Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Genocidal Israel is making peace impossible

While there was great pain in Palestine this weekend at the murder of 274 innocent Palestinians by the terror Zionist army, the fate of the 2.2 million Palestinians still trapped in Gaza remains shrouded in darkness.

Given the way Israeli Jewish terrorists routinely kill Palestinians and steal their land, it does not bear thinking what is happening to the Palestinian nation still held hostage by illegal Jewish immigrants intent on genociding them and annihilating their identity.

Israel does not see the Palestinian people as humans. Like other violent European and American Fascists of the past, they believe this gives them permission to treat the people of Palestine with an animalistic brutality that is painfully hard to comprehend.

This is why one Israeli settler terrorist excitedly called his family right after the murder of 274 Palestinians, mostly women and children sheltered in a school in Gaza, to share his news: “Hello Dad, I’m talking to you from my [Socialist] kibbutz in Israel. Open WhatsApp and see. I killed twenty Palestinians with my own hands. Your son killed Palestinian Arabs! I’m talking to you from a Palestinian woman’s phone. I killed her and her husband, their blood on my hands... Hold your head high with pride, Dad, we are clearing Israel of the Palestinian animals.”

This mass murderer is one of thousands of Israel Death Forces (IDF) terrorists who share a racist, Jewish supermacist and psychopathic mentality driven by colonial ambitions and ultra-religious fanaticism.

At the heart of this dark vision is Benjamin Netanyahu and his fanatic ultra-religious terror buddies Ben-Gvir and Smotrich who have been planning the genocide of Palestinians and their expulsion for decades so that more barbarian Zionist Jews can continue the theft of Palestine. They are genocidal ultra-religious fanatic ideologues who believe that the Zionist Jews will eventually erase Palestine from the map and that everything and anything is justified in the name of the Zionist criminal colonial enterprise.

Yet the horrible truth is that Netanyahu cares nothing for Israeli lives either. Any amount of brutality is acceptable in order to achieve his goals. Why did one of his ministers just jump ship and resign from the government? Simply because of Netanyahu's insistence on proceeding with the planned Zionist genocide of Gaza's Palestinians to be followed by the West Bank Palestinians and the so-called "Israeli Palestinians" of the Galilee and Northern Israel. The "purely Jewish supremacist democracy!"

Those demonstrating in the streets of Tel Aviv and elsewhere in support of Israel should ask themselves why Israel has ignored all manner of ethics and humanity to protect the innocent Palestinian civilians from Israeli bombs. The answer is simple: Israel not only does not care if Palestinian men, women and children die; it wants them dead. It wants to torture them, kill them, starve them and render them so desperate that they will "voluntarily" leave Gaza for the desert of Sinai.

It is remarkable how many people in the West have chosen to ignore the brutal dynamics of Israel's expansionist ambitions. They do not ask themselves why Israeli terrorists continue to drop 2,000-lb bombs on schools, hospitals and UN facilities. They do not seem to notice that Israel is clearly embarked on a program of extermination of a people whose land it stole to create its "homeland" in 1948, and is now completing this project.

And as they raise their Israeli flags and spread toxic hate on social media, the Zionists utterly fail to recognize that while Israel has played the victim and enjoyed widespread international support, its Orthodox Haredim and fanatic settlers - who define the soul of the Zionist entity - have a consistent history of summarily executing indigenous Palestinians, killing journalists, subjugating women and hunting down gay people, uprooting ancestral olive groves, and demolishing ancient stone houses built by the Palestinians centuries ago.

The obvious but often overlooked truth is that the pressure to end the war should be focused firmly on Israel and on the day after the war. By withdrawing from Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem, giving up their hyper-militarized hypocritical approach to peace, and recognize an independent sovereign Palestine, they could usher eternal peace in the region.

But talking to experts over the last few days it has become clear that Netanyahu and his criminal Zionist gangsters are in no rush for a ceasefire. They are engaged in the long term Zionist project - the only project in fact - to implement the greatest Replacement of human history, namely to eliminate the historic nation of Palestine from existence and replace it with the artificial Doctor-Moreau hybrid monster called Israel.

The UK Government, EU leaders and President Biden must urgently adjust their focus, both publicly and diplomatically. They must understand that the Zionists do not want peace. They never wanted peace. They created all the conditions for a permanent state of war that gives them the leeway to steal land and kill more Palestinians. Their raging fanaticism has blinded them to the fact that they cannot survive in the region if they persist in using violence and genocide. Only a free, sovereign, independent Palestine can open the way for a resolution to this nightmare that European Jews brought to Palestine in their Bronze Age delusional fulfillment of garbage fiction from the Torah.

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