Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Why Fundamentalist Zionists Reject Palestine?

Because colonialist Zionism was based on the Big Lie of "a land without people for a people without land".

For Netanyahu and his barbarian fundamentalist Jews to accept a Palestinian state would destroy the very foundational myth of Zionism. They would have to recognize the existence of the Palestinian people whose land they stole and whom they ethnically cleansed to create their Jewish colony in Palestine.

Which is why there will never be peace in Palestine until the Zionists abandon their bullshit biblical dream based on biblical bullshit stories written by smelly old desert nomads from the Bronze Age. 

If they insist in their current posture, they will have to live in constant fear, constant warfare, and continue committing crime after crime, including what they seem to be preparing for: Ethnically cleansing-expelling-exterminating the remaining 4 million Palestinians from the West Bank. What else to expect from illegal foreign migrants and terrorists from Europe (and recently from the United States) who have never ceased trespassing, massacring the natives and stealing their land? 

The Palestinians will never give up resistance. They would have to be really stupid to accept their expulsion from their native land into filthy refugee camps and their land be taken from them by violence and terrorism (Jewish terrorism began in the 1920s and continues to the present time) to make way for illegal foreign settlers driven by religious fanaticism from the Bronze Age of humanity?

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