state. 

Palestinians have been resisting the influx of illegal Jewish migrants from Europe, despite the odds stacked against them, ever since that influx began in the 1920s. It didn't start with Hamas, and it won't stop after Hamas is gone. The Palestinian cause cannot be deleted from existence, and time is on its side, regardless of the violence inflicted on its people.

When Arafat was defending Palestine, he was branded a terrorist. Haven't we learned from history that foreign colonial invaders always call the indigenous resistance "terrorist"? The German Nazis called the French resistance fighters terrrorists. The French colonial government called the Algerian resistance fighters terrorists. The English crooks (who sold Palestine to a few European Jewish bankers) called the heroes of the Indian uprisings against the vandal British empire terrorists! The Dutch called the resistors against its oppression terrorists in places like Indonesia (1602-1945), Sri Lanka (17th century-1802), the Netherlands Antilles (since 1634), Tobago (1654-1678), Suriname (17th century-1975), Guyana (1667-1815), South Africa (1652-1805), Malaysia (1610-1830), and Brazil (1630-1654).

I could go on and on about Indonesia, Vietnam, Cuba, Chile, South Africa and all the third world colonized countries that were fighting their foreign European oppressors, rapists and land and resource thieves: They were all called terrorists.

Israel is a Johnny-come-late colonial invader of Palestine; its promoters can keep distorting history and facts to fit their false narrative, but in this 21st century, most people around the world look upon Israel's rape of Palestine as a boring oft-repeated story of colonial settler rapists trying to subdue an indigenous rebellious population. What we do learn from history is that nowhere did the colonial invader succeed. The "terrorists" always win.

No matter what the Palestinians do to try and salvage their country, they'll be tagged terrorists and antisemites. In the Zionist lexicon, not one country, not one organization, not one NGO, not one court of justice, not one entity that tried to instill a modicum of justice in the 100-year-old rape of Palestine by European Jewish Zionist settlers has escaped being listed as antisemitic. At this rate, 99.99% of the world is antisemitic for trying to bring justice to the dispossessed Palestinian people. 

I ask an ethical question: Is killing someone with a knife less ethical than killing that someone with a drone? It is easier with a drone because you are not looking your victim in the eye, but that should not diminish the unethical act of killing a defenseless person with overwhelming force.

I ask another ethical question: Israel claims self-defense for indiscriminately killing thousands of people in revenge for the murder of 1,200 of its illegal settlers of raped and occupied Palestine. But the dispossessed dehumanized Palestinians, who have no choice but to fight back against the foreign invader, can also claim self-defense: It was their Palestine that was raped by those now demanding guarantees and protection from their own victim. What upside down world are we living in? 

Read the BS below (starting with a movie, not reality) about the six Israelis found dead in a Hamas tunnel. Shed tears. Learn their names and what great people they were. Learn about their parents's heartache... We all know the future movie and the Hollywoodian tear-jerker melodrama that will net millions upon its release. But will you ever know the name of just one of the 41,000 innocent Palestinians killed in cold blood by Israelis who had herded them in what was supposed a "safe zone"? Just like the Nazis used to tell their concentration camp prisoners that they were going to take a shower before they gas them to death. Is the "tactic" of luring your victim before you assassinate them this much different between Israelis in Palestine and Nazis in Germany?

Our opinion writer below says that Hersh Goldberg-Polin was kidnapped and held captive for nearly 11 months in Gaza, for no other reason than the fact that he was a Jewish man attending a music festival in Israel on the day that his murderers invaded. Not true. He was not just a Jewish man attending a festival in Israel. His presence in Israel-Occupied Palestine implies he at least sees no problem with, and perhaps even condones, the ongoing rape of Palestine and the dehumanization of an entire indigenous population. For the past 100 years, occupied Palestine has been in a constant state of war between foreign invaders claiming Palestine belongs to them because some Bronze Age toilet paper says God gave it to his pet people, and the Palestinian indigenous people who are the victims of that rape. I'm sure Mr. Goldberg-Polin knew the risks.

Palestinians kill Israelis not because the latter are Jews. In fact, many of those detained by Hamas were neither Jewish nor Israelis. Palestinians kill Israelis because the Israelis raped them and their country. Gaza is nothing but a concentration of refugee camps in which millions of Palestinians, uprooted from their ancestral villages by vicious fanatic Zionists, have been herded like "human animals" over many decades of dispossession and hatred. 

Yes, a revolution is necessary: Against Zionist fanaticism and for a free Palestine.



Hamas murders 6 more hostages. Have we learned nothing from history about antisemitism?
Nicole Russell, USA TODAY
Wed, September 4, 2024

The 2023 film "Irena's Vow" tells the true story of Polish nurse Irena Gut Opdyke, who became the housekeeper for a German army major in World War II. She manages to hide 12 Jews in the Nazi officer's villa to save them from extermination in the death camps.

An innkeeper she meets encourages Irena to keep a low profile to survive. When he realizes she's hiding Jews, he feigns ignorance: "I don't want to know anything."

No one in America or anywhere else in 2024 can say they do not know about the rampant antisemitism percolating in elite American universities, around the globe and at the hands of Hamas terrorists.

But have times really changed? Have we learned anything from history about how antisemitism infects and spreads?

On Saturday, Israel Defense Forces recovered the bodies of six hostages, including Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, an Israeli American, from a tunnel in Gaza, where they had been held captive by Hamas.

Hamas insinuated Monday that the captives were executed because Israeli forces were about to rescue them. The terrorist group also threatened to murder dozens of remaining hostages if Israel attempts to free them.

Hamas has released propaganda footage of the murdered hostages, including Eden Yerushalmi, 24. In the video, she said she missed her family, did not think she would make it out of Gaza alive and blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of abandoning her and other hostages.

Hamas also killed hostages Ori Danino, 25; Alex Lobanov, 32; Carmel Gat, 40; and Almog Sarusi, 27.

The captives were among more than 200 hostages taken Oct. 7, when Hamas invaded Israel and murdered 1,189 innocent people, most of whom were civilians. Hamas continues to hold at least 101 hostages, including seven Americans.

The Hamas-controlled health ministry in Gaza says more than 40,000 Palestinians have been killed since the war began last fall.

The murder of hostages has exacerbated a fraught political environment in Israel. As many as 500,000 people took to the streets in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to protest the hostages' deaths and the way Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government has handled negotiations for a cease-fire and the release of hostages.

Even President Joe Biden agreed on Monday that Netanyahu has not done enough to aid the hostages' release.

Yet, it's not clear how Biden could pin any part of these murders on Netanyahu. After all, an American hostage was killed and more Americans remain in captivity. Is Biden also not doing enough to secure the hostages' release?

The fact is that Netanyahu and the Israeli government have tried to secure a cease-fire resolution, even though it was Israel that was forced to defend itself after Hamas' Oct. 7 attack.

In August, Israel agreed to the Biden-Harris administration’s cease-fire deal, but Hamas rejected it. And U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in June that Hamas had refused to accept an earlier U.S.-backed agreement to end the war.

On Tuesday, the Justice Department charged six leaders of Hamas with the Oct. 7 attack on Israel for charges that include conspiracy to kill U.S. citizens, conspiracy to support a terrorist organization and conspiracy to use bombs and weapons of mass destruction.

As the war in Gaza rages on, Jews in the United States and around the world continue to face blatant antisemitism. Whether on elite university campuses or on the streets of New York, antisemitism in any form must be rejected.

Both presidential nominees Kamala Harris and Donald Trump must make clear that no matter the election outcome in November, the new administration will do everything in its power to protect Jewish people in America and elsewhere.

On Monday, the family of Hersh Goldberg-Polin gathered for his funeral in Jerusalem. Only 23, he was kidnapped and held captive for nearly 11 months in Gaza, for no other reason than the fact that he was a Jewish man attending a music festival in Israel on the day that his murderers invaded. 

We can never say we don't want to know what Hamas is doing to Israelis. We cannot feign ignorance for the sake of peace. "May his memory be a revolution," Jon Polin said at his son's funeral. A revolution is necessary. May it come now.

Nicole Russell is an opinion columnist with USA TODAY.

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