Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, September 27, 2024

White Racists of America are Terrified: They are Losing the Demographics War

They came from crooked England. They killed the native Indians. They neded free labor so they brought slaves from Africa to work on the cotton plantations. When slavery was abolished, they brought Irishmen whose land they had raped. Then they brought Italians, Germans, East Europeans and Chinese to build up the industrial base and work on the railroad. When the railroad was done, they banned Chinese immigration (The Chinese Exclusion Act). Then they needed scientists (because they themselves are largley dumb and stupid), so they started bringing in Indians and Pakistanis....

All of this racist construction of the country was portrayed with orgasmic self-delusion of liberty, democracy, manifest destiny.... all bullshit slogans they used to sell their garbage to the rest of the world. America was so hallowed, they said, that only those born on its soil, could claim to be proper American citizens.wt

But now that they are an endangered species that is overrun by all the people they brought in to work and build the country while they themselves sat on their lazy white bums, America is no longer hallowed. They now say, like this dumb imbecile below from South Carolina, that even if you're born in America you cannot be an American citizen. They behave as if this country of immigrants is no longer a country of immigrants, but a country of entitled white racist idiots. They know they are losing the demographic battle and in their despair they are taking the country down a path of civil war, a second civil war after the one they fought and lost in 1860.


Graham's press conference on ending birthright citizenship
The Hill Staff
Wed, September 25, 2024

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is slated to give remarks on what could be a major change to longstanding American immigration policy.

Graham has for years advocated ending the principle of birthright citizenship, the standard that any person born on U.S. soil is considered an American citizen.

Former President Trump strongly supported such a change while in office — and has vowed the take the step if reelected in November. Opponents at the time considered their position to be an unconstitutional ploy based on anti-immigrant populism.

The issue was also popular on the campaign trail, with former GOP candidates Vivek Ramaswamy and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis both pledging to end the policy.

Graham is slated to speak at 1:30 p.m. EDT.

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