Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

I'm an Immigrant. I don't Eat Pets. Ask my Neighbors Who Own Them

Y'all have heard the American proverb, "there is more than one way to skin a cat", or a similar one about dogs, "there are more ways to kill a dog than hanging". So immigrants eating cats and dogs is a sign of their assimilation to American culture. 

Also, if you go to a street market in some Chinese cities, take a vomit bag with you: You'll see cat heads roped up for sale. You'll see rats ready to be skinned for you to cook a meal with for your family.

On a personal level, I find some of these pets obnoxious, especially dogs. Some shit on my lawn. Others bark all the time when they're left alone in the house next door. I do like cats, and I don't like dogs. Cats are low maintenance and independent, dogs are needy, noisy and smelly.

But I don't eat them. In fact, I'm a virtual vegan. I occasionally eat fish, not the red ones in a bowl, but those you buy in the market. 

I've had many cat friends, some by proxy, over the years with names like Apache, Magali, Savanah (a.k.a Chuck), Scruffy, Fluffy, Puff, Deebo, Alice, Tequila, etc. They have all passed away, but I liked them. Now I only entertain local feral cats with food and water without getting too familiar with them. It's safer for both sides, and that is how I like my friendships, with a little distance.

And to make a long story short, I'm not a cat lady. I have children, and I am not one of those illegal immigrants whom Kamala Harris apparently subjects to transgender operations in prison fairs. I like the gender than inhabits my body. You should see the movie by Pedro Almodovar, "La piel que habito" if you are interested in transgenderization.

Bottom line: I am not voting for the idiot orange moron. I am voting for smart Kamal Harris. Just on the basis of comportment, not on policies. He's riff raff scum, she's brilliant dignified. 

Americans are made to believe that a president can do whatever he wants. As history shows us, it's not the case. So I don't care what they say about policies they might or might not be able to implement, because it is not entirely in their hands. They usually promise but don't deliver because, they later tell us, "they didn't let me".

I base my judgment about the person I am voting for based on whether they project dignity, poise, self-respect and respect for others. They represent the nation. And it should be evident to everyone that Donald Trump has none of these qualities. When he is speaking, ranting and rambling, seething with anger, foaming at the mouth, hurling insults at anyone and everyone, digging deep into the American lexicon of ignorance and vulgarity, I cannot help but feel ashamed to be an American; I keep telling myself, "that can't be who I am; this man does not represent me. He might represent the criminal underworld that haunts our streets, but not the decent every day American who tries to make a living without insulting or hurting other people".

I find myself always on the defensive always trying to explain to my quizzical foreign friends how can the US produce such a scummy jackass bastard. I tell them that, like in all countries, there is a large pool of ignorant, mediocre, criminal Americans on the margins of mainstream society. But unlike most other countries, America has the incomprehensible means to allow mediocrity, ignorance and criminality to rise to the top once every other generation. Donald Trump is just that one mediocre jackass moron who rose to the top.

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