Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Blinken Running Out of Words to Protect Savage Israel

 Update 12-September-2024:

After referring to the deliberate and willful murder of peaceful protester Aysenur Ezgi Eygi by an Israeli sniper bullet to the head as an "accident", Biden is now backtracking (he doesn't want to lose votes for Kamala Harris). He now says he is "outraged and deeply saddened”. He and Blinken are running out of words to describe Israel's barbarity, but they have long ago ran out of balls to stand up to Zionist criminality. Where are their balls? In a tight Zionist squeeze.


"Deeply troubling", "unacceptable", "concerning", "not constructive", ... are some of the diplomatic terms US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has used to keep shielding Israel as it continues its barbaric campaign of ethnic cleansing in Palestine, and its deliberate murder of US citizens who express sympathy for the Freedom for Palestine cause.

Now he is calling for ‘fundamental changes’ after the latest American woman, Aysenur Ezgi Eygi, was shot and killed by an Israeli military sniper in the West Bank. Blinken went so far in breaking the pro-Zionist glass ceiling by saying that the death of Aysenur Ezgi Eygi was “unprovoked and unjustified”. Wow! His Israel Immunity Lexicon keeps growing but he may be running out of words. If Blinken were to use these qualifiers against rogue criminal countries other than Israel, it might warrant some concrete action (cut ties, impose sanctions, invade, etc.). But not with Israel. Israel has absolute immunity from the US to commit any crime it wishes, even against US interests. And this is not out of conviction, but out of an asymmteric incestuous relationship in which the criminal younger sibling imposes his will on the older sibling who pays all the bills.

Just as they did back when an Israeli army sniper shot US citizen Shireen Abu-Akleh in the face in May 2021, the Zionist hypocrites first deny, accuse Palestinians of committing the crime, refuse to investigate, then after pressure they say they conducted an investigation and found that an Israeli soldier MAY have "accidentally" killed the US journalist. When she was murdered by the Zionist soldier, Shireen Abu-Akleh was wearing a clearly marked PRESS flak jacket and a helmet; the only target to kill her was her neck and face, and this is where he shot her. No Israeli soldier is ever reprimanded, let alone punished, after they intentionally kill journalists and other non-combatants, which means the soldiers have orders to kill anyone who may appear to protest or expose Israeli crimes against civilian populations.

In this case, the young US citizen of Turkish origin was peacefully protesting Israeli barbarity in the Beita Junction of the West Bank on Friday. The Israeli military released a statement saying that an initial inquiry indicates Eygi was likely killed by unintentional fire at the protest. Again, "likely" (not definitely) and "unintentional". The military also said that the Zionist sniper was in fact aiming at another protester - an "instigator" -  standing next to Eygi and who was a leader of the protest. In other words, it is okay for the Zionist criminals to kill peaceful protesters who seem to be leading a protest. Is that the norm for the "most moral army on earth"?

The coward US Secretary of State Antony Blinken keeps licking the boots of his Zionist masters and has gone so far this time to call for “fundamental changes” - whatever that means. He said Eygi's murder was “unprovoked and unjustified” and that “no one should be shot and killed for attending a protest.” Blinken was probably talking about protests in the US or elsewhere, because Israel has for decades committed egregious crimes against basic norms of democratic practices, and the US has for decades excused such behavior using "terrorism" and "self-defense" pretexts. 
Yet, in the West Bank, egregious conduct of ethnic cleansing and unexcusable violence by foreign Jewish settlers against native indigenous Palestinian villagers, under the approving watch of Israeli soldiers, has rarely, if ever, been condemned by the US. But this time, Blinken seemed to be pulling his own teeth when he said, “In our judgement, Israeli security forces need to make some fundamental changes in the way that they operate in the West Bank, including changes to their rules of engagement", adding that Israeli forces have long used violence or looked “the other way” when Israeli settlers have used violence in the West Bank against Palestinians.

“It’s not acceptable, it has to change,” he continued. “And we’ll be making that clear to the senior most members of the Israeli government.” Yeah sure, Tony. I can already see these senior criminals of the Israeli occcupation government trembling at hearing your threat.

Poor Blinken. His country is at the mercy of its own monster child it created with the other criminal parent, the English monarchy. It cannot control that child and spends its time trying to justify the unexcusable.


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