Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Taylor Swift Endorses Harris. The Taliban Endorse Donald Trump

Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada is the Afghan cleric who is the supreme leader of Afghanistan in the internationally unrecognized Taliban regime. He issued a statement yesterday in which he endorses Donald Trump's candidacy for the US presidency, citing the "verifiable fact" that the absence of Donald Trump from the White House is behind the eruption of wars around the globe: Ukraine, Gaza, China-Philippines tensions etc. 

"We, in the Taliban," says the statement, "believe that Donald Dumb's style of governance resembles our own, what with the fellow Christian fundamentalism that he espouses: women locked up at home making babies. We want global peace so that we can continue dehumanizing our women unfettered, just as Israel continues dehumanizing the Palestinian people under Trump's leadership," the Mullah-in-Chief added. "We believe only Donald Trump can ensure global peace. By the way, we also endorse Trumps' revulsion at Haitian immigrants eating dogs because for Islam dogs are "filthy" animals. The Quran forbids Muslims from touching dogs."

The repression and control by the Taliban of the Afghan people, especially women, are at a whole different level. But Trump and Vance, and their Bronze Age Evangelical radical extremists, are the nucleus of a polished (suits and ties, no beards, no turbans) yet equally barbaric face of an American Taliban movement.

The Taliban government has recently enacted new decrees prohibiting women from such ordinary everyday life as going outside of their homes for a stroll or singing. They already banned them from schools and from work. The thrust of these policies is that women should stay at home, cook, clean and get fucked to make future baby Talibans.

What Vance and Trump and their Evangelical fans want to do is essentially to take the US down a similar path: All women should be making (white anglo-saxon protestant) babies, should not own cats (lest their immigrant neighbors eat them), and should enroll grandma and grandpa as free daycare center operators. These measures might seem begnin in comparison to those used by other unabashedly proud dictatorships like China, but there is always that slippery slope.

Imagine that the Evangelicals run the country from behind a moron like Donald Trump, like Rasputin did under the Romanovs. Pretty soon, under such a administration, women would be advised to wear "decent" clothing when outside, their church attendance might be monitored, their texting too. Perhaps the Chinese government's highly sophisticated surveillance of their people using advanced technology would catch the admiration of the supreme moron Donald Trump, who would want it implemented righnt here in America. And cameras would be everywhere, not to catch thieves but to see if your behavior conforms to the government's directives.

Under the reign of the most esteemed American icon, the dollar, we rate people through a financial credit system and each one of us has a "grade" for good or bad financial behavior. Let's admit it: money is the American religion! Under the influence of his sinister Evangelical cabal, Trump might find the "Social credit" system of his buddy, the Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, so appealing that he might sign a decree to create it. You will be rated and graded based on such things as jaywalking or your unfriendliness or if your dog shits on the sidewalk. Your wife's menstrual periods will be monitored to decide when she's most fertile and when you should have sex. And her pregnancy will be individually monitored to make sure you don't, God forbid, ABORT!

These measures are already in place in China, especially against reporters, dissidents, and non-conforming people who refuse to accept the ride down the Great Path to Sublime Happiness that the Chinese Communist Party has implemented for the Chinese people.

So my friends, we each have a unique threshold of tolerance. Some of us might react violently against any hint of such represssive and invasive mesures that our government might take, while some of us might go along for a long while before feeling the bite. For those who hesitate to take sides, think of the slippery slope that a radical movement like the Evangelical cult might take us if it has access to power. They already ban what a woman can do with her body; they are so desperate at having more white Evangelical babies that they would not stop at banning abortions; they might take steps to force women to have babies - like the Germans did under Hitler (whom they adore by the way). 

It's been done so many times before, and every time it has failed. Why waste our lives enabling them first to take us to hell then having to fight back to get out of it?

The difference between Fascists like Trump and his Evangelical handlers on one hand, and the Democrat Progressives on the other, is that the latter have long understood that you cannot institutionalize happiness: No party, no cult, no religion, no movement, no ideology can provide happiness from the top down. All those who tried in the past have failed. Why? Because there's always people behind any system, and sooner or later people fail their own system. 

Happiness, a relative one at best, can only be achieved by posing a constant challenge to those in power, regardless what they tell you about how great their system is compared to the other system. The constant challenge is usually known as the opposition, and even if those in power are doing a great job, they should always be confronted by an opposition because they are people, and people unconsicously follow the second law of thermodynamics: Unless revived from the outside, the system ends up in tatters: Entropy, the queen of disorder, moves in inevitably, inexorably. And that my friends is why we constantly need new energy into any system. And that is what we usually call democracy. 

If you like the moron Donald Trump so much that you feel you must vote for him, go ahead and vote for him. But once he is in power, move to the opposition.

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