Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Inbred MAGA "family-values" Tennessean Congressman Green Cheats on his Wife

60-year old married MAGA Congressman and bigoted Christian idiot from - where else? - the backward state of Tennessee, was caught with his pants down cheating on his wife with a 32-year old, even though he holds Bible study sessions in his basement.

What is it with these fake Christian Evangelicals? They believe that since they are chosen by God to lead this country, they are above the values they preach to their brainless herds.

As "pastors" they want their sheep to give them money so that they - the religious leaders and Corporate Megachurch Big Business owners - continue their lavish lifestyles which include adultery, sex with minors, rapes in dingy motel rooms, etc. Being chosen by God entitles them to refrain from abiding by the same values they pretend to demand of their poor brainless followers.

Apparently, that is how they define the "American Way of Life" that they so dearly defend. Below is a picture of Tennessee Rep. Mark Green listening to God while feeling "hot and bothered" thinking about what he'll be doing to his 32-year old lover.

Tennessee Rep. Mark Green listening to God while feeling "hot and bothered" thinking about what hel'' be doing to his 32-year old lover after he adjourns his Committe hearing on family values.

The wife of Rep. Mark Green has blown off the Christian cover under which this fornicator hid. She has publicly accused this MAGA Republican of having an affair. Green, 60, who is the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, is in divorce proceedings - which is contrary to God's law - from his wife of 30 years, Camilla Green. The New York Post reported Camilla said all he is filing for divorce because of his “affair with a 32-year-old woman.”

“I have offered reconciliation, and he wants nothing of it and has insisted on a divorce,” the wife wrote in texts, addding that she has forwarded her accusations in an email to Capitol Hill lawmakers.

“I am being quite open about this as 1) I cherish the prayer of any who are willing and 2) I want to make others aware of how readily available ‘predators’ are for our husbands,” she wrote. She went on to attack lawmakers for how they “become intoxicated with power and adoration.” This is what caused Green to push “God out of his life, me out of his life,” she continued, adding that Mr. Green “developed friendships with other congressmen and women having affairs and getting divorces, drinking, parties, all while hosting a weekly Bible study in the basement of our home.”

“I am still praying for him… but my hope is dwindling. He is no longer wearing his wedding band and his will is dug in,” the poor idiot wife added. “If my story can prevent this tragedy from happening to someone else, I will tell it.” The bigot Green, meanwhile, is torn between his brain and his penis, and its eems that his penis is winning big time. His response to the news is "this is a difficult time for my family and me."

“We are currently going through divorce proceedings,” he said, “as this is a deeply private matter, I ask for privacy. I will continue to serve this district with all I’ve got, as I have the last five and a half years.” That is exactly where the bigotry shines: If he cheats on his wife, he wants adultery to be a "private" matter; but imposing the bible in schools, banning women from having abortions, forcing the ten commandments in the public square and other attempts to shove religion, their own religion, down the throats of the American public... those are not private matters.

In her letter, the angry wife said that Green’s affair was with a political reporter—and named the journalist’s employers. However, a cease-and-desist letter from the news outlet’s counsel reportedly rebuked those claims as “false and per se defamatory.”

The woman with whom Green cheated also stated anonymously that relationship with the fornicating legsilator was “on-again-off-again" affair. The interspersion of adulterous moments with abstinence moments seems to diminish the impact of the adulterous fornication.

Now Green has received a pardon from the Supreme MAGA moron and after announcing his retirement following the fornication scandal blowup, he received a pardon from God himself, thanks to the intercession of the Evangelical Messiah Donald Dumd, and he reversed course after Donald Dumb encouraged him to stay in Congress. After all, they are all adulterers and sexual predators and they will stand with Green to defend the American Way of Life.


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