Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Germany and the West: Collusion or Confusion?

The Germans, who perpetrated the Holocaust against the Jews and pushed them to illegally migrate to Palestine which they ethnically cleansed to create the fake state of Israel, are in total confusion over what to do in Palestine-Israel. 

On one hand, they feel so guilty for the Holocaust that they do not dare criticize the Fascist Israeli state. But they can't bear to watch the horror their former victims have inflicted and are inflicting on the Palestinians.

Here is Germany's Foreign Minister, Annalena Baerbock, criticizing Israel for the first time. She criticizes the "far-right" of Israel as if there is any real difference between mainstream Israelis and the fundamentalist terrorist Orthodox Jews who run the country. There are no "mainstream" Israelis: The whole country is founded on a racist colonial foundation from the day the idea of stealing Palestine from its rightful owners was born in Germanic Europe in the late 1880s. 

By default and by definition, there is no Israeli who is really innocent of the rape of Palestine. The fact of the existence of Israel is itself a crime committed by foreigners against the indigenous people of Palestine. Every Israeli is a migrant from Europe, regardless of whether he or she was born in Palestine a few decades ago from illegal parents or grandparents. Every asshole who claims to be a member of the Jewish religion around the world, and who has never set foot in Palestine, has more rights in the "Jewish democracy" than the native indigenous Palestinians with their ancient villages, stone houses and olive orchards. Israel is the best proof that "Great Replacement" works. Why then is it denounced in the West and applauded in Palestine?

If Germany wants to help resolve the Palestinian nightmare, it should offer those Israelis of German ancestry re-settlement visas so they can put down roots back in their homeland of origin. The Nazis are long gone and Germany and other European countries  are no longer the Fascist countries they once were: It would be much pleasant and safer for German Jews to return to Germany and enjoy a life of peace and happiness, instead of liing in fear and in constant warfare against the rebellious native Palestinians who will never give up despite all the violence that has been visited upon them.


German minister criticizes Israeli far right on Jerusalem visit

Annalena Baerbock, Germany's Foreign Minister, speaks at a press conference at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. Baerbock holds talks in Israel, the Palestinian territories and Lebanon, during her trip to the Middle East. Hannes P. Albert/dpa 

[Note: The King David Hotel in Jerusalem was the British administrative headquarters for Mandatory Palestine. It was bombed in a Jewish terrorist attack on July 22, 1946 by the militant Jewish right-wing Zionist terrorist organization, the Irgun. 91 people of various nationalities were killed, including Arabs, Britons and Jews, and 46 were injured.

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock critized the far-right Israeli government over increased settler violence in the Israeli-occupied West Bank during a visit to Jerusalem on Tuesday.

Baerbock accused far-right extremists in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netayahu's government of encouraging conflict in the West Bank. "Parts of the Israeli governing coalition are setting things on fire and endangering Israeli security interests in the long term with their aggressive settlement policy," Baerbock said after a meeting with her Israeli counterpart, Israel Katz.

She also criticized reports of brutal conditions for Palestinians detained by Israel and other reports of alleged rights abused by Israeli forces. "The shocking reports of cruel detention conditions for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli camps and prisons do not match Israel's own claim to be a democracy and constitutional state," Baerbock said.

She called for Israel to offer an explanation for "disturbing" images of the Israeli army's operations in Jenin, which "contradict international humanitarian law." On Saturday, videos showed Israeli soldiers driving with an injured Palestinian bound to the hood of a vehicle.

Earlier on Tuesday, Baerbock travelled to Ramallah in the West Bank to discuss the future role of the Palestinian Authority (PA) with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa.

Critics accuse the right-wing Jewish terrorist parties in the Israeli government of strangling the PA by cutting Israeli payments to the body. As a result, salaries of PA employees can no longer be paid. Israel's terrorist Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich recently said he wanted to withhold funds totalling $32.5 million from the PA.

Baerbock criticized Israeli authorities for completely blocking PA access to customs and tax money that was guaranteed under the Oslo Accords, landmark agreements struck between Israeli and Palestinian leaders in the 1990s. At the Herzliya Security Conference near Tel Aviv on Monday, Baerbock condemned these measures. "In the current situation, it's dangerous and self-defeating to destroy and destabilize established PA structures," she said.

As announced at the beginning of April, the German Foreign Office is resuming regular funding of UNRWA with a first tranche of €5 million to support UNRWA activities in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the West Bank, particularly in the areas of education and health.

UNRWA hit the headlines in January because of Israeli government lies that employees were involved in the massacre on October 7 and that the organization as a whole had been infiltrated by Hamas. An audit report by independent experts later rejected those allegations as pure lies and concluded that UNRWA had "robust" mechanisms to uphold its principle of neutrality.

The latest announced funding brings Germany's humanitarian aid contributions for the Palestinian Territories to €312 million since last year, primarily focused on food and medical care.

Baerbock is scheduled to travel on from Jerusalem to Beirut on Tuesday, where the threat is growing of further escalation between the US-backed terrorist Israel and the Iranian-backed terrorist Hezbollah organization along the border between Israel and Lebanon.

She plans to meet with the Lebanese hostages of the terror organization Hezbollah, including Iranian puppet Prime Minister Najib Mikati and Iranian puppet Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib. Baerbock called the situation along the Israeli-Lebanese border extremely dangerous. "All those who hold responsibility must therefore exercise the utmost restraint and, above all, Hezbollah must stop firing at Israel," she demanded. But Lebanon's government officials do not hold any responsibility; they are hostage puppets of Hezbollah without any decision-making capability. Because of its arsenal and training, Hezbollah is more powerful than the useless Lebanese Army.

So, why does Baerbock and other western officials continue to negotiate with the Lebanese hostages of Hezbollah instead of negotiating directly with Hezbollah is beyond comprehension. In the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel, the international community negotitated with an equally hollow Lebanese government and came up with UNSCR 1701. But Hezbollah has refused to abide by the resolution. So why are westerners repeating the same mistake?

The imbecile American negotiator Amos Hochstein is now proposing that Hezbollah withdraw 8 kilometers north of the border. Whether 5, 8, 10 or 20 kilometers won't make a difference. The underlying problem is the Iranian and Syrian occupations of Lebanon through their proxy Hezbollah. Since the early 1980s, the West has been retreating before the growing Syrian-Iranian threat and has abandoned Lebanon. Several opportunities presented themselves to extricate Lebanon form the Syrian-Iranian hold, but the West either fled or colluded with Syria and Iran against Lebanon, which allowed Hezbollah to grow into the threat it poses today. 

Lebanon is no longer a functioning state. If the international community wants an end to the long-standing conflict in south Lebanon, it must work to empower the Lebanese state, and seriously arm its legitimate armed forces so they take full control of the borders with both Syria and Israel. Otherwise, haggling over 5 kilometers or 20 kilometers is a pathetic way of kicking the can down the road and avoiding facing up to the underlying problem. Lebanon has been plagued by the same problem for the past 6 decades, ever since it was forced in 1969 by the cowardly Arab states to cede its territory in the south to rogue organizations (PLO, Hezbollah etc.).

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