Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Monday, September 9, 2024

English Toilet Paper "The Telegraph" Continously Telegraphs Trump as Winner in November

Notice how the English toilet brush called the Telegraph, once a herald for slavery and the savage British Empire, keeps desperately trying to lift Donald Trump out of the swamps of his idiocy, Christian nationalism, white racism, and the generally recognized "stupid conservatism".

John Stuart Mill once said, “Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives..I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it". I personally believe that The Telegraph is manned by stupid people, which is why it is a conservative rag. If I were to believe first that The Telegraph is conservative, then I'd have to conclude a posteriori that some of its people are stupid. But The Telegraph is so consistently stupid AND conservative that it doesn't really matter which is first, the conservative chicken or the stupid egg.

The Telegraph soils itself every day with a headline that appears so stupidly conservative as to make Mill turn in his grave and regret not having bluntly said, "“Conservatives are necessarily stupid, and all stupid people are conservatives..I believe that is so obviously and universally admitted a principle that I hardly think any gentleman will deny it".

One recent headline of the Telegraph says, "Kamala Harris suffers poll blow ahead of critical Trump debate", with a subheading, "The poll found that 28 per cent of likely voters said they needed to know more about Kamala Harris, while only 9 per cent said the same for Donald Trump. 

That 28% of voters wanted to know more about Harris is a good sign; it means they like what they have so far seen and want more of it. Only 9% of voters want to know more about Trump means that almost everyone knows what a jackass conservative, stupid moron, cheating lying womanizer, and high-end convicted criminal Trump is. What more does one need to know?

Quoting ONE poll and only ONE poll, ignoring all the other polls that show a marked advance of Harris over Trump, the English toilet paper The Telegraph trumpets that "Kamala Harris has suffered a fall in the polls for the first time since becoming her party’s presidential candidate." By "fall" the morons of the Telegraph are referring to a New York Times survey in which Donald Trump is ahead of Harris by one point, 48 per cent to 47 per cent, among likely voters nationally, without stating that the margin of error is somewhere around 3%. 

And the English imperial stuffed-up monarch-brown-noser numskulls to conclude, "The drop in popularity comes ahead of a critical televised debate with Donald Trump, which is scheduled for Tuesday night." 

"Drop in popularity" because of a 1% edge in a poll with 3% error margin, all the while ignoring all the other polls showing a 4-5% advance of Harris over Trump, is nothing short of a remarkably abject duplicity in reporting news. I pity those older English former colonial soldiers with bad teeth who still read the disgusting rag the Telegraph out of nostalgia at seeing it decaying along with the few remaining colonial war veterans of the defunct Empire.

Then to make a slight penance for their reporting misdemeanor,  The Telegraph's toilet cleaners add at the very end of their illuminating "analysis", in a late admision of their cheating, "Analysts warned that the new poll was an outlier so far," but still go on to persistently make hay out of the feces they had harvested from their toilet bowls by adding, "However, it will likely trigger fears inside the Harris campaign that it could also be a sign of things to come." 

FEAR, and THINGS TO COME... sounds like a biblical prophecy straight out of that other Bronze Age toilet paper, the Bible.


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