Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Nothing but the truth. Even if against me.

Friday, June 21, 2024

What Do you Do When Your Two Worst Enemies Fight Each Other?

You celebrate. You have a beer and watch with delight as two groups of primitive people hauling crap from the Bronze Age go at each other's throat.

That is what I like about being in Lebanon right now. I had been traveling for several months recently and I made it a point to come here and watch in person the upcoming war between Jewish racist fundamentalist Israel and Muslim racist fundamentalist Hezbollah. The sight of two ultra-religious barbarians from the dark ages of humanity killing one another is a sight to be beholden, for there is really - let's admit it - no God-Yahweh-Allah-Dieu-Dios etc, a.k.a. the Big Zombie in the Sky ... that will take sides with either one of these two criminal groups, nor will he in his non-existent wisdom ever punish these savages for killing tens of thousands of people in his name.

Personally, I do not believe in anything. I have no "faith". Only idiots have "faith". Although I was unwillingly brainwashed from the day I was born into one of the three monotheistic cults - the scourge of the earth - I have freed myself of any "faith". Faith is the suspension of reason, which allows you to believe bullshit without evidence. I am now a free human being.

With the upcoming Olympic games in Paris, I get to alternate between watching Beirut being destroyed by Israel's 2,000-lb bombs graciously provided by Uncle Sam (who is also the Uncle Tom of the Zionists) and watching speed skating, relay races or the high jump. Over the past 50 years, beautiful Beirut was destroyed so many times by the Palestinians, Syrians, Israelis and their American, Saudi, Iranian and other allies, that I am not at all bothered by one more destruction. 

What do we stand to lose? A few digusting soul-less buildings built by the Saudi puppet ex-prime minister Rafik Hariri can go to hell. Back in the 1990s, the idiot had a chance to preserve Beirut's millennial souks and bazaars dating as far back as Phoenician and Roman Beirut, but he rased all of Beirut's ancient history to erect his ugly shiny Saudi-inspired buildings. Sadly, though, after licking the asses of everyone, including the US, Saudi Arabia, France as well as Syria, Iran and Hezbollah, the imbecile was killed by his "resistance" allies who placed a bomb specially designed for him right in front of his buildings in downtown Beirut.

Meanwhile, "it's summertime and the living is easy"... Up here in the mountains, you can see Beirut from a distance. So when the bombing begins, you can actually sit down under a graceful grapevine, sip a glass or two of arak, gulp down a few beers, and watch without being directly impacted, like Nero watching Rome burn. Barbarian Israel will focus initially on the south, near the ancient cities of Tyre and Sidon whose ancient Phoenician and Roman ruins were pilfered by the Zionists when they invaded in 1982 to remove Yasser Arafat's PLO. The barbarian Jews will in all likelihood repeat their pilfering this time around too if they succeed in reaching Tyre and Sidon, but with one major difference: This time Israel will seize the Lebanese south and annex it, to the chagrin of those Lebanese who love their Phoenician heritage.

Keep in mind as well that in the last Israel-Hezbollah war in July 2006, Hezbollah was not in the Lebanese government or parliament. It was still a rogue private militia that had evicted the Lebanese state and army from the south so it could continue "liberating" Palestine after the PLO's defeat and eviction. So Israel targeted Hezbollah's supply lines (bridges, airports, etc.) but did not target official Lebanese institutions (ministries, army barracks etc.).

This time, Hezbollah is not only in parliament and in the government, it has hijacked the entire state and runs the country. So Israel will in all likelihood target everything, inluding army barracks, ministries, and administrations.

For its part, Hezbollah is threatening the Jewish state with devastating waves of rockets and missiles that apparently can reach everywhere in Israel. If the interception rate of 95% of Israel's iron dome system is accurate, there will be at least some missiles that will reach deep into every city and town of Israel. And Israel will retaliate by bombing anything and everything in Lebanon. 

The silverback leader of Hezbollah is even threatening Cyprus (some 130 miles across the Mediterranean) if it lends its airfields to Israel and its western allies. This will drag the European Union into the killing festival. I don't think there ever was a war with such a multicultural, diverse assembly of combatant parties. The upcoming war in Lebanon is likely to overshadow the Paris Olympics. 

Given the reach of modern warfare (drones, guided missiles, etc.), the war might come very near anywhere you are in the country. I do have a solid poured concrete basement that might serve as a shelter where I have stashed lots of beer cases. I also might go to the beach and ponder in the hot sand and the cool breeze the barbarity of religions and their "faithful" who drag stories, myths, and fictions from thousands of years ago into our world today. The Jews drag their desert hallucinations (frog rains, ocean-splits, knocked-up 100-year old spinsters), tribulations and disputes with Yahweh, as well as their murderous ethnic cleansing of the Canaanites of Palestine on order from Yahweh himself, and their supposed ownership of Canaan as a land grant from Yahweh. The Muslims, the Shiites of Hezbollah in particular, drag a deadly political fight between Arabs (the Sunnis) and Persians (Shiites) over political power after the death of Mohammed. Some 1,300 years ago, Shiite military leaders - Hassan and Hussein, sons of the Caliph Ali - were killed in battle by the Sunnis. You'd think that after 1,300 years, this case would be put to rest. But no, every year at Ashoura, the Shiites walk in the streets flogging themselves and slicing themselves with much disgusting bloodletting as they mourn Hassan and Hussein.

The French and the Germans have become friends after a century of wars. The Americans and the Japanese are also best friends after WWII and Hiroshima. There are no civilizations or countries today that still hold grudges that are as old as those involving Shiites and Jews; in fact, they both are paranoid cultures, always claiming to be the world's top victims and walking around saying that everyone is against them.

Finally, if Israel manages to push the Shiites out of the south and further north, they will flee to the Bekaa Valley near the Syrian border. But, as the Palestinians did in the past, Hezbollah might seek revenge for its defeat by Israel by invading the Christian areas of Lebanon. They might also invade the Sunni Muslim areas too. This would dramatically change the dynamics of the war as it would send Lebanon into a spiraling civil war, the Christians, the Druze and the Sunnis are probably arming themselves as we speak in order to face a scenario of a Hezbollah invasion of the rest of Lebanon while Israel invades the south.

Alea jacta est.

Hanibaal Atheos

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