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Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Israeli military official : We Cannot Destroy Hamas

The Jewish colony in Palestine is finally admitting that it cannot defeat Palestinian identity and nationhood.

Palestinian resistance to colonial Israel has taken different forms over the past century:

- It began as a grassroots indigenous Palestinian uprising against illegal Jewish migration into Palestine under the mandate of the British crooks in the 1920s and 1930s.

- After the violent genocidal founding of the Jewish colony in 1947, it became a broader "Arab" nationalist secular movement during the war of 1948 when Arab armies tried unsuccessfully to prevent the birth of the artificial Jewish state. 

- Arab nationalism remained the Palestinian resistance main umbrella after the coup d'etats against the monarchies of Iraq, Egypt and others. It was led by Gamal Abdel-Nasser of Egypt and the Syrian and Iraqi Baathist parties in the 1950s and 1960s.

- By the mid-1960s, Palestinians realized that the Arab countries had failed them in securing a Palestine free from Zionist occupation. In 1965, Yasser Arafat founded the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), a move that asserted a Palestinian national identity and movement independent from Arab countries and Arab nationalism. That Palestinian nationalist move was confirmed by the defeat of the Arab armies in the 1967 war with Israel, where Palestine lost more land. The PLO was a federation of many Palestinian organizations, none of which was Islamic in nature. They were nationalists, Baathists, Communists, etc..

- By the 1970s and 1980s, the PLO and its affiliates managed to impose themselves on the world stage as representatives of the Palestinian people. Yasser Arafat was introduced to the world community at the UN in 1974 by the Lebanese president Sleiman Frangiyeh. The war that the Jordanians (1970), then the Lebanese Christians (1975-1982), fought against the Palestinians forced the internationalization of the Palestinian resistance movement. 

- By the 1990s, those who succumbed to the Zionist pressure against the Palestinians slowly came around to recognizing the Palestinian liberation movement. From an organization labeled as terrorist by virtually all the West, the PLO became the government of a nascent Palestinian state, the Palestinian Authority, following the Oslo Accords in 1993.

- When the Palestinians realized that the Zionists had lied to them - by continuing the home demolitions, uprootings, land theft and settlement policies over land that was slated to become an independent Palestine - the Palestinians joined the rising tide of Islamic fundamentalism in the late 1990s (Al-Qaeda etc.). That is when Hamas and the Islamic Jihad organizations were born in the belief that a deceitful Israel had defrauded Arafat, the PLO and the secular Palestinian movements, and that an Islamist platform could garner friends as far as Afghanistaan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and other Muslim, but non-Arab, countries.

In sum, Hamas is only the latest manifestation of Palestinian resistance; its radical Islamism does not diminish the underlying Palestinian national resistance to Israeli Zionist colonialism which is itself a radical fundamentalist Jewish movement.

As Israel continues to sink into confusion given its defeat at prosecuting the war in Gaza, an Israeli military spokesman admitted yesterday that Hamas cannot be made to “disappear”, in stark contrast with Netanyhau's aim of not only defeating Hamas, but destroying it. In return, the war criminal Netanyahu rebuked his own spokesman for telling the truth.

“The idea that it is possible to destroy Hamas, to make Hamas vanish — that is throwing sand in the eyes of the public,” Israel Death Forces (IDF) spokesman Daniel Hagari said Wednesday in an interview. In the confusion and incompetence, the IDF tried to re-emphasize that the government is committed to the destruction of Hamas and that Hagari was only referring to Hamas “as an ideology and as an idea.” But if you cannot destroy an idea, there will always be someone like Hamas behind it. This goes to show that Israel's original founding idea of establishing an imported colonial Jewish state in lieu of the historic Palestinian nation has failed.

The cracks that are deepening between the Israeli government and its military is evidence of the colonial artificiality of the made-up state of Israel. Barring the violence Israel has always relied on to force itself in Palestine, its leaders like Netanyahu lack a strategy: If they recognize and make genuine peace with Palestine, the Zionists would have lost their wager and their rasion d'etre is seriously jeopardized. If on the other hand they continue "securing" their fake state with sheer brutal violence, they run the risk of digging their own grave. 

After eight months of war, and with the prospect of many more wars to come, as with Hezbollah on its northern border, there is growing fears that Israel’s military may be unable to achieve those aims and that Hamas could remain a potent ideological force. Again, despite is despised Islamist ideology, Hamas is fundamentally a justifiable resistance of an indigenous people on its native soil against a barbarian colonial occupation by foreign settlers holding an equally despicable religious ideology.

“Telling the public that there will be no terror in Gaza, no military operatives, no rockets and no armed men is a lie,” Hagari said. “There will be terror in Gaza. Hamas is an idea, deeply rooted in the hearts of the residents of Gaza. To replace those who handle civil services and distribute or steal food, something else needs to be established. This is a decision for the political echelon, and the army will implement it.”

In a sign that Israel’s cabinet may be tempering its initial war aims of destroying Hamas in its entirety, government spokesperson David Mencer said that eliminating Hamas’ “military and government capabilities” does not “necessarily mean” killing every member of the group. Oh, now I see. This clarifies everything.

During discussions about the US-backed ceasefire plan, Netanayhu also appeared to have backed down from his maximalist rhetoric. A statement issued last week by his office said Israel will not end the war “before achieving all its war objectives: destroying Hamas’s military and governing capabilities, freeing all the hostages and ensuring Gaza doesn’t pose a threat to Israel in the future.” The statement did not reference Netanyahu’s oft-repeated promise of total victory, nor the destruction or elimination of Hamas in full.

The IDF’s decision to do tactical pauses in Gaza also drew fierce criticism from the savage extremist fanatic Jews in Netanyahu’s coalition. National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said whoever made the decision to "pause" the killing of innocent Palestinians “is evil and a fool who should not continue to be in his position.” That foolish and evil person is none else but Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Talk of harmony inside the Jewish terror government.

As far as the other objective of the Jewish butchery in Gaza against innocent Palestinians, there is no hope left that Israel will be able to return the hostages. In fact, the hostage holders themselves do not know how many hostages they still have. Many hostages were killed by the idiotic soldiers of the IDF themselves. A senior Hamas official said last week he has “no idea” how many of the 120 remaining hostages in Gaza are still alive. 

Finally, the Hezbollah threat in northern Israel is itself more untenable for the Zionists than Hamas has been. Hezbollah is much better armed, war experienced (in Syria), and has increasingly shown advanced sophistication. For Israel to eliminate the Hezbollah threat requires it to use a level of savagery against Lebanon that dwarfs its brutality in Gaza. This is "Stragetic defeat" means: When you are in the wrong (the colonial creation of an aritificial Jewish colony in the heart of the Arab world), there is nowhere for you to go but down. Just like the Christian Crusaders who came to retrieve their promised land some 1,000 years ago. They lasted a couple of centuries, then packed their filth and returned home. Israel is no different: the Zionist idiots thought they could turn history's clock back to the Bronze Age.  

Bottom line: Israel's Zionist project has failed. It must grant the Palestinians genuine independence and live with the risk of an independent Palestine right next to it. It should drop all the Bronze Age bullshit about Judea and Samaria and withdraw to the 1967 borders if it wants to have a chance at surviving in a region where it insists on making enemies and no friends.

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