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Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Israeli "High-Tech" Incompetence: Zionists Resort to Medieval Weapons on Lebanon Border

Having scored its invincibility reputation by fighting off incompetent conventional Arab armies back in the 1940s and 1970s, the Zionist colonial settler army finds itself helpless in fighting guerilla warfare in both Palestine and South Lebanon. Given their desperation at ever winning such a war by conventional means, despite their breast-feeding mother America supplying them with the latest high-tech weaponry, the Jewish colonial settler troops were recently caught resorting to medieval "trebuchet" weapons, catapults and slingshots in their fighting at the Lebanese border. Some sightings have also been reported of Israeli soldiers hurling rocks across the border, inspired it seems by the main Palestinian resistance weapon: rocks and stones. 

A trebuchet is a medieval siege weapon made of wood with a long arm that, when released, catapults a projectile — in this case, a fireball — at its target.

The news of this regression of the "invincible" Israeli army sparked consternation and confusion, as it shows how helpless the Jewish colony in Palestine has become at defending itself, let alone win any war since 1973. 

The trebuchet largely disappeared from the battlefield in the 15th century. It slings a flaming projectile over a fortified wall. One soldier was seen holding a fire extinguisher in case the trebushet malfunctions and throws the projectile at him or his fellow soldiers.

A Zionist military official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of the embarassment, said the weapon was authorized by the Israeli  Death Forces (IDF) because of the difficulty it is facing at controlling the situation in northern Israel where 100,000 Jewish settlers were evacuated further south for the past 8 months and have not been able to return to their settlements (which are built atop ethnically-cleansed native indigenous Palestinian villages). 

In an attempt to hide the embarassment, the Zionist military official said that these medieval weapons were sanctioned by the leadership only in an attempt at burning away thick shrubbery along the border where Hezbollah terrorists are stationed. The Israel Death Forces did not respond to a request for a formal comment.

The low-tech siege weapon appeared to be made of wood and rope in contrast to the high-tech weaponry that has become standard in modern warfare. Unfortunately for the Jewish settler troops, the trebuchet is not a precision weapon, which confirms the level of desperation in the Jewish colony in Palestine.

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