Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Nazi Germans - after 75 years - Disapprove of Israel's Palestinian Land Theft

Westerners who have supported or ignored the rape of Palestine by their own Jewish European colonial settlers for the past 75 years are now finally waking up. They have watched, and indeed encouraged, the foreign racist Zionists over several decades steal the land of Palestine and dehumanize the Palestinian people. And now they realize the monstrosity of having encouraged the creation of a fake Jewish colony in a land that belongs only to the Palestinian people. It might be that the westerners no longer bear the guilt of their grandparents' Fascist murder of 6 million of their own Jews, while also fearing that the cancerous "Israel" gangrene will morph into cataclysmic wars and massive waves of migration toward Europe. But isn't it too little too late?


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