Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wisconsin's Racist Anti-Semitic Republicans to vote for Trump

The racist Wisconsin man below, who refused to let his daughter's School Superintendent (who is African-American) shake her hand at her graduation, is in all likelihood a Trump voter, a conservative Republican white supremacist. This is Trump's base that is determined to sack American democracy in order to hold on to power, even as it shrinks from a majority to the largest minority. That is why their fake Christian faith makes them hate everyone who is not a WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant): Catholics, Blacks, Jews, and every other immigrant constituent community of the United States.

Wisconsin was settled by mostly German immigrants who brought with them all manner of German racism and Nazi culture. And it is enduring in Wisconsin just as it endures in Germany itself. The Germans killed millions of Jewish and other minorities, then expelled the remaining Jews to settle in Palestine by, in turn, expelling and killing the native indigenous Palestinians. 

I bet you that the Baraboo High School graduates will get jobs or university placements everywhere in in America because their Freedom of Nazi Expression is more acceptable than the Freedom for Palestine Expression for which university students across America are being persecuted, discriminated against and denied graduation, diplomas, and jobs.


White dad stops daughter from shaking Black superintendent’s hand - at school infamous for Nazi salute photo

Katie Hawkinson
Wed, June 5, 2024

A white dad rushed the stage and pushed the Black superintendent out of the way so he couldn’t shake his daughter’s hand during her high school graduation yelling ‘I don’t want her touching him.’

The shocking incident took place Friday at Baraboo High School in Wisconsin - the same school that drew national headlines in 2018 when a photo emerged depicting several current and former students doing the Nazi salute.

Graduation footage from last week shows the man, whose identity has not been reported to protect his daughter, coming onto the stage as his daughter shook school officials’ hands.

As she approached Superintendent Rainey Briggs, who is Black and was hired in 2021, the man jumped on stage and grabbed the superintendent by his arm and dragged him away from his daughter.

“That’s my daughter,” the man says, according to footage of the ceremony. “You better get up off me man,” Briggs can be heard saying as the two went off camera.

An unnamed father of a graduate pictured shoving Superintendent Rainey Briggs (far left) off the stage. In 2018, the same high school made national news after a photo emerged of several students performing the Nazi salute (TV43 Baraboo)

Baraboo School District spokesperson Hailey Wagner told local outlet WiscNews they have referred a disorderly conduct charge for the man to the Sauk County District Attorney’s Office.

“We would like to emphasize that the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and community members is a top priority,” Wagner said in a statement.

Six years ago, a photo taken by a student’s parent emerged depicting a group of former and current male students doing a Nazi salute. One boy in the front row can also be seen forming his index finger and thumb into an “OK” sign, a symbol co-opted by followers of far-right and white supremacist movements.

“The photo of students posted to #BarabooProud is not reflective of the educational values and beliefs of the School District of Baraboo,” Lori Mueller, the district’s superintendent at the time, told The Independent in 2018. “We are investigating and will pursue any and all available and appropriate actions, including legal, to address.”

Mueller later wrote in a letter that the school district “not in a position to punish the students for their actions” because of their right to free speech.

“As previously stated, we cannot know the intentions in the hearts of those who were involved,” Mueller wrote, according to The Wisconsin State Journal.

A group of current and former Baraboo High School students pictured performing the Nazi salute (Twitter)

Last week’s eventful graduation also came amid rising tensions between the district and parents.

Several parents have voiced complaints about superintendent pay and “management of district resources,” local outlet Wisconsin Right Now reports, with some even attempting to recall School Board President Kevin Vodak.

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