Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Disgruntled Zionists Still Nagging that Shapiro Would Have Been Better than Walz

Jewish Zionist pollster Nate Silver says Harris missed a ‘big opportunity’ by not picking fellow Jew Josh Shapiro as running mate. Imagine the retroactive insult to a very impressive Harris-Walz ticket at this time closing in on election day. But why is it that Zionists cannot let this issue rest and back Harris-Walz instead of waxing nostalgic of the opportunity to have one of them as the VP pick?

Silver posts on his website, "Harris blew one big opportunity to tack to the center with her selection of Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) rather than Josh Shapiro", adding "that a tiny minority of progressives objected to Shapiro was an argument in Shapiro’s favor, if anything.”

Walz's pick as Harris's running mate has energized both centrists and progressives, i.e. the bulk of the Democrat Party. But nagging Silver argued that Shapiro, who has faced criticism from progressives [because of his heavy bias to Fascist Israel], could have been a help to Harris, who he contended is “limited by her own past progressive policy positions.” 

The argument about who is more progressive or more center is not the real underlying issue here, despite Silver's strenuous attempts to present it as such. The "unsaid" is that Shapiro is Jewish and Zionist, and so is Silver who is eating his heart out at seeing his co-religionist rejected.

It may well be that Harris rejected Shapiro because there is a stench coming out of somewhere inside the Jewish circles of the Democrat Party, wafting all the way from the burning barbarity in Palestine.

The very decent and honorable Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who is also Jewish, said over the weekend that he still considers Harris a progressive, despite her pivot toward the center on some issues. He argued they still share the same goals, such as reaching universal health care and addressing climate change. So, Nate, what's the problem?

In his disgruntlement and bitterness at seeing fellow Shapiro thrown in the garbage bin, the nagging Silver is lacing a successful recipe with poison. He says that even though Harris is roughly 2 points ahead of Trump nationally, he, "the prophet", predicts she has only a 20 percent chance of winning the popular vote and losing the Electoral College. All of this was before last night's (September 10) debate. The inventors of hallucinating ignorant prophecies that still poison our lives 3,000 years later like the "return - or the coming - of the Messiah", the "end of times" and "Armageddon" don't seem to have abandoned the Bronze Age voodoo practice they inherited from their desert-dwelling nomad ancestors.


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