Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Why Doesn't this Idiot Just Shut Up?

The only Christians still alive and free in the entire East are Lebanon's Christians. For fifty years they have been annihilated by wave after wave of all kinds of Muslim threats: Egyptians in the 1950s, Palestinians in the 1960s-1970s, Saudis, Kuwaitis, Libyans and Syrians in the 1970s-1980s, Iranians in the 1980s to date.

Yet, the bulbous - not even Jesus's cross could hold his pudgy chassis - head of the wealthy and highly corrupt Vatican has done nothing to help Lebanon's Catholic Christians. Sure, it keeps taking in their busloads of candidates for sainthood (Lebanon's Christians are stupidly ultra-religious), which helps keep said Christians chained by barbaric and archaic beliefs, but the Vatican has done literally nothing politically to protect them and save them from the fanatic Jewish-Muslim orgy around them. For the past 50 years, millions  of Lebanese Christians have emigrated, and the remaining ones are on their way to extinction, after those of Syria, Israel and Iraq have long vanished form existence. Though numerous, Egypt's Christians live miserable lives of a tolerated "dhimmi" community under constant threat from both the fanatics of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Fascists of the Sissi dictatorship.

The Vatican keeps holding inter-religious ecumenical conclaves in which it claims to be making a rapprochement between the various churches and religions. It raised hell to grant the 200,000 Catholics of tiny East Timor their independence from 240-million Muslim-strong Indonesia (where the Pope visited a week ago), yet it can't help already independent Lebanon from staying out of the religious barbarity between Jews and Muslims next door?

He now says that the Jewish barbarity in Lebanon is "unacceptable". Yup, thanks Popey, that helps a lot. Popes have on occasion visited Lebanon to rally the ignorant crowd of the faithful, and also raise some money out of an economically devastated Lebanon. If Francis doesn't "accept" it, what is he going to do about it? Another sermon and a blessing on Sunday mass? Ad majorem dei ignominiam!

He's been, of course, busy focusing on sex: Hiding pedophile priests all over the world; denouncing the use of condoms; banning women from the priesthood; denying marriage to his army of priests; abortion,... Why is it that the CHURCH feels compelled to regulate every aspect of people's sex lives? There is not an issue "below the belt", i.e. pertaining to sex and reproduction, over which the Church does not have an opinion and an encyclopedic amount of rules and regulations dictated by men who supposedly never had sex, never gave birth, never had families, and never had children (except in secret, of course). 

What is this obession with gentials and sex?


Pope Francis, back from flu, calls airstrikes on Lebanon 'unacceptable'
Joshua McElwee
Updated Wed, September 25, 2024

Squinty and largely useless Pope Francis holding weekly audience

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis called Israeli strikes on Lebanon a "terrible escalation" of the Middle East conflict on Wednesday at the end of his weekly general audience at the Vatican, which went ahead two days after he cancelled meetings over mild flu.

The pope said the attacks, in which Israel says it has been striking targets affiliated with the Iran-backed Hezbollah movement, were "unacceptable" and urged the international community to do everything possible to halt the fighting.

Francis did not specifically identify Israel, but said he was "saddened by news from Lebanon in recent days that bombardments have caused much destruction and many victims".

The 87-year-old pontiff, who has suffered bouts of ill health in recent years, appeared in good form through his audience although he coughed lightly a few times while speaking.

The Vatican has not provided details about the pope's health since announcing on Monday he had cancelled his meetings for that day. It said at the time the pontiff had made the decision as a precautionary measure in view of a trip to Luxembourg and Belgium, which starts on Thursday.

At the audience, the pope confirmed his plans to continue with the visit, and asked for prayers for its success.

The tour, his 46th foreign visit as pope, comes less than two weeks after he returned from a demanding 12-day, four-country excursion around Southeast Asia and Oceania.

The pope referred to the strikes in Lebanon in off-the-cuff remarks at the end of his hour-long audience.

Francis, pope since March 2013, now regularly uses a wheelchair due to knee and back pain. Earlier this year, he cancelled several appoHe's been busy intments over what the Vatican variously described as a cold, bronchitis and influenza.

On the Sept. 2-13 trip to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore, Francis maintained a packed schedule, headlining more than 40 events, and travelling some 33,000 km (20,500 miles).

Francis started the general audience on Wednesday by taking a tour around the crowd in an open-air popemobile, waving to people as a band played orchestral versions of pop songs.

In his main messages to pilgrims, the pope focused on the dangers of temptation, including online pornography, which Catholic teaching forbids.

(Reporting by Joshua McElwee, Editing by Timothy Heritage)

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