Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Even Back in the 1950s, "Unmentionable" Traitors Sold Secrets to the USSR

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were American Communists who were put to death in 1953 after being convicted of conspiring to steal secrets about the atomic bomb for the Soviet Union.

Historians have long regarded Julius Rosenberg as a Soviet spy and historians contend there’s evidence that his wife Ethel supported her husband’s activities.

A handwritten memo recently released by Meredith Gardner, a linguist and codebreaker for what later became known as the National Security Agency, cites Soviet communications that lead to the conclusion that Ethel Rosenberg knew about Julius' espionage work.

The Rosenbergs were the nucleus of a Soviet spy ring operating in the U.S. at the height of the Cold War and associated with the development of the atomic bomb. Julius worked as a civil engineer and went by Soviet code names like “Antenna” and “Liberal”. He was characterized as a recruiting agent for Soviet intelligence.

In a separate paragraph of the memo titled, “Mrs. Julius Rosenberg,” Gardner describes a message saying Ethel Rosenberg was a “party member" and "devoted wife” who knew of her husband's work but didn't engage in it. But "not engaging in it" does not absolve her of being a Communist Jewish traitor to her country, just like her husband. Indeed, Harvey Klehr, a now-retired Emory University historian, said that Ethel Rosenberg conspired to commit espionage even if she did not spy herself or have access to classified information.

“Ethel may not have been a spy — that is, she might not have actually passed on classified information — but she was an active participant in her husband’s spy network, not just someone who happened to agree with her husband about politics,” Klehr wrote in a 2021 piece for Mosaic Magazine.

Another historian, Mark Kramer of Harvard University, said that other documents contain “damning evidence” of Ethel Rosenberg's involvement in spying, and her participation in tasks, even “if she was not directly participating in the way Julius Rosenberg was.”

As usual, when a Jewish American person is involved in treasonous or criminal activities, there are supporters out there, straight out of known pro-Zionist circles, who start casting doubt on their criminal convictions and trying to weasel them out of their betrayal of the US. Remember Jonathan Pollard?


Even after convictions are pronounced, these supporters begin a campaign to discredit the judicial authorities as biased and "antisemitic" and demand that the sentences be abridged because Zionists and Jews "in general" are pro-American, or that their sentences be completely dismissed because the Jewish culprits were spying for a friendly and allied country, which often is Israel. For example, the children of the Rosenbergs visited the White House in 1953 in a failed bid to get President Dwight Eisenhower to prevent their parents’ executions, as if being Jewish should shield them from the same treatment other non-Jewish convicted criminals get.

In a 2001 television interview, Ethel Rosenberg's brother, David Greenglass, acknowledged that he lied on the stand about his sister to assure leniency for himself and keep his wife out of prison so she could care for their two children. A fellow communist sympathizer, he was indicted as a co-conspirator and served 10 years in prison.

Greenglass claimed at trial that he had given the Rosenbergs research data he obtained while working as an Army machinist at the Los Alamos, New Mexico, headquarters of the Manhattan Project, where the first atomic weapons were produced. He also said he recalled seeing his sister using a portable typewriter at the Rosenbergs' apartment to type up handwritten notes to give to the Soviets.

Greenglass told the court that Julius Rosenberg was adamant he should stick with his Army service so Greenglass could “continue giving him information.”

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